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MSD Night at the Wilmington Blue Rocks! | Hurry to Register! Game Day is Friday, August 9th! |
As a member of MSD, you are invited to attend the game on Friday, August 9 when the Wilmington Blue Rocks take on the Jersey Shore BlueClaws. Game time is 6:35 p.m. at Frawley Stadium in Wilmington. Following the game, a fireworks show will be presented. By registering for this event, you are reserving an entrance ticket for yourself and one $10 gift card that can be used at any concession stand at the stadium. Tickets for this event are offered at no charge to MSD members. Additional tickets may be purchased for $16 each, which can be purchased using the "Self-Pay Tickets" registration option. Click to register.
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Last Call on Registration for Candidates' Night on Aug 13th | The First of Two Events Hosted by DELPAC |
This is the first of two events that DELPAC will host for candidates running for office. The first event will take place on August 13th at 6 p.m. at the Smyrna Opera House. Invited panelists include candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Insurance Commissioner. MSD members and their guest are invited to attend. To ensure a secure event, registration is required.
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Delaware's First Evidence of West Nile Virus in 2024 | No Human Cases Reported to Date in the State |
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) announced that West Nile Virus (WNV) has been detected in Delaware for the first time for 2024 in sentinel chickens that help DNREC monitor the state for mosquito-borne illnesses. The initial WNV occurrence was found in eight sentinel chickens sampled July 22 by the DNREC Mosquito Control Section, and then tested and reported to be virus-positive by the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) Laboratory July 24. The DNREC Mosquito Control Section monitors these diseases by collecting blood samples each week starting in early July into the fall from the state’s network of outdoor-caged sentinel chickens that are humanely housed and handled. The blood samples are tested for WNV and EEE antibodies by the DPH Laboratory. Sentinel chickens bitten by mosquitoes carrying WNV or EEE develop antibodies to these diseases, but are otherwise unaffected. Mosquitoes can transmit both WNV and EEE to humans and horses.
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CDC to Offer Seasonal Flu Shots to Farmworkers This Fall | To Help Lower Bird Flu Risk and "Reassortment" | STAT (Branswell, 7/30/2024) reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Tuesday that it is funding a $5 million program to vaccinate livestock industry workers against seasonal flu in a bid to reduce the pandemic risk posed by the ongoing H5N1 bird flu outbreak in cattle. About 200,000 people work with livestock in the US, including veterinarians. While health officials say the risk to the general public from the bird flu virus remains low, they are launching the vaccination effort to help it stay that way through the fall and winter cold and flu season. The voluntary program, which will be administered by state and local public health workers, is aimed at getting seasonal flu shots into as many people as possible who are working in proximity to animals (poultry, cows, or other livestock) that could be infected with H5N1. H5N1 could evolve to become a pandemic flu strain one of two ways, by gradually acquiring mutations that give it the ability to easily infect and spread among people, or by swapping genetic material with other flu viruses, such as H3N2 or H1N1, the influenza A viruses that circulate and cause illness during the flu season. That gene swapping, a process called reassortment, can occur when an animal or a person is infected at the same time with two or more flu A viruses. The rationale for the CDC program is to lower the risk that farmworkers will be infected with human flu strains during the coming flu season and, if they go to work sick, transmit human flu viruses to cows or other mammals already infected with H5N1, or themselves become co-infected with the bird flu virus. This effort stops short of offering these same workers H5N1 vaccine from the U.S. National Pre-pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile. The CDC will spend up to $2 million on the flu shots, with the remaining $3 million going to finance on-the-ground efforts to get the vaccine to farmworkers. Implementation will look different from location to location and may involve bringing vaccine doses to farms or setting up vaccination booths at public events that are frequented by farmworkers. | |
CPT Update and Guidance for Avian Flu Immunizations |
The American Medical Association (AMA) recently announced an editorial update to the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code set that includes a newly assigned provisional CPT code for vaccines to protect patients against the H5N8 strain of avian influenza (bird flu). The provisional CPT code is effective for use on the condition the H5N8 Influenza virus vaccine candidates receive emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The AMA is publishing the CPT code update now to ensure electronic systems across the U.S. health care system are prepared in advance for the potential FDA authorization. Read more.
