MTPS and State of NJ Asks Families to be Mindful of Holiday Season Travel
As we approach Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season, the State of New Jersey is asking non-essential personnel, students and their families to please be mindful of any trips you have planned, or are thinking of taking in the near future.
As of Oct. 27th, there are 41 states and territories included on New Jersey's Travel Advisory List. Traveling to a listed "hot spot" location will require your entire family to quarantine for 14 days, beginning upon your return to New Jersey.
We understand there are situations that require travel. If you are traveling, we ask that non-essential personnel, students and families communicate with their school nurses, who will provide you further advisement.
We thank you for your cooperation, and wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.
Winter Sports Registration Now Open on FamilyID
Registration for Winter Sports is now open until the end of November.
All athletes must have an updated physical on the state-mandated Pre-Participation Physical form which can be accessed under 'Athletic Participation Forms.'
District Provides
COVID-19 Related Update
On Wednesday, Oct. 28th, District Director of Staff Development and Special Projects, Devyn Orozco, provided the Board of Education an update on COVID-19 related matters.
Topics included district procedures for positive cases, guidance from state and local health departments, and where we stand in our Phased Reopening Plan.
MTPS Meal Distribution Schedule Altered for Week of Nov. 2nd
Please be advised, because the district will be closed on Thursday and Friday of next week, pre-ordered meals for seven days will be distributed on Monday, Nov. 2 from 7:30-9 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
There will be no other meal distribution dates next week.
Meals may be picked up at at the following locations:
- Ocean Avenue Elementary Schools - Door #10 (next to main entrance)
- High School North - Door #22 (accessed via the Swartzel Drive entrance to campus)
- High School South - Door #29
Please look for the Whitson's Culinary Group signage that marks each pickup location.
Watch the Oct. 28th
Board of Education Meeting
On October 28th, the Board of Education met in person at the District's Central Office Building for its scheduled Workshop/Voting Meeting.
District Earns NJSPRA Recognition for Reopening of Schools Website
On Friday, Oct. 16th Middletown Township Public Schools was recognized by the New Jersey School Public Relations Association (NJSPRA) during the organization's annual School Communications Awards presentation.
"Our School Reopening Website provides extensive, up-to-date information to our school community on our phase-in reentry plan, progress toward our goals, resources, and much more," said Superintendent of Schools, Mrs. Mary Ellen Walker. "I thank Mr. Chris Rotolo for his work creating and maintaining this valuable information hub for our parents, students and staff."
When the site was launched in August, it served as a pivotal information hub for district families and personnel, offering the school community a user-friendly format to analyze and interpret the many facets of our Phased Reopening of Schools plan.
As we prepare for Phase 5 of the reopening plan, the site continues to evolve with new information, district communications and additional updates made in real time.
Be sure to check the MTPS Reopening of Schools Website as we continue to progress toward Phase 5.
NJSIAA Allows for Two
Post-Season Football Games
In addition to the six-game regular season football schedule permitted under the State of New Jersey's Return to Play plan for the fall season, the New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) has permitted football teams to participate in two post-season games.
These two additional games brings the full season total to eight, which matches the number of games in a traditional regular high school season.
According to District Director of Athletics, RichCarroll, groupings for what is titled the "NJSIAA Post Season" will consist of four teams of similar competitiveness.
The NJSIAA grouping committee will announce matchups for the "NJSIAA Post Season" on Nov. 8th, and games will be played the following two weeks on Nov. 13th and Nov. 20th. That schedule is listed below.
Nov. 13 Group Games
Team A vs Team B
Team C vs Team D
Nov. 20 Group Games
Winner of "Team A and Team B" vs Winner of "Team C and Team D"
Loser of "Team A and Team B" vs Loser of "Team C and Team D"
Elementary Special Area Classes Return for In-Person Learning on Oct. 26th
Our students have done an outstanding job acclimating to the health and safety measures included in our district’s reentry plan, including building tolerance and stamina for mask wearing.
Therefore, students will begin to participate in live special area classes during previously scheduled “Wellness Breaks”, beginning Monday October 26.
Teachers will continue to bring students outside to the greatest extent possible and have them maintain social distance so that students can remove masks. However, the primary use of the time will be for instruction in special area classes. A separate recess/snack period will continue to be scheduled for all students.
Lessons done during in-person specials will complement what is posted on the PE/Health, Art, Music and Spanish teachers’ Google Classrooms each week. Students who attend school on campus will be scheduled for in-person instruction for Physical Education, and either Art or Music, until we return from winter recess.
Asynchronous elementary Spanish lessons will be posted for all students as has been the routine since the start of the school year. Full virtual students can continue to complete asynchronous special area lessons for all classes as posted on the special areas teachers’ Google Classrooms.
The District plans to implement our regular six-day rotating special area schedule after winter recess. Between January and June, all students will participate in Health/PE, Music, Art, Spanish and Digital Literacy & Design classes. More details about special area schedules will be communicated as we get closer to Phase 6 and winter recess.
Relaunch of MTPS LinkIt Student and Parent Portals
The District is extremely excited to announce the re-launch of the MTPS LinkIt Student and Parent Portals.
Many parents created accounts through the Student/Parent Portal in the Spring of 2020. LinkIt has since changed how they present data to students and parents, and have created separate Student and Parent Portals.
Over the following weeks, LinkIt will directly email all parents/guardians whose email addresses are stored in PowerSchool. These emails will include a unique registration code, link to the Parent Portal, and instructions for creating an account.
