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AMA Delegates to Convene This Week | MSD Submits Collective Bargain Resolution to House for Consideration |
| | Officials and members will gather in Chicago, Illinois to address policy at the Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates taking place June 7th - 12th. Based on the MSD Council-adopted resolution on collective bargaining, MSD submitted a resolution for the AMA House of Delegates' consideration, calling on the AMA to "investigate avenues for the AMA and other physician associations to aid physicians in initiating and navigating collective bargaining efforts, encompassing but not limited to unionization." The Medical Society of Delaware will be represented by its Delegation, comprised of Janice E. Tildon-Burton, MD, Delegate; Matthew J. Burday, DO, Alternate Delegate; Nancy Fan, MD, Organized Medical Staff Section Delegate; Nicholas O. Biasotto, DO, Senior Physician Section Representative; Cedric T. Barnes, DO, Minority Affairs Section Representative; Shalini B. Shah, MD, Private Practice Physician Section Representative; Dakota J. Degenstein, DO, Resident/Fellow Section Representative; and Mark B. Thompson, Executive Director.
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80th Anniversary of D-Day: June 6, 1944 | Return to Normandy: Remembering Those Who Were There |
On June 6, 1944, tens of thousands of soldiers landed on five beaches in Normandy, northern France. The largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare played a crucial role in the defeat of Nazi Germany and the liberation of Europe. The sixth of June is a date etched in the memories of generations as D-Day, when mainly US, British and Canadian forces combined to break Germany's hold. Currently, events are taking place in France to mark the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of France. President and First Lady Jill Biden met World War II veterans at the Normandy American Cemetery in Colleville-Sur-Mer, and thanked the forces who did their duty on D-Day. Let us treasure all those who died and those who are still with us who sacrificed in our darkest hours through extraordinary acts of bravery for our freedom.
"The eyes of the world are upon you … The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with you. Your task will not be an easy one … Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened, he will fight savagely … I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!" Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force, Message to the troops on June 6, 1944
Read more about Operation Overlord: Photo credit: U.S. Army.
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June 1st Marked the Start of Pride Month |
Saturday, June 1st marks the start of Pride Month. Celebrate our LGBTQ+ neighbors for their many contributions to our state and nation. The Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs has launched the "LGBTQ+ History of Delaware: We have always been here" project. The site explores the people, places and important documents, objects and memorabilia that have shaped LGBTQ+ history in the First State.
Visit the website.
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MSD "Pubs & Politics" Goes to Sussex County | The MSD Pubs and Politics series continued the tradition of bringing together physician members and Delaware legislators. It was great to see several candidates turn out Tuesday evening at the Starboard in Dewey Beach including Michael Katz, MD (US Senate Candidate), Tracey Miller (State Representative, 34th District Candidate) and Representative Mike Ramone (House Minority Leader, District 21, running for Governor). MSD will continue to host its Pubs and Politics events across the state throughout the year. Be sure to check the weekly newsletter for upcoming event details. Thank you to our sponsors, USI/MSDIS and DELPAC for their continued support of these events. | |
Candidate Michael Katz, MD talking with Christie Miller, MD; Jona Gorra, MD; and Cindy Siu, MD. | |
Candidate Mike Ramone with Southern Delaware Imaging Associates radiologists Ellen Albert, MD and Kimberly Gardner, MD. | |
Robert Varipapa, MD with Tracey Miller, candidate for State Representative of the 34th District | |
Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access |
MSD in conjunction with the Delaware Division of Public Health presents the "Hot Topic CME" event, Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access. This virtual event will take place on Thursday, July 18th beginning at 6 p.m. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Click to register.
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OCR Action to Ensure Access to Care | For Patients Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing |
This is the latest action that the OCR has taken to strengthen access to health and human services for people with disabilities.
On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced a settlement with Englewood Ear Nose and Throat (Englewood) to ensure effective communication and access to services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Englewood provides otolaryngology services, including the medical and surgical management of problems related to the ear, nose, and throat, for adults and adolescents in New Jersey. The settlement was the result of OCR’s investigation of Englewood regarding allegations that it discriminated against people who are deaf and utilize American Sign Language as their primary means of communication. Federal civil rights laws prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, including for sign language interpretation and when a person requests a companion to aid in a visit. Under the terms of the settlement, Englewood agrees to take several actions that ensure equal treatment of patients who are deaf or hard of hearing. “Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing should be able to schedule medical appointments and be seen by medical professionals just as easily as any other patient,” said OCR Director Melanie Fontes Rainer. “The law promises deaf and hard of hearing patients that they should receive care, free from discrimination, and have access to effective communication in appointments with their providers. Today’s agreement puts other health care providers and facilities on notice to prioritize the communication needs of their patients and follow the law.”