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Eight Reasons the Medicare Payment System Needs Fixed | A Call to Congress: America's Patients and Physicians Need Your Support | Today's Medicare physician payment system is growing more and more unsustainable, putting both physicians and their patients at risk. The American Medical Association's (AMA's) article in Politico Focus highlights the reasons why Congress needs to Fix Medicare Now. Read more. | |
MIPS Advocacy Resources Now Available | The American Medical Association (AMA) has provided summarized resource information from the latest 2022 Quality Payment Program experience report. Read more. | |
New Summary Brief on Information Blocking Disincentives | AMA Creates Summary Brief About the New Final Regulation | Physicians and other health care professionals will be subject to disincentive regulations by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services starting July 31, 2024. The American Medical Association has been lobbying federal health officials, unsuccessfully, to adopt a rule providing physicians 72 hours to reach patients before electronically releasing life-altering results or deadly diagnoses. Federal health officials say the concerns will be resolved as technology improves and as medical practices adjust how they prepare patients for results. Read more. | |
2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Results Data | Key Substance Use, Mental Health Indicators in the US |
SAMHSA has released the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) results, accompanied by two infographics highlighting overall findings as well as findings by race and ethnicity. The 2023 sample size was 67,679 and used multi-mode collection methods in gathering data from respondents. NSDUH results, as well as the companion briefs, can be found in full at Results from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).
Conducted by the federal government since 1971, the NSDUH is a primary source of statistical information on self-reported substance use and mental health of the U.S. civilian, noninstitutionalized population 12 or older.
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"ONC" Has a New Name - For Better or Worse | Restructuring Affects Technology, Cybersecurity, Data/AI Strategy, Policy Functions | The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has been renamed and restructured. ONC will be renamed the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (or ASTP/ONC for short). The agency's restructuring will affect technology, cybersecurity, data and artificial intelligence strategy, and policy functions. The 405(d) Program, a public-private cybersecurity effort between the federal government and the health care industry, will move from the Assistant Secretary for Administration to the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. | |
Blood Test to Detect Alzheimer's Disease | Blood Biomarkers to Detect Alzheimer Disease in Primary Care and Secondary Care | Researchers earlier this week reported that a blood test was significantly more accurate than physicians' interpretation of cognitive tests and CT scans in signaling Alzheimer's disease. About 90% of the time, the blood test correctly identified whether patients with memory problems had Alzheimer's while specialists using standard methods that did not include expensive PET scans or invasive spinal taps were accurate 73% of the time, and primary care physicians using those methods got it right only 61% of the time. The findings were published in JAMA and presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference. | |
FDA Approves Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening | Can Find Early Stage Cancers | Guardant Health, Inc. announced this week that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the company’s Shield™ blood test for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening in adults aged 45 and older who are at average risk for the disease. It is the first blood test to be approved by the FDA as a primary screening option for CRC, meaning health care professionals can offer Shield in a manner similar to all other non-invasive methods recommended in screening guidelines. The test works by detecting the DNA that cancerous tumors release into the bloodstream and would need to be given at least every three years, starting at age 45, the same age it is recommended to begin colorectal screening. In a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, Guardant Health reported that its Shield test found 87% of cancers that were at an early and curable stage. However, the test only found 13% of large polyps as compared to 95% with a colonoscopy. Shield is the first blood test for CRC screening that meets the requirements for Medicare coverage. Shield is available for eligible individuals by prescription through a doctor or other health care professional and is expected to be covered for eligible Medicare beneficiaries. Commercial insurance coverage for patients eligible for CRC screening will continue to expand following anticipated future guideline inclusion by the American Cancer Society and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). | |
CMS Issues Guidance on Searchable Provider Directories | State Directories Must Be Accurate, Updated, and Searchable | CMS released a state health official letter, including state guidance for developing searchable health provider directories. New requirements (Section 5123 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023) call for accurate, updated, and searchable directories in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), making it easier for eligible individuals to find health care professionals. The letter also addresses the availability of enhanced federal financial participation for states to develop, update, and maintain directories. | |
