Corporate America Supports You (CASY)
Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN)

Veteran - Military Spouse - Military Youth
Job Placement Program

9,052 VERIFIED hires in 2018 and counting
41,000 VERIFIED hires since 2010

15 years of tracked success as Nonprofit Organizations

The Schultz Family Foundation will give a 50% match for every dollar raised by CASY & MSCCN

96 cents of EVERY dollar is spent on mission
as verified by an independent Deloitte third party audit.

What’s L O VE Got To Do With It? MSCCN is dedicating its no-cost job placement services to the families of the National Guard and Military Reserves. We’re proud to announce our methodical launch of MSCCN’s L O VE program: Leveraging Opportunities and Vocations for Employment .

From Deb Kloeppel, Founder and President, MSCCN; “This is the most relevant and meaningful undertaking in MSCCN’s proud and successful history as the preeminent military spouse job placement program in the nation. As a military Reserve spouse (ret), I see this program as a natural and organic fit. We’ve already heard from other Branches of the Military, their growing interest to join our L O VE Program. We will collaborate with carefully vetted nonprofit organizations to ensure a concentric model of service to our military spouse and military youth job-seeking candidates." Click here to learn more about our services to our L O VE candidates.
OCEN: One Central Employment Network™
CASY & MSCCN's OCEN Program is a GREAT Success!

Four years ago, CASY & MSCCN launched a fully-realized and highly successful network of government programs, corporate recruiters, private foundations, corporate giving initiatives, small business and nonprofit partnerships to form our “OCEN” program. This amazing and streamlined employment connection eliminated mass confusion for job seekers and employers, state to state. In creating our O ne Central Employment Network™, we now directly connect military, veteran, military spouse, and military family member job seekers to demographic and industry specific job matches – quickly. Because we do not allow paid entities into our database of resumes, we ensure privacy and protection of the personal information and identity of our military affiliated candidates. IBM technology powers the case management and applicant tracking systems to ensure optimum performance to our candidates, and a magnificent reporting mechanism to our funders and government program partners.

For more information on OCEN click HERE

If you are interested in a partnership with OCEN, please contact Deb Kloeppel at

“We TRACK everything inside of CASY & MSCCN 24/7. Our numbers are REAL and VERIFIED" ... Deb Kloeppel

MSCCN maintains our strict compliance as an accredited charity with the prestigious
Better Business Bureau's
Wise Giving Alliance
20 Standards for Charity Accountability

MSCCN is a passionate, high-octane and metrics-driven program for military spouses, and military youth of working age. We are all military-affiliated and operate as job placement advocates for ALL Military Spouses: Active, Guard, Reserves, Retired, Widows, and Care Givers. All Military Youth are welcome to use our services.

Click to Review our accreditation here .

To Donors : Want to know if the nonprofit you plan to donate to meets the BBB WGA?
Go to and type in the name of the charity.

CASY remains the number ONE nonprofit in efficiencies and productivity to the Call of Duty Endowment for five consecutive years. CASY is the preeminent job placement program for Veterans, Military Service Members, National Guard, and Military Reserves.
Military Affiliated Candidates

  • One-on-One Job Advocacy until Job Placement
  • Live and On-Line Training for Resume Development
  • Train2Hire™ Job Placement Program
  • Direct Recruiter Engagement with Corporate and Small Business
  • Resolving Your Skill & Experience Gaps
  • Job Interview and Training Prep
  • LinkedIn Optimization
  • No-Cost Services to Military Affiliated Candidates
  • Career Progression; You are always qualified for our services for the life of your career needs.

We don’t stop there! We protect your personal information and personal identity completely. Monitoring your resume activity is our expertise. We do NOT allow paid entities into our resume database. We operate as job advocates when sending qualified candidates to the desktop of hiring managers.

Click below for your next job!

For Veterans, Transitioning Military, National Guard, Military Reserves:

For Military Spouses, Active Duty, Retired, Caregivers, Widows:

For Military Youth of Working Age:
CASY & MSCCN Job Placement Success Stories
We believe in one candidate, one job, and one job placement at a time.

Click below for our candidate's success stories.
CASY & MSCCN Partner Highlights

In partnership with CASY ( ), Swift Transportation is offering FREE Full Driver Scholarships to Veterans with an honorable discharge. BEGINNING this year, this amazing scholarship will be offered to all National Guard and Military Reservists. Contact Patrick Clark for registration details: or contact Deb at .

Pictured are the SWIFT Transportation Executive Management Team and RADM Dan Kloeppel (ret)
The Founders of CASY & MSCCN's Commitment

 "We're not building an empire for ourselves. We're creating a legacy for the sustainment of CASY and MSCCN. These programs will long outlive Dan and me!"
-Deb Kloeppel.
Founders of CASY & MSCCN, RADM Dan Kloeppel (ret) and Deb Kloeppel

To Our CASY & MSCCN Donors, From Deb Kloeppel :
“I believe in complete transparency in everything we do inside of our organizations. Our Board Members are all VOLUNTEERS, who pay their own way to board meetings twice a year.

We never hire consultants or vendors to create our marketing materials, websites, payroll, grant development and business development. Everything we do for our mission remains in-house.

We do not own buildings or property of any kind. We all work from home offices at CASY & MSCCN. We have ZERO overhead in this regard. All personnel are military-affiliated who work as independent contractors."

We publish all of CASY's financials & MSCCN's financials
We publish all of CASY's outcomes & MSCCN's outcomes
We publish CASY's Governance and MSCCN's Governance

For more information please contact Deb Kloeppel directly: or call 636.357.7524

Corporate America Supports You (CASY) |  1-877-696-7226 | | |
Military Spouse Corporate Career Network |  1-877-MY-MSCCN | |
Contact Deb Kloeppel at