OCR entered into the agreement under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. These laws specifically require health care professionals to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services to ensure that their communication with individuals with disabilities is as effective as their communication with others.
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OCR Updates Change Healthcare Cybersecurity FAQs | Change Healthcare, Not Physicians, Must Notify Patients of Data Breach Exposure |
Last Friday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) published an update to the frequently asked questions (FAQs) webpage concerning the Change Healthcare cybersecurity incident. The webpage, first published on April 19, 2024, provides answers to FAQs concerning the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Rules and the cybersecurity incident impacting Change Healthcare, a unit of UnitedHealth Group (UHG), and many other health care entities.
The webpage updates address questions OCR has received concerning who is responsible for performing breach notification to HHS, affected individuals, and where applicable the media. Specifically, the FAQs make clear that:
- Covered entities affected by the Change Healthcare breach may delegate to Change Healthcare the tasks of providing the required HIPAA breach notifications on their behalf.
- Only one entity – which could be the covered entity itself or Change Healthcare – needs to complete breach notifications to affected individuals, HHS, and where applicable the media.
- If covered entities work with Change Healthcare to perform the required breach notifications in a manner consistent with the HITECH Act and HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, they would not have additional HIPAA breach notification obligations.
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CMS Adds Cyberattack Hardship Option to MIPS EUC | Relating to the Impact of the Change Healthcare Cyber-Attack |
Due to continued pressure by the American Medical Association (AMA) on the Administration and CMS about the ongoing impact the Change Healthcare Cyber-attack has had on physician practices, CMS has added an option to cite the cyberattack when requesting the 2024 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) hardship exception. To account for the increased number of physicians that have been impacted by a cyber-attack this year, CMS has specifically added a drop-down tab in the application to indicate the EUC is due to the Change cyber-attack. When in the EUC portal, physicians should select the event type as “ransom/malware.” Once a physician clicks on the event type “ransom/malware,” a drop-down box will appear asking whether the event pertains to the Change Healthcare Cyber-attack. Reference page 8 in the 2024 MIPS EUC Application User Guide for more details. The 2024 MIPS EUC portal is now open, and physicians have until December 31, 2024, to file a hardship application and avoid a 2026 MIPS negative payment adjustment.
When applying for a hardship, physicians have the option to request reweighting of up to four MIPS categories. Reweighting of all performance categories will result in avoiding a MIPS penalty of up to -9 percent in 2026. As a reminder, if a physician or group submits data, it will override the hardship exception and the physician or group may be scored.
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HIPAA Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy | Summary of OCR's Final HIPPA Rule |
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) published a Final Rule to modify the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule to support reproductive health care privacy. This action is part of the Biden Administration’s efforts to protect access to and privacy of reproductive health care after the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The Final Rule strengthens privacy protections by prohibiting the use or disclosure of protected health information (PHI) that relates to reproductive health care, by a covered health care provider, health plan, health care clearinghouse, or their business associate to a requestor to (1) conduct an investigation or impose any liability in order to seek, obtain, provide or facilitate reproductive health care, or (2) identify any person to conduct an investigation or impose a liability.
The Final Rule establishes several conditions and requirements that allow physicians to withhold certain medical information and to require an attestation from requestors stating they will not use PHI in a prohibited manner. The American Medical Association (AMA) has provided a digest of the rule’s regulatory preamble and information pertinent to protect patients, physicians, and to be compliant with the regulations. Physician are required to comply with the regulations by December 23, 2024.
The American Medical Association (AMA) will be providing a shorter document intended for physicians and their staff to better understand the complexities of the regulations and to help establish policy and procedures to protect PHI and come into compliance. MSD will circulate the document once it is available.
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CDC Enhanced Summer Influenza Surveillance Strategy | To Be Modified as New Information is Learned or Warrants Revised Approach |
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with the State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial (STLT) public health agencies, has developed a multi-faceted enhanced summer influenza surveillance strategy that will be modified as new information becomes available or the situation changes warranting a revised approach. For more information, please review the guidance listed under Online Resources below.