Delaware AI Commission Holds Its First Meeting | HB 333 Created the Commission | According to Spotlight Delaware (Hill, 7/29/24), the Delaware Artificial Intelligence (AI) Commission held its first meeting last week, marking its first steps toward developing responsible use of AI in the state. Over 40 people attended the July 24 meeting, which took place at the state’s Department of Technology and Information in Dover. The Commission, which is currently composed of 23 state officials, lawmakers and experts, aims to provide state agencies with guidance on the safe and effective utilization of AI through guidelines, policy recommendations, and risk assessments. The AI Commission will be responsible for making recommendations to the General Assembly and Delaware Department of Technology and Information on the use of AI for all state agencies. In addition, it will be tasked with identifying high-risk areas for the implementation of generative AI. | |
Jonathan Beltran - PCOM/Beebe Healthcare Branch Campus Student
Philande Bisseng Ntock, MD - Family Medicine Resident, Beebe Healthcare
Hannah Canil - PCOM/Beebe Healthcare Branch Campus Student
Matthew Ferris, MD - Rad Onc & Proton Ther, MD Proton Treatment Ctr, Baltimore
Gianna Rose Grogan, DO - Family Medicine Resident, Beebe Healthcare
Jideofor Okafor, MD - Emergency Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Joshua W. J. Salazar - PCOM/Beebe Healthcare Branch Campus Student
Elsa S. Tabrez, MD - Family Medicine Resident, Beebe Healthcare
Danielle Uibel, DO, MPH - Internal Medicine Resident, Bayhealth
Dorothy M. Vosik, DO - Family Medicine Resident, Beebe Healthcare
| Please join MSD in welcoming the newest member(s) of the Medical Society of Delaware. As the third oldest medical society in the country, MSD has an amazing history. Thank you for taking part in our continued success! | |
Seth Borochaner, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Ajay N. Chatim, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Thomas M. Connelly, MD - Internal Med/Emergency Med Resident, ChristianaCare
Angela E. Gallucci, MD - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Bryce N. Grohol, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Brielle J. Grote, DO - Emergency Med/Internal Med Resident, ChristianaCare
Connor T. Holthouse, MD - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Elizabeth Klingensmith, MD - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Abraham Kwan, MD - Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Resident, ChristianaCare
Victoria Lui, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Sreya Muchivolu, MD - Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Resident, ChristianaCare
Eric G. Ni, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Dip V. Patel, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Karan Patel, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Cecilia Richardsen, MD - Emergency Med/Internal Med Resident, ChristianaCare
Lyndsey E. Sbarro, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Fenghan Zhang, DO - Internal Medicine Resident, ChristianaCare
Niraj Sangroula, MD - Psychiatry Resident, Delaware Psychiatric Center
| MSD members are afforded a seven-day review period from the date of this publication to comment regarding applicants for membership. Please contact Michelle Seymour at (302) 224-4905 or with any comments on the current pending member(s) listed above or if you know of someone interested in joining MSD. You could be eligible for a membership referral discount on your dues! | |
MSD sadly announces the passing of MSD member Antonio C. Sacre, MD on Monday, July 22, 2024. He was 88 years of age. Dr. Sacre was born in Havana, Cuba and his medical career began with his graduation from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, where he earned his Doctor of Medicine, specializing in psychiatry. He dedicated many years to his private psychiatry practice in Wilmington. Additionally, he served the wider community through various health care facilities across Delaware. Honoring his wishes, funeral services for Dr. Sacre will be held privately. Read the obituary.
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MSD Podcast - Episode 4 Published | "Understanding Obesity: Insights on Health Impacts, Weight Loss Strategies, and Eating Plans" |
MSD announces that Episode #4 of our podcast is now live! Nicholas Biasotto, D.O. discusses obesity and its health impacts, weight loss strategies, and eating plans with MSD Treasurer and family medicine physician with Dover Family Physicians, Shalini B. Shah, MD, MPH. Listen to Episode #4 today on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, Tuneln + Alexa, iHeart Radio, PlayerFM, Samsung, and Podchaser. Follow "Delaware Health Care Reality" on the Podbean app. Please send your questions, comments or ideas about our podcasts to Stay tuned for more thought-provoking episodes coming your way every other Wednesday. Happy listening!
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MSD's Back-to-School Fundraiser for Kind to Kids Charity | Don't Wait! This Fundraiser Only Runs Throughout August |
As a year-round charity fundraising effort, MSD supports the Kind to Kids Foundation to make an impact in the lives of children and teens in foster care. MSD is announcing our Back-to-School fundraising event for Kind to Kids, running throughout the month of August. This is a wonderful opportunity to support children and teens in foster care as they prepare for the new school year. Here's how YOU can help:
- By purchasing identified items - Visit the Amazon link to buy school supplies. Remember to leave your name and mention MSD in your order note. Kind to Kids will personally thank you for your generosity.
