


December 2024

Brian O. Martin, AICP

MVRPC Office is on the Move!

6 N Main Building

MVRPC is excited to announce that we are moving to a new location! Beginning December 30, 2024, our office will be located at 6 N. Main Street, Suite 400, Dayton, OH 45402. Our new office space is designed to foster partnership, innovation, collaboration, improve accessibility, and provide an upgraded environment for hosting meetings and events.

While our physical address is changing, our telephone numbers and email address will remain the same. Please update your records and contact Savannah Diamond sdiamond@mvrpc.org with any questions.

We wish you a restful and fun Holiday Season and we look forward to seeing you in our December meetings and in 2025. We look forward to welcoming you to our new space in the heart of downtown Dayton in 2025!

MVRPC Digest for Board of Directors Meeting

December 5, 2024

In this section, we bring you the latest updates from our recent board meeting. Stay connected with key information relevant to our board members and partners.

MVRPC Board Meeting 12-5-24

Pictured: Special "Thank You" presented by Mike Parks and Jeanne Holihan from The Dayton Foundation

  • The Dayton Foundation presented a special "Thank You" to the MVRPC Board of Directors and Staff regarding their leadership in the regional disaster recovery efforts for the 2019 Memorial Day Tornadoes. (pictured above)

  • Glossary of MVRPC Terminology: Explore a draft glossary of terms frequently used in MVRPC meetings. Whether you're new or just need a refresher, this resource will help you navigate MVRPC’s language with ease.

Latest MVRPC News

MVRPC Staff and RTPO Steering Committee Recognize Darke Commissioner Larry Holmes for Distinguished Service as Third Vice-Chairperson

RTPOSC Recognize Larry Holmes for Service as MVRPC Third Vice-Chairperson

Pictured L to R: Kyle Cross, Preble County; Larry Holmes, Darke County; Ana Ramirez, MVRPC; Mike Bowers, Darke County CIC

MVRPC staff and the Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) Steering Committee had the honor of presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Darke Commissioner Larry Holmes during the RTPO Steering Committee meeting held on November 20th in Darke County, with the presentation made by RTPO Chairperson, Preble County Engineer, Kyle Cross.

Commissioner Holmes was recognized for his exemplary service as the Third Vice-Chairperson on MVRPC’s Board of Directors and as an active member of the RTPO Steering Committee. His leadership and commitment to advancing transportation and planning initiatives for RTPO communities have greatly shaped the future structure of the group and collaboration among Darke, Preble, and Shelby Counties.  

MVRPC Sponsors the Montgomery County Township Association (MCTA) Holiday Celebration and Awards Gala – Martin provides Keynote Address

GIS Conference November 2024

It is always a pleasure to partner with our members on initiatives that benefit the Region. MVRPC was a Champion sponsor and one of several hosts of the MCTA Holiday Celebration and Awards Gala at the beautiful Mandalay event center in Moraine on November 21. Brian was accompanied by staff members Laura Dent and Savannah Diamond as well as his wife Jinnifer on the evening. Brian was introduced by President of the MCTA Board, Mr. Chris Snyder, Miami Township Administrator. Brian provided an overview of services that townships especially should leverage as members including: a seat at the Regional table, bringing topics for discussion, MVRPC’s Annual Dinner, partnering opportunities with other jurisdictions and organizations; tracking legislation and pursuing grants, updating Long Range plans, connecting to the Nation’s Largest Paved Trail Network, and other opportunities. The full presentation can be found here. It was good to see current delegates and meet new ones as well as to visit with our county-wide elected officials.

MVRPC and the City of Dayton Host Elective Pay Webinar 

DDN Picture Oakwood buys EV

Pictured: Oakwood buys EV Police Cruiser as exploratory vehicle (Source: Dayton Daily News)

You may have seen in the Dayton Daily News last month the City of Oakwood is trying out an electric vehicle for their police fleet. Oakwood joins Dayton, Five Rivers Metroparks and others in the Miami Valley in exploring EVs as fleet vehicles. Together, these demonsstrations will help all jurisdictions learn from their experiences over the coming months.


