Hello MVNA neighbors!

Featured News: speed radar sign requests, new board members wanted, and upcoming MVNA events.

MVNA Board News

February Meeting Notes: The board met on February 27 and hosted Whitney Bennett from Commute Options to present the Oregon Friendly Driver Program. Attendees learned a variety of safety tips, rules of the road, and how to share our roadways with all users. If you were not able to attend, check out the Oregon Friendly Driver Program or visit the Commute Options website for more information.

To see a draft of the February meeting minutes, including new land use news, visit the MVNA website.

The March Meeting is Gardens Galore! Please join us and our special guest Ashley Joyce, local school and backyard garden expert, on March 20 at 6:00 pm, for a presentation and Q and A on all things Central Oregon gardening. With years of experience helping Bendites grow their own vegetables, Ashley will share her expertise with us. More info to follow in the March meeting invite later this month.

New Board Members Needed: The board will have vacancies this spring and we need neighbors to fill these key positions:

  • Land Use - monitors all land use development within the MVNA boundaries, including tracking new STR permits.
  • NART representative - attends meetings of the Neighborhood Association Round Table, a monthly meet up with the other NAs in Bend, to discuss hot topics and increase communication amongst the NAs.
  • Board Chair - sets the MVNA meeting agendas, runs the meetings, and acts as the point person for all things MVNA. Duties are shared with the Vice Chair as needed.
  • Community Events Coordinator - MVNA is looking to increase our community building work. We hope to recruit a member who will plan and facilitate community events for our neighborhood.

Please complete this application if you are interested in one of these board positions or in finding another role to serve.

Wanted: Your Speed Radar Sign Requests! Every year, the City of Bend provides speed radar signs to our NAs to track speeding and daily traffic volume, as well as remind drivers to slow down. If you have a location request, please fill out this form by April 10. Per the City's guidelines, "the street locations should be more than three blocks long, connect other streets in the neighborhood, and have multiple speeding complaints. Signs can only go where there is an existing speed sign post or space in the shoulder." Thank you!

Neighborhood Safe Streets Project (NSSP) Update: The latest phase of the NSSP projects will be wrapped up this summer, with the next phase entering the design process soon. Project 20: Traffic Calming at Providence and Locksley will be in this next phase. This project was requested by our neighbors living on Providence to slow traffic and create a crosswalk to Providence Park. We will keep you posted as this project moves out of the design phase and into construction. You can learn more about NSSP here on the City's website.

Upcoming MVNA Board Meetings:

March 20 at 6:00 pm - Gardening in Bend Presentation. Deschutes Children's Foundation Community Room - 2125 NE Daggett Lane.

April 17 at River's Place - join us for a Neighborhood Night Out! More information to follow!

Visit our Website

City Council News

Council's 2023-2025 Goal Setting: Our Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA) representative John Bennett reported on the presentation by Mayor Melanie Kebler, the new NLA City Council liaison, at the recent NLA meeting. Kebler shared the new Council's goals which are being set for the 2023-2025 biennium based on community input and needs. The adoption of the Council goal framework will happen at the regular Council meeting at 7 p.m. on March 15.

Houselessness Update: Councilor Perkins shared the following updates with our MVNA board:

  • The Stepping Stone Shelter officially opened its doors. This was the Project Turnkey funded shelter on Division Street, formerly a hotel. It was opened on an emergency basis (and run temporarily by NeighborImpact) for a few months and then went through a series of major renovations while its residents went to the former Rainbow Motel. The new renovated facility is also run by NeighborImpact and has had a lot of success already getting people into stable housing.   Bend's newest homeless shelter Stepping Stone expected to open in February (centraloregondaily.com)
  • The Camping Code took effect on March 1. More information on that here.
  • Council approved a behavioral health agreement for the Lighthouse Navigation Center which will ensure that clients at this day center have all the services they need to transition into stable housing.
  • Shepherd's House reports that the overnight emergency shelter consistently remains at or over capacity.
  • Finally, here is an update on Hunnell Road.

Visit the City Council webpage for future meeting agendas and minutes and videos of previous meetings.

MVNA Transportation News

Purcell-Neff Intersection Closure:

  • Detour routes are designated as NE 8th, NE Butler Market, 27th Street, and Greenwood Avenue.
  • Detour traffic concerns - please contact the MVNA board or the City's project team directly if you believe detour traffic is higher than expected or causing other safety concerns on your neighborhood streets:
  • Project Phone Line: (458) 202-7348
  • Email: neffpurcell@bendoregon.gov
  • Project Website and sign up for email updates HERE.

Roundabout at Butler Market and Wells Acres:

Members attended the Butler Market - Wells Acres Roundabout Open House, hosted by the City of Bend's Project Team. A few key points:

  • It will be a standard one-lane design.
  • All four directions have safety islands and obvious entry/exit points for pedestrians and bikes.
  • Estimated start date will be July 2023.
  • Residents can comment on design features here.
  • See the City's webpage for this project and sign up for project updates.
Check other TRANSPORTATION UPDATES on the MVNA Website

As one of the City of Bend's thirteen Neighborhood Associations, the Mountain View NA board strives to provide information to our neighbors, advocate for all who live and work within the MVNA boundaries, and build a more connected community.

Together our voices are stronger!
