MSU EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | November 2023

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MSU EDA University Center for Regional Economic Innovation (REI) 2024 Call for Projects: Deadline Approaching 

The MSU EDA University Center for Regional Economic Innovation (REI) continues to call for submissions for Co-Learning Plans and Innovation Fellowships focused on spurring economic growth and development in economically challenged communities. Application deadline is Friday, December 8th, 2023.

REI offers support for three types of projects: Co-Learning Plans, researched and written by leaders in community and economic development; Co-Implementation Plans, led by Innovation Fellows; and Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Technical Assistance projects, undertaken by student teams from Michigan’s higher educational institutions. 


REI is inviting authors and experts to research and develop Co-Learning Plans focused on economic development strategies, tools, models, policies, programs, and practices. These funded research endeavors aim to provide actionable insights and recommendations that will inform decision-making among local and state economic development professionals and policymakers, ultimately benefitting Michigan’s distressed communities and regions. 

For the upcoming year of 2024, REI has identified six key topical areas for Co-Learning Plans: 1) Sustainable Infrastructure, 2) Equitable Economic Development, 3) Investing in Michigan Business, 4) Effective Referrals and Collaborations, 5) Circular Economies, and 6) Other. These topics have been considered by the REI Consultative Panel, prioritizing their potential impact on job and business creation or retention in economically distressed regions of Michigan. 

For details on how to apply, please visit Please contact Jenan Jondy at or 517-353-9555 for questions.
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