Monetary donations - Use our direct MSD donation link to contribute. 100% of every dollar donated online will go directly to help a foster child during these difficult times.
As a convenience for mobile phone users, download the flyer to scan the QR codes.
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Summer is Peak Travel Time. How Green is Your Travel? | Calculate and Reduce Your Travel Carbon Footprint |
| | Most of us love to travel. But travel’s “dark side“ is its environmental cost: the carbon dioxide and other pollutants created from the fossil fuels burned for travel by air, land, or sea. The Green Travel Guide from MSD's My Green Doctor offers ways to calculate and reduce your travel carbon footprint. My Green Doctor is a free money-saving membership benefit provided through the Medical Society of Delaware. Members and practice managers use the “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” to learn how to adopt environmental sustainability, save resources, address the health threats of climate change, and help create healthier communities. This requires adding just five minutes to each regular clinic or practice staff meeting, making small changes at each meeting that really add up. Watch the “Three Minute Video” explaining how easy it is to incorporate My Green Doctor into your practice. We welcome everyone in your practice to register as Partner Society members at or at (si, en espanol). Use the discount code MGDMSD when you register to get free access to My Green Doctor and save money!
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Would You Have What It Takes to Be a Team USA Physician? | Think Of It As An Audition to Make the Team |
Do you dream of flying around the world with Team USA? Did you know the work is entirely unpaid? Do you have the drive, the determination, and the pure love of competition to be an Olympic volunteer? If so, you just might make the team. This Medscape article outlines the goal of supporting Olympic athletes in any capacity, large or small, medical or nonmedical, so they can perform their very best. Read more.
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Adjust Productivity Targets to Reflect PTO |
Time away from work is shown to reduce burnout, yet many physicians won't take all the paid time off they have in their contract. This is more likely when organizations set benchmarks for relative value unit (RVU) productivity and bonuses that don't fully account for PTO. For example. some organizations base productivity targets on RVUs generated over the entire year, rather than the top 44 or 45 weeks of productive time per year. This may lead physicians to believe they are expected to take less PTO in order to meet productivity targets.
AMA STEPS Forward® offers a collection of engaging and interactive educational content designed to help put the joy back into medicine. Access the archive of previous Pearl email topics.
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Safety Information and Adverse Reporting Notices | Information on Recent Product Recalls |
Optimized Plant Mediated Solutions Black Liquid Kratom
The FDA is advising consumers not to consume OPMS Black Liquid Kratom, which is sold online and in some retail stores. OPMS Black Liquid Kratom has been linked to serious adverse health effects, including death.
FreeStyle Libre 3 Blood Sugar Monitoring Systems
Abbott has recently identified a small number of FreeStyle Libre 3 sensors that may provide incorrect high glucose readings, which if undetected may pose a potential health risk for people living with diabetes. This issue affects only a small subset of FreeStyle Libre 3 sensors. Patients are urged to confirm their sensor serial number to determine if their current sensor or any unused sensors are affected. No other FreeStyle Libre family of products are impacted.
Compounded Injectable Semaglutide Products
FDA has received reports of adverse events, some requiring hospitalization, that may be related to overdoses due to dosing errors associated with compounded semaglutide injectable products. Dosing errors have resulted from patients measuring and self-administering incorrect doses of the drug and health care professionals miscalculating doses of the drug. Many of the patients who received vials of compounded semaglutide lacked experience with self-injections, according to the adverse event reports. Unfamiliarity with withdrawing medication from a vial into a syringe and coupled with confusion between different units of measurement (e.g., milliliters, milligrams and “units”) may have contributed to dosing errors. FDA has received reports of dosing errors involving compounded semaglutide injectable products dispensed in multiple-dose vials. The majority of the reports described patients mistakenly drawing up more than the prescribed dose from a multiple-dose vial during self-administration. In these instances, patients administered five to 20 times more than the intended dose of semaglutide. Most of the reports indicated that patients were unfamiliar with how to measure the intended dose using a syringe. Some patients sought medical attention or required hospitalization. Adverse events included gastrointestinal effects (e.g., nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain), fainting, headache, migraine, dehydration, acute pancreatitis and gallstones.