Online Resources
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Enforcement Discretion for Conjunctival Swab Use | FDA Indicates Acceptable Specimen Type for Novel Influenza A Virus Testing | On May 24, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted enforcement discretion for the use of conjunctival swabs as an acceptable specimen type with the CDC Human Influenza Virus Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, Influenza A/H5 Subtyping Kit. Laboratories may now submit conjunctival swabs from patients that meet Epidemiologic criteria AND either Clinical OR Public Health Response criteria for novel influenza A virus testing to their state public health laboratories for use with the CDC assay alongside a paired nasopharyngeal swab (NPS). These conjunctival swabs must be collected and transported using the same media as the paired NPS used with the currently cleared CDC kit. The risk posed by novel influenza A viruses to the public still remains low. Contact for any additional questions, comments, or concerns. | |
Interventions to Prevent Falls in Older Adults | USPSTF Final Recommendation Statement Released | The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released on Tuesday a final recommendation statement on interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults. The Task Force found that exercise can help prevent falls in adults 65 and older who are at increased risk. Additional interventions might be helpful for some older adults. To view the recommendation, the evidence on which it is based, and a summary for clinicians, please go here. The final recommendation statement can also be found in the June 4 online issue of JAMA. "The Task Force found that health care professionals can help prevent falls in adults 65 and older at increased risk by recommending structured exercise programs,” says Task Force member Li Li, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H. “Exercise is important to overall health, and its role in reducing falls is essential, as falls are the leading cause of injuries in older adults." | |
VRBPAC Recommends Fall COVID Vaccines Target JN.1 Variant | FDA to Decide Whether to Agree With Recommendation | The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) met in open session on Wednesday to make recommendations on the selection of the 2024-2025 formula for the COVID-19 vaccines. The committee of advisers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) voted to update the formula for the COVID vaccine ahead of an anticipated fall immunization campaign, now done annually to better protect against versions of the virus in circulation. The unanimous vote recommended a formula aimed at combating the variant JN.1 that dominated infections at the beginning of the year, or a version of it. Should the FDA agree with the VRBPAC's recommendation, the new vaccine will be a monovalent, offering protection against one coronavirus variant. Some previous vaccines have been bivalent, protecting against two variants. | |
FDA Advisory Committee Rejects MDMA for PTSD Treatment | First Psychedelic Therapy to Come Before the FDA | Various media outlets, including NPR, are reporting that a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientific advisory panel overwhelmingly voted against the use of MDMA (better known by its street name, ecstasy) for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to lack of evidence that the therapy is effective and that the benefits don't outweigh the risks to patients. Members critiqued the methodology of clinical trials by Lykos Therapeutics and therapist oversight, rather than the drug itself. The committee also rejected that the benefits of MDMA outweighed the risks under the FDA's proposed REMS program, a set of conditions placed on a drug to mitigate possible patient harms. The committee's vote is not binding, but can hold weight as the FDA decides whether MDMA can be legally used as a medical treatment in the US. | |
Best Practices for Defending Against DDoS Attacks | HC3 Releases Healthcare Sector DDoS Guide | The HHS Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) released a May 30, 2024, analyst note regarding distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. This document provides the health care sector best practices for defending against such threats. When prevention fails, organizations should be prepared to respond to a DDoS attack. HC3 stressed that early detection is crucial and common warning signs should be identified to recognize an attack. | |
Fox Chase Integrates Palliative Care Education | Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Pilot Study | A new integrated palliative care rotation for hematology/oncology fellows improved their palliative care knowledge and skill confidence, according to results of a pilot study presented on Monday this week by Fox Chase Cancer Center researchers at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. Despite national guidelines advocating that patients with advanced cancer receive dedicated palliative care services, many patients lack access to specialty palliative care due to workforce shortages. Training hematologists/oncologists to provide primary palliative care could close this gap and ensure basic palliative care needs of patients are met. During the pilot study, hematology/oncology fellows identified patients with palliative care needs from their hematology/ oncology practice and referred them to a palliative care clinic over a period of six months. Fellows then saw those patients in the palliative care clinic, as well as in the hematology/oncology clinic and during hospitalizations. During these visits, fellows were accompanied by attending physicians. The pilot program showed that participating in this rotation changed clinical practice and improved the palliative care knowledge and skill confidence of fellows. “Having seen these results, we believe this pilot could serve as a model for integrating palliative care education into hematology/oncology fellowships nationally,” stated Jessica Bauman, MD, lead author on the study and Chief of the Division of Head and Neck Medical Oncology and an Associate Professor in the Department of Hematology/Oncology at Fox Chase. | |
