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Dear VTT Families,
The time to welcome your children to VTT for the 2021-22 school year is fast approaching--and our team is so excited to have our students filling our campus again!
Welcoming and dismissing students in a safe and orderly manner is one of our top priorities and challenges. The contents of this email are incredibly important and must be read by all adults responsible for dropping off and/or picking up VTT students. Please carefully read the instructions below to be fully prepared for the start of school.

Reminder: It is a full day of school for students in Grades 1-7 on Monday, September 13th. Please send (dairy or pareve) lunch and snacks, full school uniform and kippot (mandatory for boys). The Bayit after care program starts on Tuesday, September 14th.
What are this year’s school hours?
This year VTT will return to its normal operational hours with school opening at 8:15 a.m. and dismissing students between 3:15-3:30 p.m. 
There are different drop off and pick up procedures depending on a child’s grade. Please pay close attention to the instructions below which will be followed by directions by grade on drop off and pick up protocols.

*Please note that students arriving to VTT after 8:25 a.m. will be recorded as late.
NEW App! Pikmykid Parent App

VTT uses an app, Pikmykid, to manage our daily dismissal process. Pikmykid has the new parent app, “Pikmykid Parent," that replaces the old app, “Pikmykid.” The old “Pikmykid” app does not have full functionality, and it is important that only the new “Pikmykid Parent" is used. (But login credentials remain the same.)

Every parent/caregiver who picks up from VTT must download this application to their mobile device.
Like last year, VTT will continue using the Pikmykid Parent App for an orderly pick up at dismissal. Geolocation markers have been set around the school and parents will be able to “ping” the school when they approach VTT. Their child(ren) will then be notified in their classroom to proceed to their assigned exit (e.g., JCC bus, 26th Avenue drive thru, parkade, independent walker, extra-curricular activity, Bayit aftercare, etc.). It is essential that parents assign the appropriate dismissal location for their children in the app for pick up to go smoothly.

You can download the new Pikmykid Parent app here:
If parents do not remember their passwords for the app, it is possible to request password reset from the login screen.
Pikmykid Parent App Registration Video (for new families):
Instructions for using the app, such as delegating pickup and announcing are in Pikmykid Parent App User Guide Video:

After downloading the app and setting it up, parents should make sure they see their children listed in the app - otherwise, they won’t be able to use it. If you encounter issues, please email Don’t forget to ensure that all parents/grandparents/caregivers picking up VTT students have the app installed and set up on their mobile device.
Once successful, log into the Pikmykid app and allow Pikmykid to use your LOCATION while using the app and allow NOTIFICATIONS.
You will then be asked to confirm the name of your school (Vancouver Talmud Torah-BC) and your child(ren)’s name(s) should automatically appear.
Please note: If you want to know more, go to this link
**There are several designated pick ups you can choose from, and these can be tailored daily according to your child’s schedule: 26th Avenue, Parkade, JCC Bus, the Bayit, extra-curriculars, and Independent Walkers/Cyclists (who must have a signed form on file giving them permission to leave the campus on their own).
Pikmykid Important Tips:
  • You can make changes (e.g, dismissal location; designated pick up person) until 2:45 p.m. daily;
  • You can announce your arrival from 3:13 p.m.;
  • Early childhood and SK families should only start using the app after gradual entry (unless picking up older siblings).
Specific Grade Level Instructions
Rishonim & JK (and siblings) after gradual entry
Rishonim and JK parents are asked to use the Pikmykid app to announce their arrival this year (after gradual entry). During gradual entry, there is no need to use the app for Rishonim & JK students. (If you are picking up an older sibling you must announce them to the 26th Avenue pick up location.)
Morning Drop Off Location: 26th Avenue
Morning Drop Off Hours: 8:15-8:45 a.m. (We recommend that children with no older siblings be dropped off after 8:25 a.m. to help with the traffic flow.) Please assist your children to get out of your vehicles and ensure goodbyes are quick to avoid a logjam in the drive through. A VTT staff member will accompany your child to class. If your child has a hard time saying goodbye, arrive after 8:25 a.m. (If there are older siblings, drop them off first and circle back to drop off your younger one.) In order for the drive thru traffic to flow, please do not engage in conversations with fellow parents or teachers and please do not linger.
Families MAY enter the drive through from Oak Street OR by coming east along 26th Avenue. 
Afternoon Pick Up Location: 26th Avenue
Afternoon Pick Up Hours: 3:15-3:30 p.m. (for students not participating in after care Monday to Thursday; Pick up is from 3:15-3:30 p.m. for ALL students on Fridays.)
After announcing your child on Pikmykid Parent, they will be escorted to 26th Avenue for pick up.
After Care Pick Up Location: VTT Parkade
After Care Pick Up Time: 4:20 p.m.
All Rishonim and JK students will be accompanied to the parkade at 4:20 p.m. for pick up Monday to Thursday only. Parents should park in VTT ONLY and YELLOW SIGN spots on P1 or P2, stand in the designated “waiting area,” and wait for their children to be brought to them. There is no need to use the Pikmykid Parent app for pick up at this time.
Accessing the VTT-BI Underground Parkade
To ensure a smooth, one-way traffic flow, cars must enter through the 28th Avenue entrance (next to Congregation Beth Israel) from Oak Street only, keep to the right (to allow BI cars to enter through the first gate) and turn left into the middle gate. Once students are safely dropped off, vehicles will exit via the first gate, turning left and then turning right ONLY onto 26th Avenue. Staff will be present to direct families and traffic.
Watch this video on how to safely enter the parkade from 28th Avenue only and exit via 26th Avenue only: (However, bear in mind that cars must keep to the right.)
Senior Kindergarten (and siblings)
During gradual entry, there is no need to use the app for SK students. (If there are older siblings, use the app and designate 26th Avenue as the pick up location.)
Morning Drop Off Location: 26th Avenue
Morning Drop Off Hours: 8:15-8:25 a.m. Families should drop off their children (and older siblings) in the drive through in front of the school on West 26th Avenue. Families will be able to drop off older children at this entrance if they are accompanied by a sibling in SK. SK students will proceed to class accompanied by an awaiting teacher. SK students (and their siblings) will also be picked up here at the end of the day.
*Please keep goodbyes short and sweet to avoid a logjam in the drive thru.*