This clean energy investment is authorized through the Elective Pay program of the Inflation Reduction Act. Elective Pay is a program of the IRS that provides tax credits to local governments and other non-profits that do not normally pay taxes for clean energy investments.


On November 14 MVRPC partnered with the City of Dayton to host a webinar on the process for filing for these tax credits. In this information-packed session presenter Matthew Worsham from Dayton’s Office of Sustainability describes how the city submitted for $105,000 of tax credits from the IRS for City of Dayton projects completed in 2023.


If your community is looking at clean energy projects, you’ll want your staff to know how to get the tax credits you are entitled to under the Inflation Reduction Act.  As always, if you have any questions about MVRPC’s Climate Pollution Reduction planning work, please contact Matt Lindsay at 937.531.6548 or mlindsay@mvrpc.org

MVRPC Releases the Regional Food System Overview

MVRPC Regional Food System Overview

MVRPC is excited to share the completion of the Regional Food System Overview, the fourth project of the PLAN4Health - Miami Valley Initiative. A number of factors influence health and well-being, but a healthy diet is a key contributor to good outcomes. The Regional Food System Overview was developed to better understand aspects of the Miami Valley's food system.

MVRPC’s PLAN4Health – Miami Valley Initiative was launched in the Spring of 2021 to explore how planning can impact health outcomes. The PLAN4Health - Miami Valley Initiative is a multi-year effort with a focus on projects and programs intended to:

  •  Promote and advocate for “Health in All Plans and Policies"
  • Convene and engage partners to improve conditions that are known to be key determinants of health
  • Advance planning efforts aimed at creating conditions for healthy people and communities

The Regional Food System Overview offers valuable insights into the food system in the Miami Valley, highlighting local food assets, security, and accessibility. Designed to introduce essential food system concepts, the overview aims to raise awareness of current conditions and the interconnected nature of critical food system components. It seeks to start a dialogue among planners, public health professionals, and food system stakeholders, encouraging collaboration to enhance health outcomes and improve the region’s food environment.

For additional information regarding PLAN4Health - Miami Valley Initiative and the Regional Food System Overview, contact Martin Kim, MVRPC’s Director of Community and Regional Planning, at mkim@mvrpc.org.

MVRPC Hosts Free GIS Training to our Members

MVRPC Hosts Free GIS Training

MVRPC hosted another successful GIS training session on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at Wright State University’s GIS Lab. This is the third training session conducted this year and MVRPC’s 13th training session overall. Titled “Building Interactive Reporting Web Apps Using ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online,” this training session covered hands-on learning modules on how to work in both the ArcGIS Pro and the ArcGIS Online environments, and creating a SmartForm application to collect data from the public.

MVRPC staff served as instructors to the 12 participants during the training, providing detailed written tutorials and other materials that attendees could take back to continue to practice after the training was complete.

MVRPC provides 2-3 training sessions per year for our members on a variety of topic areas such as ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro. For more information about MVRPC’s GIS program and training opportunities, visit our website at mvrpc.org/data-mapping/gis-mvrpc or contact Tom Harner, GIS Manager at tharner@mvrpc.org.

Meet Our Newest MVRPC Staff Member

Welcome Ian Cole MVRPC Planner III

We’re excited to introduce MVRPC’s newest staff member, Ian Cole. Ian is the newest member of the MVRPC team, having joined in November. Ian is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University with a Master of Business Administration with core concentrations in Leadership and Global Supply Chain. Ian also graduated from Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor’s degree in Geography with a concentration in GIS. Prior to joining MVRPC, Ian served the Lake Cumberland Area Development District as a GIS Analyst/Project Specialist as well as the Regional Transportation Planner. Ian served as a liaison between local governments in a 10-county district as well as the Kentucky State Transportation Cabinet. Ian currently serves in the Transportation Planning & Funding division of MVRPC as a Transportation Planner III. Ian’s primary areas of focus include: Urban Transportation Planning, the MPO Long Range Transportation Plan, and Freight Coordination. Please join us in welcoming Ian Cole.