News From The Joint Commission | Use of Secure Text Messaging for Patient Information and Orders | Effective immediately, The Joint Commission updated its position about texting to communicate patient information and orders. Joint Commission-accredited health care organizations that implement a secure texting platform (STP) may text patient information and orders to members of the care team. Although computerized provider order entry (CPOE) remains the preferred method of order entry, organizations are permitted to text orders via an STP that transfers the information into the electronic health record (EHR). Previously, health care organizations were permitted to use secure text messaging to communicate patient information among members of the health care team; however, texting patient orders had been prohibited because of concerns related to the capability of texting platforms to protect information privacy and security and to incorporate texted information into the EHR. Read more. | |
Focus Pharmacy: Spotlight in Diabetic Care and Education | Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Program Coming to Smyrna! | A new Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Program (DSMES) is coming to Smyrna! The Focus Pharmacy Diabetes Center empowers their patients with education and innovative ways to fit diabetes care into all of their daily routines. Participants receive education and support from diabetes care specialists Dr. Tee, PharmD; and Dr. Bush, PharmD. Services offered, but not limited to, include carb counting, nutrition, meter training, injection, and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) training and more. These services can be offered in a flexible format, including telehealth. To help meet quality metrics for diabetes, refer your patients today for diabetes care through education, training and monitoring. Focus Pharmacy is located at 117 E. Glenwood Avenue in Smyrna. Contact them at (302) 471-3046. (Fax: 302/508-2275; | |
MSD Seeking Nominations for Prestigious Tilton Award | Nominate a Member Who Reflects the Qualities of MSD's Founding Father |
James Tilton, MD, MSD’s first President, is one of the most important physicians not only to MSD, but in our nation’s history. Saving countless lives during the Revolutionary War, he shaped the future of medicine in ways unknown to those times. His legacy is one of many firsts, both as a physician and historical figure. After a long hiatus, in 2017 MSD reimagined the Tilton recognition and began an annual event to pay tribute to outstanding physician members via the presentation of the Tilton Award.
Do you know a member physician whose personal sacrifice and performance is beyond expectation, who is advancing medicine, or is changing the lives of patients in extraordinary ways? We want to hear from you! MSD is seeking nominations from medical professionals, as well as members of the community to recognize an exceptional physician member. Please complete the Tilton Awards Nomination Form indicating why your nominee should be chosen to receive this prestigious award. Submission deadline is July 1st. Email the completed form to Lisa Gruss. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Gruss, External Affairs and Development Officer at or (302) 893-3907.
If you would like more information about sponsoring this event, please contact Lisa Gruss.
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Apply for an AMA ChangeMedEd Innovation Grant | Attention Residency Programs and Practice Settings! |
The American Medical Association is pleased to announce a request for applications for its 2024 ChangeMedEd Innovation Grant program. The AMA invites medical schools, residency programs and practice settings to apply.
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This round of innovation grants will focus on projects about coaching in medical education across the continuum of physician professional development. Specifically, the AMA seeks projects that address effectiveness of coaching through rigorous evaluation methodologies and projects that promote scalability and dissemination of coaching programs.
These projects may include, but are not limited to:
- Evaluation of impact of coaching on individual trainee performance, well-being, and personal growth & professional identity formation.
- Development, validation, and dissemination of measurement tools for assessing coaching program outcomes.
- Exploration of the role of technology (including AI) in supporting coaching delivery and evaluation.
- Development of scalable coaching models that can be easily replicated and adapted across different settings.
- Design of sustainable business models to support the long-term scalability and viability of coaching programs.
The AMA ChangeMedEd Innovation Grant program supports novel experiments while building a community of practice within the AMA ChangeMedEd Consortium. Inter-institutional collaborative projects will be particularly competitive. Applications from undergraduate medical education, graduate medical education and practice settings are welcome.
The deadline for applications is 5:00 PM CDT, June 21, 2024. Acceptances will be sent by August 2. Grants will start November 1.