Families MAY enter the drive through from Oak Street OR by coming east along 26th Avenue.
Afternoon Pick Up Location: 26th Avenue
Afternoon Pick Up Hours: 3:15-3:30 p.m.
There is a 15-minute pick up window to reduce the amount of traffic. Parents must “announce” their arrival via the Pikmykid Parent app (a few minutes prior to arriving at VTT by safely pulling to the side of the road). Make sure the Pikmykid Parent app reflects your child’s after school plans on any given day. Students must be picked up by 3:30 p.m.
Grades 1-7 (with no siblings in Rishonim, JK, SK)
Morning Drop Off Location: VTT Parkade
Morning Drop Off Hours: 8:00-8:25 a.m. (Students who are dropped off from 8:00 a.m. can wait in the playground until doors open at 8:15 a.m.) Anthems start at 8:25 a.m. signaling the start of the school day. All students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to learn from 8:25 a.m.
Students arriving after 8:25 a.m. must be dropped off at the front office on 26th Avenue to sign in.
Afternoon Pick Up Location: VTT Parkade
Afternoon Pick Up Hours: 3:15-3:30 p.m. There is a 15-minute pick up window to reduce the amount of traffic. Parents must “announce” their arrival via the Pikmykid Parent app (a few minutes prior to arriving at VTT by safely pulling to the side of the road). Make sure the Pikmykid Parent app reflects your child’s after school plans on any given day. Students must be picked up by 3:30 p.m.
Accessing the VTT-BI Underground Parkade
To ensure a smooth, one-way traffic flow, cars must enter through the 28th Avenue entrance (next to Congregation Beth Israel) from Oak Street, keep to the right (to allow BI cars to enter through the first gate) and turn left into the middle gate. Once students are safely dropped off, vehicles will exit via the first gate, turning left and then turning right ONLY onto 26th Avenue. Staff will be present to direct families and traffic.
Watch this video on how to safely enter the parkade from 28th Avenue only and exit via 26th Avenue only: (However, bear in mind that cars must keep to the right.)
On Foot Pick Up/Independent Walkers/Cyclists
Students who are being picked up by a parent/caregiver on foot or those who are walking or riding their bikes home are asked to leave via the 26th Avenue door. We will no longer be using the Oak Street gate for walkers. Any student leaving VTT independently must have a parent complete the Permission to Walk Home Unaccompanied” form which will be kept on file in the office. This mode of dismissal must be assigned in the Pikmykid app.
JCC Bus Riders
If your child is a JCC Bus Rider, the JCC team will ensure that your child gets on the bus. Please indicate your child is a JCC bus rider on the Pikmykid Parent app.
Extra Curriculars + The Bayit
For students participating in after school programs or attending the Bayit after care, please ensure you designate this in the Pikmykid Parent app. Students will stay in their classrooms until 3:30 p.m. when programs start. Younger students will be picked up and escorted to their activity.

Pick up for extra curriculars and the Bayit is in the VTT parkade. Sara Karby, our Programs Manager, will communicate the instructions in a separate email.
We appreciate how overwhelming this information can be, but we want to assure our families--especially those new to VTT--that this system does work and does flow smoothly provided everyone cooperates and follows the directions of the VTT team. We thank you for your patience as everyone learns this system.

There will be plenty of staff members available the first few days of school to assist you and answer your questions. You may also reply to this email if you have immediate follow up questions.

Wishing our entire community a Shabbat Shalom!