Hello MI,
The Michigan Association of Planning is thrilled to share that the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA), a longtime partner and collaborator of MAP, has launched the Housing Readiness Grant initiative. This $5,000,000 allocation is a critical investment in Michigan communities and provides funding to cover the development of land use policies, comprehensive plan updates, zoning and regulatory reforms and similar actions to increase housing supply and affordability.
The online application portal opens January 16, 2024. Learn more here.
As you know, Housing has been MAP’s top policy priority for 3 years, and we have developed many tools and resources to help planners and local leaders navigate this tricky terrain. From the award winning Zoning Reform Toolkit for Housing Choice and Affordability to our Housing in Four Parts webinar series, we are here to help your municipality with resources to advance housing friendly policies.
See below for MAP's comprehensive collection of housing resources.