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Massah T. Bassie, DO - Internal Medicine Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)
Heather Bittner Fagan, MD - Family Medicine, ChristianaCare, Darley Green
Dwight H. Fan, MD - Internal Medicine Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)
Mian A. Haroon, MD - General Surgery Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)
Bhayva S. Malkar, MD - Family Medicine Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)
Robert Rosenbaum, MD - Emergency Med, Emerg Medical Srvs & Preparedness
| Please join MSD in welcoming the newest member(s) of the Medical Society of Delaware. As the third oldest medical society in the country, MSD has an amazing history. Thank you for taking part in our continued success! | |
Hania Ahmer, MD - General Surgery Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)
Jacqueline N. King, MD - Emergency Med Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)
Stephanie A. Martinez, MD - Emerg Med Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)
Kevin D. McLane, DO - Internal Medicine Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)
Mona Moshet, MD - Emergency Medicine Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)
Jason M. Orciuolo, DO - Internal Medicine Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)
William J.M. Rinaldi, DO - Emergency Med Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)
| MSD members are afforded a seven-day review period from the date of this publication to comment regarding applicants for membership. Please contact Michelle Seymour at (302) 224-4905 or with any comments on the current pending member(s) listed above or if you know of someone interested in joining MSD. You could be eligible for a membership referral discount on your dues! | |
Christopher D. Pritting, MD |
MSD spotlights members throughout the state, highlighting medical students, residents, and practicing colleagues, whether they are new to membership or have been a member over the years.
This week’s spotlight is on Christopher D. Pritting, MD, General Surgery Resident at Bayhealth. Read more about Dr. Pritting.
If you would like to be featured in a future Member Spotlight, please contact Michelle Seymour (, Manager of Membership.
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MSD My Green Doctor Office Challenge | You May Win a Cash Prize! |
| | The Medical Society of Delaware has launched the 2024 MSD Green Office Challenge to encourage members to try the My Green Doctor environmental sustainability practice management program. MSD will give a $200 cash prize to each of the first 5 member practices that qualify for the Green Office Recognition Certificate in 2024. All practices that earn the Certificate will receive a special plaque and recognition by MSD for participating. My Green Doctor is a free money-saving membership benefit from the Medical Society of Delaware. Members use My Green Doctor’s “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” in their office practices to learn how to adopt environmental sustainability, save resources, mitigate climate change, and help create healthier communities. The program adds just five minutes to each regular office staff meeting or weekly office “huddle,” making small changes at each meeting that really add up. Everyone in your practice can register as Partner Society members at Use the discount code MGDMSD to get full free access to My Green Doctor, save $60 instantly, and save $1,000s in the first year. Register today and watch the “Three Minute Video” that explains how easy it is to add My Green Doctor to your next agenda, to qualify for the Green Office Recognition Certificate, and to win $200. You can do this! Questions? Contact Michelle Seymour and she will direct you to Dr. Todd Sack, Executive Director, My Green Doctor Foundation. Thank you to the Delaware Medical Education Foundation (DMEF) for awarding a grant for this program!
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MSD Year Round Charity - Consider a Donation | Kind to Kids Charity Foundation: A Future for Every Child, All Year Round |
As a year-round charity fundraising effort, MSD continues to support the Kind to Kids Foundation to make an impact in the lives of children and teens in foster care. You can donate items throughout the year from the "My Blue Duffel" Amazon Wish List. Your donation will provide direct support for a child in foster care. "My Blue Duffels" are emergency care kits given to children entering the foster care system. From the wish list, donors purchase items that are then sent to Kind to Kids to distribute. The children are victims of child abuse and neglect and are coping with trauma. Your gift will bring hope, love, and kindness to a vulnerable child. Kind to Kids Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit charity and your donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.
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Focus on the Practice Environment |
A health care organization’s chief wellness officer (CWO) has a significantly different role than that of a CWO in other industries. In health care, the CWO focuses on the unique needs of health care professionals and works to improve the efficiency of their practice environment. Critical areas include reducing EHR burden, building leadership skills that foster a culture of wellness, and improving workflows and team functions.
AMA STEPS Forward® offers a collection of engaging and interactive educational content designed to help put the joy back into medicine.
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Safety Information and Adverse Reporting Notices | Information on Recent Product Recalls and Safety Announcements |
SubG Endotracheal Tube
On February 20, 2024, Medline Industries, LP initiated a nationwide recall of 6 SubG Endotracheal Tubes with Subglottic Suction and 10 kits that contain these devices. The inflation tube and other device components have become detached and/or torn from the main tube, resulting in moisture buildup, loss of pressure, or inability to inflate. It has also been reported that the main tube is susceptible to tearing. The primary health and safety risks due to these defects include increased risk of patient re-intubation, delay in case and/or treatment, respiratory distress from loss of ventilation, uncontrolled loss of airway gases, and, if the device comes apart during use, partial or total airway obstruction and choking. These may lead to inefficient ventilation or failure to ventilate and oxygenate, hypoxemia, carbon dioxide retention, acidemia, organ ischemia, cardiorespiratory arrest, regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents, ventilator associated pneumonia, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, bleeding, tissue damage, and organ damage.