More Ground Cinnamon Products Added to List Due to Elevated Levels of Lead
The FDA issued a public health alert on Tuesday this week, advising consumers to throw away and not to buy ground cinnamon products on its growing list that the FDA has determined the products contain elevated levels of lead and that exposure to these products may be unsafe. The FDA continues to work with states to test cinnamon sold directly to consumers at retail and to test cinnamon at import.
Safe Use of Megadyne Mega 2000 and Mega Soft Patient Return Electrodes
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), together with Health Canada, is raising awareness among health care professionals and facilities about the safe use of Mega 2000 and Mega Soft Patient Return Electrodes by Megadyne Medical Products, Inc. Since June 2023, Megadyne has initiated four voluntary recalls due to reports of burn injuries in pediatric and adult patients and health care professionals. Following the instructions in the manufacturer's recall notifications can help ensure the safe use of these products. In summary:
- Do not use Mega Soft Pediatric Patient Return Electrodes in any age group (product code 0840)
- Only use Mega 2000 and Mega Soft Patient Return Electrodes on patients 12 years and older (product codes: 0800, 0830, 0835, 0845, 0846, 0847, and 0848)
The Letter to Health Care Providers includes important information about Mega 2000 and Mega Soft Patient Return Electrodes, including:
- Information on recalled products.
- Recommendations for health care professionals and facilities.
- Background on the issue and the actions that the FDA is taking to address the issue.
- Instructions for reporting problems.
If you have questions about this letter to health care providers, contact the Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE).
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Bayhealth announced the launch of its postpartum bracelet program, designed to provide enhanced care for new mothers during the critical weeks following childbirth. This program issues bracelets to newly delivered patients to wear for six weeks post-delivery, serving as a crucial alert to emergency room doctors that their health concerns may be obstetric-related. Newly delivered patients are given a pink bracelet and patients experiencing pregnancy or infant loss are given white bracelets. The bracelets are designed to be easily noticeable and contain critical information about the patient’s recent delivery. This visual cue helps emergency medical services personnel and the emergency room clinicians quickly assess and prioritize care, minimizing delays that could arise from a lack of immediate context about the patient’s recent obstetric history.
The Bayhealth Foundation hosted two informational presentations at Baywood Greens on June 25 and The Peninsula on July 24. Residents of Millsboro and Long Neck were able to gain an overview of Bayhealth as well as insights on Bayhealth core services, locations and upcoming projects. President of the Bayhealth Foundation, Lindsay Rhodenbaugh, MDiv, DMin, spoke at both presentations.
Bayhealth announced its Gastroenterology Fellowship Program has been granted initial accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), paving the way for Bayhealth to launch the first adult gastroenterology program in Delaware. As an ACGME-accredited program, Bayhealth's Gastroenterology Fellowship is now eligible to participate in the National Resident Matching Program, providing prospective fellows with a structured and transparent application process. The three-year program will begin with two fellows on July 1, 2025, and will be at full complement by 2028 with six fellows. MSD President-Elect, Bhavin R. Dave, MD, will serve as Program Director of the Gastroenterology Fellowship.
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After an extensive nationwide search, Beebe Healthcare is pleased to introduce Ryan Kennedy, CPA, as its new Chief Financial Officer, effective July 29. Kennedy is an experienced health care executive with more than a decade of leadership in finance. Most recently, he spent the last 10 years in a CFO role at Holy Name Health System, a 361-bed acute care facility that includes many outpatient offices and physician practices in northern New Jersey. | |
ChristianaCare has filed a lawsuit seeking declaratory and injunctive relief related to Delaware House Bill 350 (HB 350), asserting the law is unlawful and infringes on ChristianaCare’s fundamental state and federal constitutional rights and is an infringement that threatens ChristianaCare’s simple yet profound mission: to care for the community. The complaint asserts that HB 350, signed into law on June 13, 2024, violates Delaware’s general corporation law and state constitution by authorizing state control over the strategic and business decision-making authority from the boards of certain private hospitals, including ChristianaCare. The law created a politically appointed, unelected and unaccountable “super-board”— the Diamond State Hospital Cost Review Board — administered by the Delaware Healthcare Commission with authority to override the strategic and budgetary decisions made by the hospitals’ duly-elected directors.