MVPRC Staff Org Chart

Grants and Funding Resources

On a monthly basis, MVRPC highlights several funding opportunities for eligible cities, counties, and townships on our website that could benefit communities in the Region. We include a description, contact information, and program links. We have also listed other valuable resources for funding opportunities for our regional jurisdictions and organizations. See more at: mvrpc.org/grant-and-funding-opportunities


This month, we are featuring information on:

  • Ohio Environmental Education Fund– Deadline: January 9, 2025
  • Road to Zero Community Traffic Safety Grants– Deadline: January 17, 2025 

If you have any questions, please contact Kathryn Youra Polk at kyourapolk@mvrpc.org.

Latest Updates on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Upcoming Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcements in 2024

In order to provide stakeholders with more visibility into upcoming funding opportunities, U.S. DOT publishes anticipated dates for upcoming Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) for programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), as well as adjacent programs that support BIL and IRA objectives.

View the Grant Programs Calendar here: Key Notices of Funding Opportunity | US Department of Transportation

Please contact Savannah Diamond, MVRPC’s Assistant to the Executive Director at sdiamond@mvrpc.org or 937.223.6323 with your comments or questions about local and regional grant pursuits.

Resources -

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Rural Playbook: A roadmap for delivering opportunity and investments in rural America

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Technical Assistance Guide: A list of federal resources to help communities deliver infrastructure projects


EPA's free Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) services support communities to identify water challenges, develop plans, build capacity, and develop application materials to access water infrastructure funding. For more information visit the website: https://www.epa.gov/water-infrastructure/water-technical-assistance-waterta


MiamiValleyGovJobs.org is a one-stop website for candidates seeking positions with a public agency in the Miami Valley. This service is provided to MVRPC member organizations and partners at no cost. Posting your positions on MiamiValleyGovJobs.org increases the visibility of your positions and expands your candidate pool. Each job post will be displayed with your organization's logo and a link to your website where candidates can find more information. To post a position with your organization, please email your posting to JobBoard@mvrpc.org.

View Recent Job Openings

Upcoming Meetings and Events

MVRPC Meetings

Please check the agency calendar on mvrpc.org or contact Savannah Diamond at sdiamond@mvrpc.org for the status of your meeting.





10:00 a.m.

Greater Region Mobility Initiative Meeting


10:00 a.m.

Regional Active Transportation Committee Meeting

Happy Holidays from MVRPC!

Please note our office closures for the holiday season:

Tuesday, December 24

Wednesday, December 25

Wednesday, January 1

Wishing you a joyful and safe holiday!

View Calendar of Events

2025 Meeting Calendar Now Available

MVRPC's 2025 Meeting Calendar is now available. This comprehensive calendar includes all scheduled meetings for our various committees, subcommittees, and networks, including the Board of Directors, Technical Advisory Committee, and many others that play a role in advancing our Region's planning and development efforts.

Meeting locations, times, are detailed in the calendar. Please note that some meetings may be subject to cancellation or rescheduling. For the most current information, visit our Committee Center at mvrpc.org/committee-center.

This calendar is an essential resource for staying engaged with MVRPC’s planning initiatives and collaborative efforts across the Miami Valley region. We encourage all members and stakeholders to download the calendar and mark your schedules.

For further details, visit our website or contact us at 937.223.6323.

Download Full 2025 MVRPC Meeting Calendar

MVRPC emails are produced through Constant Contact. We have negotiated a significantly reduced group rate for all of our MVRPC members and partners to join Constant Contact making it easy for you to offer your own customized, professional communication to your communities. You will save considerably more than you could joining the platform on your own, and even if you are already using Constant Contact, you can apply our discount to save even more. Best of all, the MVRPC communication team is here to help you get started! Visit our unique Constant Contact link or contact Laura Dent, MVRPC Director of Marketing and Public Outreach to learn more at ldent@mvrpc.org.

937.223.6323 | mvrpc.org

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