Community Update
December 2021
MSSC Updates
Publication of Extensive Data on Wage Benefits of MSSC CPT Credentials released a report on December 2 on a five-year project headed by The Manufacturing Institute, the research arm of the National Association of Manufacturers, with the National Student Clearinghouse and the Census Bureau on the outcomes experienced by students who were training and tested under two popular manufacturing certifications: MSSC and the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) for jobs in production & assembly and metalworking & machining. 

The records were from 2005 to 2018, with more than 90% after 2012. This was a major undertaking that looked at more than 120,000 individuals who earned at least one entry-level certification from these two organizations. The principal findings were that:

  • Their average annual wages increased by about $15,000 for the five years after they earned their last certification, a reversal of what had been an overall downward trend in wages
  • Women, Black and Latino workers saw gains similar to those of white men
Community News
MSSC Instructor and Certificant Spotlight

Certified Production Technician (CPT) Instructor, Krystian Weglarz

“The CPT courses give our high school technology students an insight into the world of manufacturing. The certifications are a very practical way of exposing those with no prior experience to the demands of industry. As students navigate the CPT coursework they gain confidence, but also the ability and potential to see themselves as a future industry worker, technician, employee, coworker or team leader and manager. In addition, these courses better prepare those entering the world of post-secondary education as most students studying fields such as architecture, engineering or technology, do not have the practical understanding of safety, maintenance, machine operation or tools use. I am pleased with the outcomes of CPT training for my past students and look forward to what these courses will offer our future students as well.”

CPT Certificant, Dalton Diercks Pollex

Dalton obtained his full CPT certification this past May, just prior to graduating from Adams-Friendship Area High School, and though he hasn’t yet joined the traditional professional workforce, he’s finding that he’s making good use of his MSSC-aligned knowledge as he wraps up his first semester as a Sustainability and Renewable Energy Systems major at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville – especially in his energy and chemistry coursework.

A requirement of his program is to complete an internship, which he hopes to fulfill after his sophomore year. More specifically, he intends on interning with a renewable energy firm with the anticipation that he might make frequent use of his CPT certification with the everyday work he’ll be doing there. “If all goes according to plan, I am on track to graduate in three and a half years and hopefully, I can turn the internship into a full-time job opportunity,” he said. “I believe the biggest takeaway from the CPT program is that now that I have taken and become a Certified Production Technician, I will be more comfortable and more aware of all possible workplace situations.”
MSSC Leadership Council Member, Harry Moser, Founder & President, Reshoring Initiative®, inducted into AME Hall of Fame

MSSC is excited to recognize and congratulate Leadership Council Member, Harry Moser, Founder & President, Reshoring Initiative®, who has been inducted into the AME Hall of Fame by the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) during the 2021 AME International Conference. The AME Hall of Fame recognizes industry thought leaders and influencers who support the values, principles and practices found within leading enterprise excellence organizations. The nomination criteria include the significance of an individual's contributions to the growth of enterprise excellence within the lean, continuous improvement community.
Policy & Trends
Advance CTE

House Passes the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376)

On November 19 the House passed the BBBA. This version of the BBBA would provide $600 million for the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act’s (Perkins V) basic state grant formula program and $100 million for the law’s Innovation and Modernization competitive grant program. If enacted, the legislation would address a host of Advance CTE’s policy priorities and would also provide $5 billion for Community College and Industry Partnership grants while also ensuring that certain Area Technical Centers are eligible to apply for this funding. U.S. Senate is currently reviewing the BBB legislation.

Increasing Apprenticeship Opportunities Through State Policy

In the past year, at least 19 states enacted legislation impacting work-based learning opportunities, including expanding access to apprenticeships, allowing credit to be earned for out-of-school-time learning, and increasing transparency in communication about apprenticeships. The following policies in this blog represent a small sample of pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, and work-based learning policies already passed in 2021.

Vlog: Opportunity America on Leveraging Non-degree Programs During Workforce Development

Advance CTE’s newest video blog features Tamar Jacoby, President of Opportunity America, as we discuss the report and in particular delve into the study’s exploration of the potential of non-degree programs to serve the needs of a national workforce realignment.  
The conversation focuses on the profile of a non-degree learner and the next steps for state leaders in greater utilization of non-degree programs, particularly in the areas of funding, data, and industry alignment. View the video here.
ACTE: CareerTech Update SmartBrief November 23, 2021

The Microlearning Moment in Workplace Learning, Sean Gallagher, EdSurge
On-the-job training has shifted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated a trend toward more digital learning, writes Sean Gallagher, Founder and Executive Director of Northeastern University's Center for the Future of Higher Education and Talent Strategy. Microcredentials have also emerged as an ideal way to connect employer and employee interests, Gallagher says.

Full Story at EdSurge 
Education Commission of the States

2021 Elections and Changes to State Education
Every year, elections bring about change — not only in newly elected leaders, but in the appointments those leaders have control over. This new one-pager outlines the key changes in state leadership, as a result of the 2021 elections, that will affect education policymaking in those states.
Resources & Events
AACC Workforce Development Institute 2022: Reimagine

MSSC will be participating in the, "Building a Foundation for Student and Career Success Workshop," Friday, January 28, 2022 from 10:05 - 11:05am ET.

OCTAE Connections Newsletter v8 11/22/2021:
The Department of Education’s STEM Briefing Series: In addition to these archived sessions, find additional sessions from July 2019. The newest program on November 30 focuses on the Department of Energy’s programs, student competitions, and workforce development efforts to deliver results in the fight against climate change.