ChristianaCare has been recognized as one of America’s Best Employers for Women by Forbes for 2024, marking the first time the company has received this prestigious recognition. In a survey of 150,000 women working for companies of at least 1,000 employees in the U.S., ChristianaCare ranked 150 on the list of 600 employers that were recognized.
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TidalHealth Nanticoke has received the American Heart Association’s 2024 Get With The Guidelines-Stroke GoldPlus quality achievement award for its commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines, ultimately leading to more lives saved and reduced disability. The Seaford, Del. hospital also received the 2024 American Heart Association’s Target: Stroke Honor Roll award. To qualify for this recognition, hospitals must meet specific criteria that reduce the time between an eligible patient’s arrival at the hospital and treatment with thrombolytic therapy. Additionally, TidalHealth Nanticoke’s team was also presented with the 2024 American Heart Association’s Target: Type 2 Honor Roll award. Target: Type 2 Diabetes aims to ensure patients with Type 2 diabetes, who might be at higher risk for complications, receive the most up-to-date, evidence-based care when hospitalized due to stroke. | |
MSD and AMA Events of Interest | |
Now is the time to start preparing for respiratory virus season. If you are a health care professional who has questions about what to expect this coming season or is looking for information and resources on protecting your patients, family, colleagues, and yourself, don’t miss this important update on August 6th at 12 Noon Eastern Time. Join CDC Director Mandy Cohen, MD, MPH, CDC’s Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH, and Manisha Patel, MD, and AMA President Bruce A. Scott, MD, to discuss vaccinations, treatments, and essential tools to help keep everyone safer from flu, COVID-19 and RSV this respiratory virus season. Register.
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MSD Night at the Wilmington Blue Rocks! As a member of MSD, you are invited to attend the game on Friday, August 9 when the Wilmington Blue Rocks take on the Jersey Shore BlueClaws. Game time is 6:35 p.m. at Frawley Stadium in Wilmington. Following the game, a fireworks show will be presented. By registering for this event, you are reserving an entrance ticket for yourself and one $10 gift card that can be used at any concession stand at the stadium. Tickets for this event are offered at no charge to MSD members. Additional tickets may be purchased for $16 each, which can be purchased using the "Self-Pay Tickets" registration option. MSD members registering must be current with their 2024 membership renewal. Please contact MSD to renew your membership if needed. Click to register.
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DELPAC is hosting a Candidates' Night for the Primary Election on August 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Smyrna Opera House. Invited panelists include candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Insurance Commissioner. Moderator for the event is Brian Galinat, MD, MBA, Chair of the DELPAC Board of Directors. The evening will begin with a half-hour social with welcome remarks at 6:30 p.m. and panel to follow. MSD members are invited, along with a guest. We ask that you register to attend this event for planning purposes. Please register at:
There will also be a second Candidates' Night event taking place on October 7th at 6 p.m. at the Smyrna Opera House, prior to the general election. More information to follow for this event.
Thank you to DELPAC for sponsoring these events.
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| | MSD in partnership with the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) brings you the Health Equity Institute of Delaware (HEIDE) lecture series. Led by the Office of the Medical Director and Office of the Chief Health Equity Officer, HEIDE helps health care professionals and public health workers approach their work from a health equity perspective. The initiative includes Working4Equity, a lecture series for working clinicians, held monthly by HEIDE and the Medical Society of Delaware through its HOT TOPIC CME program. The Working4Equity lectures will be held virtually every third Thursday at 6:00 p.m. with continuing education credits offered by the MSD. This next lecture will be on "Understanding Maternal Hypertension: Why It Matters to Everyone," which will be presented virtually on Thursday, August 15th from 6:00-7:00 p.m., featuring DPH Chief Physician and MSD member Olubusola Ogunlade, MD, FACOG. Register. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit.
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For the third year in a row, MSD is joining DNREC's Coastal Clean Up at Herring Point, Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes, taking place on Saturday, September 14th beginning at 10 a.m. (rain date September 21st). In 2023, our efforts netted over 75 pounds of trash collected from the beach. Join us this year to beat the 2024 goal. All are welcome! Watch the clip from the September 16, 2023, Coastal Clean Up event. Click here to register for this year's event or scan the QR code with your phone.
