August 18, 2017
MVCAC Fall Meeting: Oct. 31 - Nov. 2
Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade
100 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814

Click here to download the Fall Meeting schedule 

Room rate $189/night
Make your reservations:
  1. Click here and make a reservation using the group/convention code: MQV
  2. Alternatively you can register online by clicking here
  3. Call (916) 326-5000 and ask for the Mosquito & Vector Control Association discount rate.
The group rate room reservation deadline is  October 10, 2017.

More information for this meeting will be posted on our website as it becomes available. 

Call for Speakers

The Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California (MVCAC) will hold its 86th Annual Conference on January 28-31, 2018 at the Monterey Marriott in Montery, CA. You are invited to submit a paper or poster for presentation at the conference. 

The deadline for submission is October 6, 2017. Click the button below to learn more and submit your paper or poster today.
In This Issue
MVCAC Corporate Member Fiscal Status Report Submission for 2017-18 Dues

It's that time of year again! Please fill out and email or fax back this year's  MVCAC Fiscal Status Report Form  for your district's MVCAC dues to be calculated.

Dues for Corporate Members are due on July 1st of each year for the fiscal year ending June 30th of the following year.  Unpaid dues will be considered late on September 1st.  After September 1st, a late notice will be sent which will include a $50 late payment fee.  Corporate members that do not pay their dues and late fee by October 31st will be dropped from the membership rolls.

Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting MVCAC!

The MVCAC Staff
Meritorious Service Award, Honorary Member Award and Service with Distinction Award Nominations Now Open

It's Nomination time!  Nominations are now open for MVCAC's Meritorious Service Award, Honorary Member Award and the newly added Service with Distinction Award.  All nominations must be received in the MVCAC office by September 15th so they may be included on the ballot to all the member districts, or adequate ad hoc committees may be appointed (for Service with Distinction)

Award Criteria:
  • Honorary Membership- for any person who has rendered exceptional, distinguished service in the interest of mosquito or vector control in the state of California
  • Meritorious Service- for any member or nonmember who have made special and significant contributions to the field of mosquito control in the State of California or elsewhere
  • NEW! Service with Distinction- may be conferred on those who have made a significant contribution to fulfilling the mission of the Association. They must meet the following criteria: Made exceptional professional or voluntary service in support of the advancement and continued excellence of the Association; have earned national or international distinction for their services in the subject of mosquito and vector control; have made a significant contribution to any local community within the jurisdiction of their agency and focused on mosquito and vector control. 
Honorary and Meritorious Service requires 5 letters from district managers in support of their nomination.
Service with Distinction nominations can come from any MVCAC member
For all award nominations, a list of the individuals qualifying accomplishments and achievements must also be received with the nomination letter.
Please submit nominations via email to or fax at 916-444-7462 attn: Award Nominations.  Ballots for Honorary and Meritorious Service will be sent out after September 15th, with a due date before the Fall meeting in October.
Please do not hesitate to contact the MVCAC office if you have any questions!

Submit your district for the next Agency Spotlight

D oes your agency have a success story, a staff member you would like to publicly recognize, or an innovation by your agency that you would like to highlight? "Agency Spotlight" on the MVCAC website is one way to share your story! Each submission which meets the specified criteria will be reviewed and posted on the MVCAC website on the Agency Spotlight page and highlighted on the homepage in the rotating feature box. Each story will remain posted for 1-2 months before being moved to a publicly archived page. 

Interested?  Click here   to fill out an application!
District Trustee Information Form

This year's Yearbook Questionnaire did not ask for emails for the Trustees of your district.  The Trustee Council is interested in this information in hopes to get more Trustees involved with the council. Please fill in the  following form  and return to  or via fax at 916-444-7462.
86 th  Annual MVCAC Conference - January 28-30, 2018

Registration is now OPEN!
Click here to register online now
Click here to download the registration form

Join us at the wonderful Monterey Marriott hotel!
350 Calle Principal
Monterey, CA 93940
Room rate: $189 plus taxes
Hotel cut off date: December 29, 2017 or until the block is full
Room Deposit: You will be charged a first night's deposit for your hotel room, per the MVCAC policy
Click here to book your rooms

Highlights for this year's conference

Annual Munzy Golf Tournament
Sunday, January 28 11 AM
Pacific Grove Golf Links
77 Asilomar Boulevard
Pacific Grove CA 93950

The annual Munzy Golf Tournament will be featured at this year's conference! To register, please click  here and return to the MVCAC Office no later than January 4, 2018.