Crecelac Infant Formula
6/3/2024 - Dairy Manufacturers Inc. (D-M), of Prosper, TX is notifying consumers about a safety issue associated with a product that is an extension of an ongoing voluntary recall ( D-M initiated a voluntary recall on 05/24/24. Crecelac Infant 0-12 with an expiration date of 08/2025 was manufactured at D.M. Mexicana Sa De Cv in Monterey, Mexico and is part of this ongoing recall. D-M is now alerting consumers that a sample of this product has tested positive for Cronobacter spp. Cronobacter is a bacterium that can cause bloodstream and central nervous system infections, such as sepsis and meningitis, respectively. Complications from Cronobacter infection in infants can include brain abscess, developmental delays, motor impairments, and death.
Medtronic is recalling the StealthStation S8 Application Versions 1.2.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, and 1.0.1 after customer complaints about a software error causing numbers or letters to be missing from the displayed text and replaced by a space, in either the "distance to target" or "tip stop point" display during navigation. The missing digit may result in the mechanical depth stop being set too short or too long and may cause the surgeon to use an incorrect measurement for placement of the biopsy tip stop during navigation. The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Use of these devices may cause serious injuries, serious health consequences, or death. Please be aware, this recall is a correction, not a product removal.
Sulfite-Containing Compounded Drugs
FDA has received reports of allergic-type reactions potentially related to sulfite-containing compounded drugs. FDA is alerting health care professionals, compounders and patients about the risk of potentially serious allergic-type reactions to sulfite-containing compounded drugs. FDA recognizes that health care professionals and patients may be unaware of sulfite allergies or sensitivities. Studies have demonstrated that sulfites may cause allergic-type reactions in susceptible people, especially patients with asthma. Allergic-type reactions may include anaphylactic symptoms and life-threatening or less severe asthmatic episodes in susceptible people. FDA-approved prescription drugs containing sulfites are required to include a warning statement in the product labeling.
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The Bayhealth Foundation has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Bank of America (BofA). This grant will support Bayhealth’s Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs, which is improving access to healthcare services by bringing skilled physician residents to central and southern Delaware.
As of August 1, 2024, Bayhealth will no longer be providing outpatient dialysis services to non-admitted patients, except when needed for emergency care. This will enable the Bayhealth Hospital, Kent Campus Dialysis Department to continue its focus on providing dialysis for patients admitted who require this treatment during their hospitalization.
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Beebe Healthcare announced it is the first health system in Delaware to offer the Ion Endoluminal System. The state-of-the-art robotic-assisted navigational bronchoscopy advances the possibilities for streamlined minimally invasive lung cancer care. The health care system acquired the new technology in March and began offering procedures in April at the Margaret H. Rollins Lewes Campus. Ion’s robotic-assisted navigational bronchoscopy is performed using an ultra-thin scope to examine lesions that are smaller and deeper in the lungs than traditional scopes are able to reach. With this technology, Beebe patients can undergo this procedure to identify possible cancerous tumors even sooner, which is critical to lung cancer care and survivorship. In addition to the technology’s reach within the lung, the core benefit is that diagnosis and removal of lung cancer may be able to take place at the same time.
On Friday, June 7, Beebe Healthcare will host U.S. Sen. Tom Carper and U.S. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (both D-Del.) at the Specialty Surgical Hospital on the Abessinio Health Campus to highlight the hospital’s Community Mobile Health Clinic and Sprinter Van that currently make-up the health care system’s mobile health fleet, which was funded with a Congressionally Directed Spending Grant secured Delaware’s Congressional Delegation. The event will include a tour of the Community Mobile Health Clinic, as well as provide an update on the Community Harm Reduction Outreach Project, which also received federal funds and aims to reach the far corners of Delaware’s rural communities.
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The webinar "Empowering Care Teams: Pathways to Heart Health with Community Partners" will be presented on Tuesday, June 11th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. via zoom. Join Quality Insights and the Delaware Division of Public Health as they explore the pivotal role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) within care teams, focusing on their involvement in cardiovascular disease (CVD) management and the Healthy Heart Ambassador Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring (HHA-BPSM) program. Discover how integrating community partners into the care team can amplify your practice’s effectiveness in delivering comprehensive CVD care. Download the webinar flyer for additional details. Click to register.