If you need assistance upon receiving your new registration code, or if you don’t receive an email with a registration code by November 9, please contact Director of Staff Development and Special Projects, Devyn Orozco, at
North News Scores Interview with Acclaimed Filmmaker Kevin Smith
High School North News anchor, Sophia Haber-Brock, recently ventured to Red Bank to provide coverage of the pop-up restaurant Mooby's, a fictional fast food burger chain in Kevin Smith's cinematic universe.
Smith is a native of the Borough of Highlands, and filmed his breakout 1994 film Clerks at the the Quickstop convenience store located in the Leonardo section of Middletown. He has also filmed portions of followup feature films at sites in Red Bank, Fair Haven, Asbury Park and Brick Township.
While on site at Mooby's, Haber-Brock spoke to Smith about coming back home to launch his pop-up restaurant, as well as the opening of SmodCastle, a podcast production hub situated next to the Quickstop convenience store.
The SmodCastle project is spearheaded by Smith and longtime collaborators Ming Chen, a fellow podcasting star and television personality, and Eddie O'Donnell, an actor, writer and director. Haber-Brock discussed with all three the challenges of developing this venture in the midst of the COVID-19 health crisis.
Watch the full episode of North News to see Haber-Brock's time with Smith, as well as additional segments related to the opening of the new school year.
Social-Emotional Wellness Website Developed for MTPS High Schoolers
This digital library of resources and supports for high school students and their families is designed to offer aid to individuals navigating a multitude of social, emotional and health-related experiences.
The MTPS High School Student Assistance Website is an extension of the support offered by our district's student assistance counselors, and includes helpful resources related, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Mental Health
- COVID-19
- Vaping
- Grief
- Alcohol
- Heroin/Opiates
- Social Media Awareness
- Intervention Resources
Fairview Garden Yields 100 Pounds of Food for Donation to Backpack Crew
What began as a passion project for students and families of Fairview Elementary School has transformed into something greater.
In recent years, the school's community garden has served as just that; a means to help feed local residents in need.
The garden took root in 2016 with grant funding provided by nearby supermarket Whole Foods.
In its earliest days, the produce yielded was offered to those families who helped tend the patch. Since then the school has supported non-profit community partners like Lunch Break, and now the Back Pack Crew of Red Bank.
To learn more about the cultivation of Fairview's community garden, pick up this week's edition of the Two River Times Newspaper at your local market, deli or convenience store, or visit
Nut Swamp Bird Watchers Receive Special Message from South Africa
Located in the lobby of Nut Swamp Elementary School is a high definition monitor focused on a colorful array of exotic birds native to South Africa.
The display features a live feed of the Allen Birdcam, a static video camera shot of a feeding station in a suburban garden situated in Peoria, South Africa.
The garden attracts birds and other small wildlife like wild bushbabies (Galago primates), large spotted genets (similar to a mongoose in the wild cat family) and night time visits from families of fruit bats.
Recently, the curator of the garden sent a special message to Nut Swamp students, as you can see in the top right corner of the featured photo.
Nut Swamp earned the certification following the transformation of its campus into a sanctuary that supports the health and wellbeing birds, butterflies, bees, frogs and other local wildlife.
Tech Tips: Best Practices for
Improved WiFi Connectivity
- Reboot Your Chromebook nightly to clear the memory by pressing and holding Refresh, while tapping the Power key one time. Finally, release both keys
- Close any unnecessary tabs to free up resources.
Check your router location. Walls, appliances, additional connected electronics, ductwork and distance of your student's Chrombebook from the device will all reduce signal strength.
Run a bandwidth speed test. If upon completing your bandwidth test you find your download speed is less (<) than 100Mbs, or that your upload speed is less (<) than 10Mbs, please call your Internet provider for assistance.
Update your Chromebook operating system (OS) to the latest version.
- Remove unnecessary Chrome extensions
Reset your Chromebook to fix a number of issues
State of New Jersey Launches
COVID Alert Phone App
COVID Alert NJ is New Jersey's free and secure mobile app that anonymously alerts users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. The app also provides users with up-to-date information on New Jersey reopening news, key COVID-19 metrics, and a user-friendly symptom tracking tool. COVID Alert NJ uses Bluetooth proximity technology. The app will never record any identifying data. All users will remain anonymous.
How it Works:
Download COVID Alert NJ on the App Store or Google Play Store. Opt-in to receive "Exposure Notifications"
As you go about your day, the app will use Bluetooth to sense any "close contacts"—other app users who are within 6 feet of you for more than 10 minutes
When your app senses a close contact, your phone will exchange a secure random code with the close contact's phone. It's important to note that your location and name are never disclosed
If you test positive for COVID-19, a public health representative will call you and ask if you're willing to anonymously notify your "close contacts" by uploading your app's close contact codes
Each day, the app will compare your list of close contact codes to the list of codes associated with positive COVID-19 app users. If there's a match you will get an Exposure Alert, along with appropriate next steps
MTPS Accepting Applications for Substitute & Leave Replacement Teachers
The Middletown Township Public School District is now accepting applications for Substitute and Anticipated Leave Replacement Teachers for all Pre-K to 12 positions. To apply, please visit and follow the prompts for Contracted and Substitute openings.
On Friday, August 13th the district launched its MTPS Reopening of Schools Website, an information hub complete with Frequently Asked Questions and additional resources regarding the district’s reopening of schools plan.
As a follow up measure, the District recently developed a page on its Reopening of Schools Website dedicated to documenting a timeline of new updates and resources for our phased reopening plan.
As the Reopening of School's website is updated, the "Latest Updates" page will offer parents, guardians, staff and students easier access to this information.
You can review the Board of Education's Sept. 9th Special Meeting by following the link to the right.
The Middletown Township Public School District requires that a daily health screening form must be completed each day before your student(s) enters the building. Please visit the home page of your school's website to access your school's unique screening form, or follow the links below.