MVCAC Lab Technologies Workshop
Visual Gateway Training
Sunday January 28 th
1:00-5:00 PM
Monterey Marriott

2nd Annual Outrunning Mosquitoes 5K
Sunday, January 28 2:00 PM

What better way to start off your conference experience than a fun run/walk through the streets of Monterey? This year's course takes you right along the bay, through cannery row and back to the Marriott hotel. Not a runner? No problem! Walkers will enjoy this flat and easy course as well. Coveted mosquito trophies will once again be highly sought after!

Your registration fee includes some race swag, a free drink ticket for the opening reception and of course bragging rights!

2018 William C. Reeves New Investigator Award Applications Due 12/1/17

Applications for the 2018 William C. Reeves New Investigator Award will be accepted through Friday, December 1, 2017. The William C. Reeves New Investigator Award, memorializing Dr. William C. Reeves, who was a renowned University of California entomologist, is sponsored by the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California (MVCAC). The award is presented to the best scientific paper submitted and presented at the annual MVCAC conference.
Please  click here for more information.
Press Release: First Detection of St. Louis Encephalitis Virus in Merced County

MERCED, CA- The Merced County Mosquito Abatement District received confirmation that one sentinel chicken from Merced County tested positive for St. Louis Encephalitis Virus (SLEV). SLEV is related to West Nile Virus (WNV) and is transmitted via the bite of Culex mosquitoes, the same mosquitoes that transmit WNV.

Like WNV, most people who become infected with SLEV will never feel sick. People who do feel sick may have mild flulike symptoms; a small number of people will exhibit symptoms that include: headache, confusion, disorientation, and dizziness. Seizures, paralysis, coma, and sometimes death may occur. People who are older and those with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop the severe symptoms. There is no specific treatment for SLEV.

"The sentinel chicken sample that tested positive for SLEV is the first detection of the virus in Merced County in over 40 years", according to General Manager Rhiannon Jones of Merced County Mosquito Abatement District. "People need to continue to take precautions by protecting themselves and their families from mosquito bites."

MVCAC News Briefs - Zika Updates
Please note: The items contained below are not the views or opinions of MVCAC but they are what is being reported in the media.  The goal of MVCAC providing this information is to keep MVCAC members informed of all news articles that are being presented regarding Zika.
MVCAC News Briefs - Other Outbreaks
Please note: The items contained below are not the views or opinions of MVCAC but they are what is being reported in the media.  The goal of MVCAC providing this information is to keep MVCAC members informed of all news articles that are being presented regarding other outbreaks.

8/17/17: Mosquito abatement continues as more positive tests come in for West Nile - News 4

8/15/17: First human case of West Nile virus this year found in Northern California - The Sacramento Bee

8/14/17: Insect Immigration: Aedes aegypti mosquitoes may have been introduced into California multiple times -

8/14/17: California's Latest Mosquito Threat Hits Seven Counties - Capitol Public Radio

8/14/17: Mosquitoes out in full force around the Valley, how to prevent bites - ABC 15

8/14/17: West Nile Virus Activity Increases Throughout Elk Grove - Sacramento-Yolo MVCD
Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?  

If you would like your news to be included in the MVCAC News Briefs, please send press releases and/or links to relevant news articles to

Interested in a career in mosquito and vector control? Check out the MVCAC Job Board  at
Have a Job or RFP to post to  
Requests to post job listings (no more than 500 words in length) should be submitted to the webmaster at
MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner
Note: MVCAC does not endorse the products below, but we do support our Sustaining Members
Central Life Sciences has announced the release of Aqua Zenivex™ E20, a reduced-risk adulticide for mosquito control professionals.