News Briefs | February 24, 2021
Post MVCAC Annual Conference FAQ

  1. When will the on demand be available? We anticipate them to be available late next week. CE21 is in Austin, or it would be done this week. They are out of power. A blast to all districts will be sent out once they are ready. They will available until July.
  2. Certificate information- Is available on the portal for all who attended, including trustees and the trustee session. This information I will cut and paste below, but was also a part of the welcome email.
  3. When will our units be reported to CDPH? As with all of our programs, we say it’s a 30 day process before uploads are completed
  4. When can we register someone to watch on demand? Same as #1, we hope by this week. Registration process will be the same.
  5. If I didn’t finish a session, how do I go back and watch it? You will need to wait until the on demand is ready and you will need to re-watch the entire session.
Earn Credit and Access Certificate(s)
Each session has its own viewer for Credit tracking purposes. To gain credit for each session, you must watch at least 90% of the session.
For the Symposia sessions ONLY: you will ALSO need to complete the touchpoint quiz which will pop up as a dialogue box during the Symposia sessions while watching the session.
The Overall session evaluation and the Code of Conduct Affidavit can be found in the Certificate Tab and is required to access the Overall Certificate which will show how many credits you received for each session you complete.
To receive your CEU certificate, you will need to complete the overall evaluation, acknowledge the Code of Conduct, and all touch points for each symposium for the full conference and then you will be awarded your certificate of completion.  Access to the content and Overall evaluation will be available until July 1, 2021. Please make sure to complete all session and your overall evaluation by or before July 1, 2021.
For the Ethics Certificate you will need to be manually marked complete so access to this certificate should be available shortly after the conference ends. (this is complete and the Ethics Certificate is now on the portal as well)
Thank you all for your help and again thank you for making our event so successful!
MVCAC Spring Board Meeting
March 23rd, 2021
More information coming soon!
NPDES Report Information
We recommend addressing cover letters to Karen Mogus, Deputy Director, and cc’ing Gurgagn Chand on the email transmittal.
Division of Water Quality
c/o NPDES Unit
State Water Resources Control Board
1001 I Street, 15th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Their email addresses are listed here.

Please also CC MVCAC at
If you have had more recent contact with Gurgagn’s supervisors, you may also want to cc them as well on the email transmittal. These people may include:
MVCAC Monthly Committee Meeting Information
MVCAC Executive Board: Third Tuesday of every month at 9am
The MVCAC Executive Board is now holding monthly statewide Zoom meetings to engage, inform and support our members. Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9am for an Association update and discussions on topics of importance including legislative and regulatory matters, outreach efforts, committee projects, continuing education updates, and COVID-related activities.
If you have a topic you would like to discuss, please email with “Monthly Meeting Topic” in the subject line.

VVBD Committee: First Tuesday of every month at 8am
Due to AMCA in March, the meeting will be on the second Tuesday at 8am. Committee members are not required to make every meeting, but are required to check in prior to any meeting they cannot attend. 
If you are interested in being on the VVBD email list please email Mir Bear-Johnson ( The email list is notified of the meetings.

All meeting zoom login information is behind the member login, please click the button below to access it.
Anastasia Mosquito Control District Survey
The Anastasia Mosquito Control District of St. Johns County, Florida, is working in collaboration with the Department of Defense Deployed Warfighter Program (DWFP) to better understand action thresholds which are used to make operational control decisions for mitigating nuisance and vector mosquitoes. The overarching goal will be to identify key thresholds used by mosquito control and preventative medicine units to understand the minimum criteria needed to develop evidence-based action thresholds for mosquito control where troops are deployed. Data generated from this preliminary survey will be essential to the Department of Defense goals of creating forecast tools for when nuisance and vector control should be initiated in military operational environments.
Access the survey here:  This survey is estimated to take approximately five (5) minutes to complete.    
If you have any questions about this survey or research, please feel free to contact Steve Peper or Dr. Whitney Qualls; PI of the grant project at
2021 Sentinel Chicken Orders
Chickens are being supplied by Haley Farms in Modesto for Northern California and Southern California this year.
If you do not want to use Haley’s, you are welcome to use a different egg ranch closer to your district and make that purchase on your own behalf.