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| | Poison Control Centers around the country are fielding a rise in calls related to children's ingestion of marijuana derived products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). From young children (ages 0-6) to adolescents, youth are consuming products with very high THC levels. These trends follow the increasing availability and potency of products containing THC. While there is a growing body of evidence on health impacts of THC consumption on youth, keeping pace with the evolving market availability of products is challenging. Research on the implications of marijuana policy on the safety of children is critical, as is the implementation of evidence-based solutions to prevent child injury. Join PolicyLab and The Poison Control Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) on June 13 at 11 a.m. ET for “The Clinical and Policy Landscape of Marijuana and Youth,” a virtual conversation with pediatric clinicians, researchers, and experts in substance use treatment, policy, and injury prevention who will discuss research on THC and youth, practice and policy considerations, and a changing landscape.
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Climate & Health Equity Webinar Series by the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health. Healthy and nutritious food has a pivotal impact on health; therefore, understanding the connection between soil, plant, and human health and exploring ways to improve food quality and equitable access is crucial in discussions about climate and health equity. Join virtually on Friday, June 14th from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. for Harvesting Justice: Bridging the Gap Between Soil, Plant, Human Health & Environmental Sustainability. This activity has been approved for 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Register.
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"Don't Play With Your Health." Neighbor Good Partners in conjunction with Our Vision For Vitality and the Delaware Division of Public Health are holding their annual Men's Health Fair on Saturday, June 15th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Solid Rock Community Center, 109 N. West St. in Dover. The event provides education and awareness to men of all ages to prevent illness and early death by providing preventive services and resources. To volunteer or provide support, visit
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| | Reserve your seat for the latest webinar. Precision Education in Medical Education: On-the-Ground Initiatives and Learnings will be held from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET on Monday, June 24. As part of the AMA's ChangeMedEd® initiative’s new strategic focus on precision education, the American Medical Association supported a supplement in the April 2024 issue of Academic Medicine entitled, “The Next Era of Assessment: Advancing Precision Education for Learners to Ensure High-Quality, Equitable Care for Patients.” In the supplement, authors compel readers to consider a next era of assessment that places the focus of assessment to ensure high-quality, equitable care for patients. The system of precision education in assessment is an approach that meets learners where they are in their development and helps them take the specific next steps needed to continue their development. This webinar features authors, Brian T. Garibaldi, MD MEHP and Eric Warm, MD from the ChangeMedEd® supplement in Academic Medicine who are taking novel approaches to apply precision education and use data and technology for effective assessment of learners at their own institutions. Register now.
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| | The Regional One Health Consortium’s biannual meeting, hosted by the First State, Partnership for One Health Delaware and sponsored by Delaware Public Health Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness Section will take place on Monday, June 24 from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. You are cordially invited to attend what may be a breakthrough in the One Health paradigm as we discuss CLIMATE and its impact on HEALTH. There are no fees to attend. The conference is a hybrid event being held at the STAR Campus with space on site for around 100 attendees. To register for this event please click the link below, click the register button, and then select the ticket that represents your intended participation method (on-site vs. virtual): For any questions or issues with the registration please contact Michael Owens, MPH, Delta Development Group, Inc., Email:
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The Disparities Solutions Center at Massachusetts General Hospital announces its Disparities Leadership Program (DLP) is now taking applications for the 2024-2025 class. Letters of intent are due Friday, July 12, 2024, and applications are due Friday, August 2, 2024. The DLP is a year-long executive education program designed for leaders from health care organizations who want to implement practical strategies to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health care, particularly through quality improvement. To date, over 569 participants from 236 organizations representing 35 states, Washington D.C., the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Canada, and Switzerland have participated in the program. To read more about the program, visit: Limited scholarships are available for public hospitals, Medicaid-managed health plans, and community health centers.
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MSD in conjunction with the Delaware Division of Public Health presents the "Hot Topic CME" event, Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access. This virtual event will take place on Thursday, July 18th beginning at 6 p.m. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Click to register.
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The MSD Young Physician Section Social scheduled for June 6th at the Riverfront's Constitution Yards in Wilmington was postponed due to weather and is now rescheduled for Thursday, August 1st from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. There will be complementary food and drink. Please register to attend.
