We're inviting families to participate in a brief survey on the type of communication you want to receive from MUSD!
We believe strong, targeted communication with families is essential for the success of our students - thank you for your participation.
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Serving Fresh Opportunities for Calla High Students
This year, the Calla Lobos have embarked on a journey like never before, slicing, dicing, and sautéing their way through a cooking class!
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Hispanic Heritage Celebrations at Weston Ranch High
Lively music echoed in the halls of Weston Ranch High School as students danced along to familiar Spanish melodies - part of WRHS’s week-long festivities, which kicked off on September 18 in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.
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French Camp Elementary Celebrates Hispanic Heritage with Dance
This month, students showcased their talent and passion for Folklorico, a traditional Mexican dance style, in performances featuring lively music and colorful costumes!
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How an Expertly Balanced Budget Helps Students Succeed
This August, Manteca Unified School District received global recognition for our outstanding financial responsibility!
Read how smart, balanced budgets benefit students each day.
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Watch: How Schools Are Funded
Thanks to taxpayers like you, public education is made possible!
From state funding to local funding, watch our video to make more "cents" of how tax dollars fund local education.
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Watch: The Creative Spirit Series featuring Jiana Bourdreaux
Ms. Boudreaux's dedication to nurturing the artistic talents of her students is nothing short of inspiring!
This is why the Manteca High art teacher has been awarded the prestigious Creative Spirit Fund award, an initiative co-sponsored by Americans for the Arts and Free People.
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Strengthening Bonds Between Parents and Schools
This month, various parents, teachers, principals, and support staff came together for a training opportunity at the District Office to learn about positive parenting, building confidence in children, student success, and more!
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Board Meeting Spotlight
MUSD adopted Resolution 23/24-28 declaring that each student has sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials. Also known as the “Williams Act”, this act ensures that all students have equitable access to learning materials.
| We are one step closer to building Early Education Centers! After an evaluation process, the board approved an architectural agreement with TBH Architects and authorized a conceptual design proposal for each early education campus. | October 23 – October 27 has been designated for Red Ribbon Week. This year’s theme is “Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free”. | |
School Bus Saftey Month
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Safety around school buses is crucial to keeping students and other road users safe. In honor of School Bus Safety Month, here's some tips for drivers to be safe around school buses:
STOP for Flashing Lights: When you see a school bus with its red lights flashing and its stop sign extended, come to a complete stop. This applies to both directions of traffic. By law, you must wait until the bus resumes motion and the red lights stop flashing.
Keep a Safe Following Distance: Maintain a safe following distance when driving behind a school bus. This allows you to stop safely if the bus makes a stop.
Be Patient: Remember that the safety of children is paramount. Be patient and courteous when sharing the road with school buses.
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Filipino American Heritage Month
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This October, let us honor the Filipino American community for its spirit, remarkable achievements, and enduring commitment to making America a more inclusive and culturally rich nation. | |
National Custodian Day
October 2
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Custodians work hard each day, ensuring our District campuses are safe and maintained. They also play an important role in supporting school events, athletic games and so much more! Without custodians, school operations would not be possible.
Be sure to thank your custodians! Need some ideas?
- Give them a hand-drawn card!
- Write them a thank you note!
- Tell them you appreciate them!
- Clean up after yourself whenever you can!
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Week of the School Administrator
October 9-13
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Thank you to the administrators who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make our schools shine! To the principals, vice principals, office managers, and all those who keep our school sites running smoothly, thank you for your dedication, leadership, and commitment to students, staff, and families.
Before fall break, take a moment to thank your school's admin team!
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Indigenous Peoples Day
October 9
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Indigenous Peoples' Day can be a great catalyst for learning, engagement, and celebration. It provides an opportunity for students to delve into the rich history and cultural heritage of Native Americans, fostering an environment that values diversity, promotes cultural appreciation, and cultivates empathy and respect for all members of our community. | |
Red Ribbon Week
October 23-27
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This year, MUSD’s Board of Trustees designated October 23rd through October 27th as Red Ribbon Week to spread awareness of substance abuse and make a commitment to living healthy lives! | |
October Family Calendars
Click to Download
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Dr. Clark Burke, Superintendent
Roger Goatcher, Deputy Superintendent
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MUSD School Board
President Marie Freitas, Area 4
Vice President Melanie Greene, Area 3
Board Clerk Stephen J. Schluer, Area 6
Cathy Pope-Gotschall, Area 5
Eric Duncan, Area 1
Kathy Howe, Area 2
Marisella C. Guerrero, Area 7
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Our Vision
Every student works to achieve grade level standards, feels safe and is supported to realize individual success.
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Our Mission
Through smart actions and decisions, MUSD will work together using meaningful, measurable and aligned data for all students to achieve mastery of grade level standards in all subjects based on their unique educational pathway in a safe environment inclusive of design, security and climate.
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