
MSM is seeking Montessorians and related professionals who are doing innovative quality work and who are ready to share their expertise during the January 28, 2023 Virtual Annual Conference.

Past Presents have offered these thoughts on a few ways “stepping up” to offer a workshop pushed their professional boundaries:

  • Sharing a deep interest with others can help you grow your confidence to share your expertise beyond your school
  • Planning to share your expertise with your colleagues offers you the next level of organizing your pedagogical theory that underpins your topic; offer you the opportunity to validate from your classroom efforts how this topic has impacted your students’ learning; and offers you the opportunity to translate these messages to adult learners in a way that engages them in real time learning
  • Recognition for the work being done at your school comes when you step out of your school environment and provide colleagues with an opportunity to engage in a topic they chose to better understand and take back to their school environment

We hope you will take time to reflect on a topic that has sparked your imagination and expertise and that you are ready to share with others. We look forward to reading your application for the 2023 workshop sessions!

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