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MSD Night at the Wilmington Blue Rocks! As a member of MSD, you are invited to attend the game on Friday, August 9 when the Wilmington Blue Rocks take on the Jersey Shore BlueClaws. Game time is 6:35 p.m. at Frawley Stadium in Wilmington. Following the game, a fireworks show will be presented. By registering for this event, you are reserving an entrance ticket for yourself and one $10 gift card that can be used at any concession stand at the stadium. Tickets for this event are offered at no charge to MSD members. Additional tickets may be purchased for $16 each, which can be purchased using the "Self-Pay Tickets" registration option. MSD members registering must be current with their 2024 membership renewal. Please contact MSD to renew your membership if needed. Click to register.
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Election season is fast upon us! Want to learn more about the candidates and their positions on health care? MSD members are invited to attend two Candidates' Night events in 2024. For questions, contact
For the first time: Primary Election Candidates' Night - August 13, 2024 at the Smyrna Opera House
General Election Candidates' Night - October 7, 2024
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SAVE THE DATE! For the third year in a row, MSD is joining DNREC's Coastal Clean Up at Herring Point, Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes, taking place on Saturday, September 14th beginning at 10 a.m. (rain date September 21st). In 2023, our efforts netted over 75 pounds of trash collected from the beach. Join us this year to beat the 2024 goal. Watch the clip from the September 16, 2023, Coastal Clean Up event.
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Join MSD for the 7th Annual Superhero for Hope Run/Walk 5K on Saturday, October 5th at Rockford Park, 19th St & Tower Rd, Wilmington. Check-in starts at 8:00 a.m., with the race beginning at 9 a.m. Register early! Registration fee until September 2nd is $25. Pricing goes up starting September 3rd. Racers will receive a t-shirt and refreshments and music will be provided. Top awards will be given. Register at:
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Upcoming AMA Webinars:
Reducing Barriers to Physician PTO - June 18, 1 p.m. Register.
How Integrated Behavioral Health Can Strengthen Value-Based Care - June 20, 11 a.m. Register.
Digital Empathy: Navigating Asynchronous Communication - July 9, 11 a.m. Register.
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Physician Employment Contract Negotiation Self-Paced, Online Program. Equip yourself with the vital business skills needed to negotiate fair and sustainable physician contracts. Enroll now to level the playing field and secure favorable outcomes for your professional partnership. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Discounted registration fee for MSD members and residents/fellows. For more information and to register, visit Download the flyer.
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On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 enacted a new one-time requirement which went into effect on June 27, 2023, for any Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-registered practitioner to complete eight hours of training “on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders.” You can satisfy this training requirement to meet the conditions of the MATE Act through courses offered online by the American Medical Association. If you have not met this specific eight-hour training requirement yet, the deadline to do so is the date of a practitioner’s next scheduled DEA registration submission.
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June 13 - Quality Insights/AmeriHealth Caritas present Strategies to Improve Birth-Dose Hepatitis B Vaccination Rates, 12:00-1:00 p.m., virtual. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit.
July 18 - MSD Hot Topic CME - Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access, 6:00-7:00 p.m., virtual. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit.
October 29 - SAVE THE DATE! 28th Annual Delaware Healthcare Forum, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bally's Dover Casino Resort, Rollins Center, Dover.
September 19 - SAVE THE DATE! DAFP Geriatric Medicine Symposium, ChristianaCare, Newark.
October 19 - DAFP Research & Education Foundation Healthcare Heroes 5k, Cape Henlopen State Park.
November 23 - SAVE THE DATE! MSD Annual Meeting and Presidential Reception, Bally's Dover Casino Resort
February 28-March 4, 2025 - SAVE THE DATE! Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health 2025 Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA (In-person congressional visits will be held in Washington, DC).
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The Latin phrase Rerum Cognoscere translates to learn, examine, or become aware of facts or things. In this section, we highlight measurable items of interest in health care from MSD, Delaware, the US, and the world. |
1 in 8
Number of U.S. seniors who will be treated for a traumatic brain injury, typically during a fall.
JAMA Network Open
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Percent of seniors who suffered a severe concussion during an average follow-up period of 18 years following a fall.
JAMA Network Open
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Number of hours physicians and their staff spend on average completing prior authorization requests each week, almost two business days.
AMA Survey
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The information contained herein is solely informational, planned in accordance for a diverse membership audience. This communication reflects news and announcements that have been made available to MSD and is not intended to exclude other pertinent material. The content published is proposed to represent facts of interest and provide awareness to the members. MSD reserves the right to determine what information is relevant to its membership. | |
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