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MHS student Tvisha Jain treats community to India's national anthem

In honor of India’s Independence Day, which was on August 15 of this year, Milpitas High School student Tvisha Jain sang India’s National Anthem at the August 22 MUSD Board of Education meeting, where she was honored by District leaders for exemplifying our MUSD Culture of We.

Cache of successful summer school programs showcased for community

As part of the Extended Learning Opportunities Program grant, MUSD prioritized supplemental instruction and targeted supports for students identified as low-income, English language learners, foster/homeless, students with disabilities, disengaged students, and students who are below grade level.

Click to view Presentation Slides


Retired educator Michael Mooney for SJCC-MUSD leadership, collaboration

Retired educator Michael Mooney was recognized for his leadership in establishing the San Jose City College-Milpitas Unified School District's Culture of WE collaboration in defining new pathways to the future for all of our learners.

Student artist Nandika Trivedi for award-winning artwork

Student Artist Nandika Trivedi, now at Milpitas HS via Thomas Russell Middle School, placed ]second for her entry in the Eating Disorders Resource Center's Be-You-tiful contest. 

Click to view Artwork

MHS Girls Who Code host summer camp for students

Milpitas HS Girls Who Code were honored for organizing and running the Summer Coding program for our younger MUSD learners.

Sinnott PTA Tech Challenge teams for ingenuity

Sinnott PTA Tech Challenge Teams were recognized by District leadership for their accolades in the 2023 Tech Challenge - Survive the Storm! presented by Amazon.

MHS Aero Tech team for battling nation's best

Milpitas HS Aero Tech Team was honored for its success of being a top 5 finalist in the American Rocketry Challenge Presentation Competition.


Milpitas Community Education Foundation supports MUSD students, staff and programs

Milpitas Community Education Foundation Board co-Presidents Amin Fazal shared how MCEF (which was honored by district leadership for a $500 donation to the Milpitas Elementary Olympics) has supported the Milpitas Unified School District community with a variety of initiatives.

Click to view Presentation slides.

New Zanker Elementary admin team introduced to community

Zanker Elementary School Principal Hetal Patel (on right in above photo) and interim Assistant Principal Jean Dillon, a veteran Zanker educator, introduced themselves to the MUSD community in new roles.

Board approves boundary adjustment for Pomeroy, Weller elementary schools

Each year there are families living on the north side of Washington Drive who request open enrollment for attendance at Pomeroy, which is located on the south side of Washington Drive. Rather than annually addressing this request, the Board approved staff recommendation to change the boundary to align with the street view of the school for attendance. Click to view new alignment.

MUSD announces Kristin Stonehouse as new HR Director

New Human Relations Director Kristin Stonehouse joins the MUSD leadership team after more than a decade of HR work with Morgan Hill Unified School District, where she most recently served as the Interim Director of Human Resources and Supervisor/COVID Designee.

“Kristin is a welcomed addition to our HR leadership team,” said Superintendent Cheryl Jordan. “She brings a full repertoire of HR knowledge and will strengthen our Culture of We through collaboration so that every team member realizes their greatest potential.”

Additional items

The Board of Education approved the following education items at the August 22, 2023 board meeting:

  • Updated Board Policy 3553 Free and Reduced Price Meals
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