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Join MSD for the 7th Annual Superhero for Hope Run/Walk 5K and Health Fair on Saturday, October 5th at Rockford Park, 19th St & Tower Rd, Wilmington. Check-in starts at 8:00 a.m., with the race beginning at 9 a.m. Register early! Registration fee until September 2nd is $25. Pricing goes up starting September 3rd. Racers will receive a t-shirt and refreshments and music will be provided. Top awards will be given. Register at:
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Physician Employment Contract Negotiation Self-Paced, Online Program. Equip yourself with the vital business skills needed to negotiate fair and sustainable physician contracts. Enroll now to level the playing field and secure favorable outcomes for your professional partnership. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Discounted registration fee for MSD members and residents/fellows. For more information and to register, visit Download the flyer.
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On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 enacted a new one-time requirement which went into effect on June 27, 2023, for any Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-registered practitioner to complete eight hours of training “on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders.” You can satisfy this training requirement to meet the conditions of the MATE Act through courses offered online by the American Medical Association. If you have not met this specific eight-hour training requirement yet, the deadline to do so is the date of a practitioner’s next scheduled DEA registration submission.
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August 15 - Delaware Division of Public Health One Health EpiChat Webinar "Vaccine Preventable Diseases" 12-1 p.m. Registration required. Learn more at
August 23 - Delaware Day 2024 Healthcare Recruitment, 9 a.m. -1 p.m., Ammon Education Center at ChristianaCare, Newark. Recruiters will be on site from various hospitals across the state, as well as Westside Family Healthcare, to discuss career opportunities with individuals seeking employment as a physician, advanced practice clinician, and nurse.
September 13 - 9th Annual Neurovascular Symposium, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., John H. Ammon Education Center, ChristianaCare Newark Campus. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 credit.
September 19 - Delaware Division of Public Health One Health EpiChat Webinar "Fungal Diseases," 12-1 p.m. Registration required. Learn more at
October 17 - Delaware Division of Public Health One Health EpiChat Webinar "Respiratory Season," 12-1 p.m. Registration required. Learn more at
October 18 - 53rd Annual Margaret I. Handy Memorial Lectureship, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., virtual. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 3 AMA PRA Category 1 credit.
October 19 - DAFP Healthcare Heroes 5k, 9 a.m. start, Cape Henlopen State Park, Fort Miles.
October 29 - SAVE THE DATE! 28th Annual Delaware Healthcare Forum, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bally's Dover Casino Resort, Rollins Center, Dover.
September 19 - SAVE THE DATE! DAFP Geriatric Medicine Symposium, ChristianaCare, Newark.
September 25 - 2024 Delaware Healthcare Workforce Summit, Breakfast and lunch included, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Delaware State University, Dover.
October 19 - DAFP Research & Education Foundation Healthcare Heroes 5k, Cape Henlopen State Park.
November 21 - Delaware Division of Public Health One Health EpiChat Webinar "What is One Health," 12-1 p.m. Registration required. Learn more at
November 23 - SAVE THE DATE! MSD Annual Meeting and Presidential Reception, Christiana Hilton and White Clay Creek Country Club, Newark.
December 19 - Delaware Division of Public Health One Health EpiChat Webinar "Candida Auris," 12-1 p.m. Registration required. Learn more at
February 28-March 4, 2025 - SAVE THE DATE! Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health 2025 Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA (In-person congressional visits will be held in Washington, DC).
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The Latin phrase Rerum Cognoscere translates to learn, examine, or become aware of facts or things. In this section, we highlight measurable items of interest in health care from MSD, Delaware, the US, and the world. |
Number of measles cases reported in 2024.
CDC Data Released 7/26/2024
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Number of states (along with Washington, DC) reporting measles cases.
CDC Data Released 7/26/2024
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Percent of people who got measles this year that were either unvaccinated or had an unknown vaccination status.
CDC Data Release 7/26/2024
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The information contained herein is solely informational, planned in accordance for a diverse membership audience. This communication reflects news and announcements that have been made available to MSD and is not intended to exclude other pertinent material. The content published is proposed to represent facts of interest and provide awareness to the members. MSD reserves the right to determine what information is relevant to its membership. | |
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