Please return order form to by March 12, 2021 Via email or fax to 916-444-7462

Northern and Southern Region
Pick-up date: April 15, 2021 (7 a.m.- 9 a.m.) in Modesto
Haley's Egg Farm
1030 Ladd Road
Modesto, CA 95355
In case of issue their phone is: (209) 649-4579
Vector lab freezer space for COVID-19 vaccine
As the vaccine for COVID-19 becomes more broadly available, Public Health Departments may need additional cold storage. If your District has or can make space in ultra-low temperature freezers (-70 degrees C or colder), please consider contacting your local Public Health Departments to learn if it can be utilized. We’re all in this together, and being part of a public health solution to COVID-19 will make everyone stand ever so taller.
Share Your Post COVID-19 Exposure Methods With Us
MVCAC is looking for member districts to share with us their post COVID exposure methods and logistics. Please email the methods you have in place to and we will add them to the COVID-19 page on the MVCAC website.

Thank you!
MVCAC Member Resources Re: COVID-19
MVCAC will be assembling and posting some information and templates of what some Districts have created and shared as they manage their operations. Items like sample document for field staff to carry in addition to their ID to validate status/purpose and actions related to seasonal hires. It will be posted as it becomes available to a new members-only page on the MVCAC website.

Click the button below to login and view.
Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District (District) is excited to celebrate 20 years of serving Placer County. As part of the 20th anniversary celebration, which began on January 1, 2021, the District unveiled a new website which features a commemorative 20th anniversary logo that is proudly displayed on the new homepage.

The new website, which launched in December 2020, is the District’s first step in kicking off the 20th anniversary celebration. It is the product of many months of hard work. Research results, requirements for government websites and 10 years of using the same platform established the need for the District to update and refresh its existing website to be mobile-friendly, ADA compliant and to enhance the look and feel to comply with website design best practices.  
Submit your district for the next Agency Spotlight
Does your agency have a success story, a staff member you would like to publicly recognize, or an innovation by your agency that you would like to highlight? "Agency Spotlight" on the MVCAC website is one way to share your story! Each submission which meets the specified criteria will be reviewed and posted on the MVCAC website on the Agency Spotlight page and highlighted on the homepage in the rotating feature box. Each story will remain posted for 1-2 months before being moved to a publicly archived page. 

Interested? Click here to fill out an application!

Applications can be submitted to the MVCAC office at
HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into
District Managers - Please upload your HR resources and information into this Google Drive along with using it for your own district.

Click here to access the Google Drive.
News Headlines
MVCAC News Briefs - Giant Asian Hornets
Please note: The items contained below are not the views or opinions of MVCAC but they are what is being reported in the media. The goal of MVCAC providing this information is to keep MVCAC members informed of all news articles that are being presented regarding Giant Asian Hornets.

CSDA Giant Asian Hornets Video: 

MVCAC News Briefs - Zika Updates
Please note: The items contained below are not the views or opinions of MVCAC but they are what is being reported in the media. The goal of MVCAC providing this information is to keep MVCAC members informed of all news articles that are being presented regarding Zika.

MVCAC News Briefs - Other Outbreaks
Please note: The items contained below are not the views or opinions of MVCAC but they are what is being reported in the media. The goal of MVCAC providing this information is to keep MVCAC members informed of all news articles that are being presented regarding other outbreaks.
Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues? 
If you would like your news to be included in the MVCAC News Briefs, please send press releases and/or links to relevant news articles to
MVCAC Jobs Board
Interested in a career in mosquito and vector control? Check out the MVCAC Jobs Board at
Have a Job or RFP to post to 
Requests to post job listings (no more than 500 words in length) should be submitted to the webmaster at
MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner
Note: MVCAC does not endorse the products below, but we do support our Sustaining Members

Central Life Sciences has announced the release of Aqua Zenivex™ E20, a reduced-risk adulticide for mosquito control professionals.