April 26-27, 2018
Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel
Rates from $110-$140 plus taxes and includes cooked to order breakfast and managers reception
Booking Link:
Reservations can be made on line at www.tahoeresorthotel.com, group code:
or by calling the hotel directly at 530.544.5400.
Shuttle service is available from the Reno Airport to South Lake Tahoe. Cost is roughly $50 per person.
HR resources for districts to use and to upload information into
Managers - Please upload your HR resources and information into this Google Drive along with using it for your own district.
2018 Sentinel Chicken Orders
click here
to download the 2018 Chicken Order Form.
Chickens are being supplied by Haley Farms in Modesto for Northern California and by Demler Egg Ranch for Southern California.
Northern Region: (Haley's)
Pick-up date:
April 5, 2018 (7 a.m. - 9 a.m.) in Modesto
Order form due date:
The due date for Northern Region orders has passed.
1030 Ladd Road
Modesto, CA 95355
In case of issue their phone is: (209) 649-4579
Call for Proceedings Papers -
April 2, 2018
The final submission deadline for the MVCAC Proceedings and Papers is April 2, 2018.
All talks must have an associated description in the PMVCAC. The following three options are:
1) Full manuscript
2) Extended abstract
3) The abstract submitted with the request to present a paper or a revision of the submitted abstract
Submit manuscripts and extended abstracts by email to:
Please reference in the email whether the submission is a full paper or an extended abstract. If the title has been changed, please reference the original presentation title.
The guidelines have changed. To view the new guidelines,
click here.
UAS in Mosquito Control Survey
Thanks to all who attended and supported the UAS symposium at the AMCA meeting in Kansas City. The presenters all did a fantastic job at presenting range of perspectives on the use of UAS in Mosquito Control. Please take a moment and fill out the first
UAS in Mosquito Control survey
. This will give all of us a great snapshot of what the current use and interest level of UAS among AMCA members across the country. We can't do this without your participation. Whether or not you are even considering UAS at the moment, your opinion counts. We will keep the survey open until April 30 to allow ample time for everyone to weigh in. After that, the UAS committee will review the survey results and prepare a report for the AMCA board and membership. This should help to give us better idea of what role the UAS subcommittee and the AMCA in general needs to do to support UAS in Mosquito Control.
Joel Buettner
, L&R UAS subcommittee Chair
Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District
Northwest MVCD is taking a poll of how many agencies have a bee program.
If your agency has a bee program: Does this bee program assist residents with bees on their property, serve public spaces only or serve both residential and public spaces?
Please send your response to the survey questions above (and any questions or concerns) to Bill VanDyke at bvandyke@northwestmvcd.org
or call 951-340-9792 to discuss further.
MVCAC Partners on 2018 Special District Legislative Days
The MVCAC is a proud Partner of the 2018 Special Districts Legislative Days, scheduled for May 22-23 at the Sacramento Convention Center.
Gain the edge on policy changes impacting your agency and exchange ideas with California's top decision-makers at Legislative Days, an interactive and informative two-day legislative conference in our State's Capitol.
Day One: Advocacy Day
Get updated on what's happening in the Capitol, then join together with special district leaders from throughout California to take action on the priority issues facing special districts.
- Hear directly from State leadership on hot topics affecting local services and infrastructure.
- Participate in pre-arranged meetings with State Legislators and staff in their Capitol offices, followed by a private reception.
- Explore how decisions are really made in the Capitol and help shape their outcome.
Day Two: Policy Day
Gain insights from legal experts and CSDA lobbyists on the newest laws and legal challenges to come out of Sacramento.
- Connect the action in the Capitol with the implementation in your community.
- Drill into hot topics through breakout sessions on key issues, which may affect your district's revenue, governance, public works, or personnel.
- Find answers to your tough questions from expert panels.
MVCAC Participates in 2018 California Agriculture Day
On Tuesday, March 20, 2018 MVCAC participated at Ag Day at the California State Capitol
Western Scrub-Jay name change to California Scrub-Jay
From Vectorborne Disease Section - California Department of Public Health
March 19, 2018
Over a year ago, the Western Scrub-Jay (
Aphelocoma californica) was given a new common name: California Scrub-Jay. In CalSurv Gateway, the Western Scrub-Jay is now listed as the California Scrub-Jay. All previous records of the Western Scrub-Jay are unaffected and will be found under California Scrub-Jay.
Due to differences in range and coloration, the Audubon Ornithological Society split the Western Scrub-Jay into two species: California Scrub-Jay and Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay (
Aphelocoma woodhouseii) (also added to CalSurv). In general, Woodhouse's has less intense coloration than the familiar California Scrub-Jay. Woodhouse's Scrub-Jays are mainly found in Nevada and the "four corners" states. But
Woodhouse's can be found in Mono, Inyo, and eastern San Bernardino counties, and a few agencies in these counties may find Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay.
NPDES Coalition Report Filed with SWB
The 2017 NPDES Coalition Report was filed with the State Water Resources Control Board on behalf of the participating districts. You can access a copy of the report here (or by clicking below). If you have any questions or issues you can contact the MVCAC office.
Following several years of extended drought, San Joaquin County (SJC) experienced extraordinary rainfall in early 2017. Remnant water in rural and urban areas throughout the County, resulted in record numbers of Culex tarsalis, the primary carrier of West Nile virus (WNV). In addition, the areas which were impacted most by the flood waters were located in areas with significant historic WNV activity. Through the efforts of the entire staff of the San Joaquin County Mosquito and Vector Control District (District), the early abundance of mosquitoes were effectively handled by aggressively decreasing the population before the warmer months began. In turn, we achieved our goal of protecting human health. The following is a brief synopsis of the event.
Submit your district for the next Agency Spotlight
oes your agency have a success story, a staff member you would like to publicly recognize, or an innovation by your agency that you would like to highlight? "Agency Spotlight" on the MVCAC website is one way to share your story! Each submission which meets the specified criteria will be reviewed and posted on the MVCAC website on the Agency Spotlight page and highlighted on the homepage in the rotating feature box. Each story will remain posted for 1-2 months before being moved to a publicly archived page.
Click here
to fill out an application!
MVCAC News Briefs - Zika Updates
Please note: The items contained below are not the views or opinions of MVCAC but they are what is being reported in the media. The goal of MVCAC providing this information is to keep MVCAC members informed of all news articles that are being presented regarding Zika.
MVCAC News Briefs - Other Outbreaks
Please note: The items contained below are not the views or opinions of MVCAC but they are what is being reported in the media. The goal of MVCAC providing this information is to keep MVCAC members informed of all news articles that are being presented regarding other outbreaks.
3/20/18: Discovered mode of drinking in mosquitoes carries biomedical implications - Phys.org
3/18/18: Are we prepared for the looming epidemic threat? - The Guardian
3/16/18: Climate Change Promotes the Spread of Mosquito and Tick-Borne Viruses - R & D Magazine
3/16/18: CDC: get vaccinated for yellow fever before traveling to Brazil - The Orlando Sentinel |
Do you have important news to share about your district or mosquito and vector issues?
If you would like your news to be included in the MVCAC News Briefs, please send press releases and/or links to relevant news articles to
Interested in a career in mosquito and vector control? Check out the MVCAC Job Board
Have a Job or RFP to post to MVCAC.org?
Requests to post job listings (no more than 500 words in length) should be submitted to the webmaster at
MVCAC Sustaining Member Corner
Note: MVCAC does not endorse the products below, but we do support our Sustaining Members
Central Life Sciences has announced the release of Aqua Zenivex™ E20, a reduced-risk adulticide for mosquito control professionals.