Student Recognition - 5th Grade
The Board of Trustees' student recognition program is designed to recognize students who have exhibited attributes of our new Mill Valley Learner Profile , part of the District’s strategic plan. Teachers nominate one student from their class who has demonstrated a profile attribute to be recognized.

At the February 7, 2019 board meeting, 5th grade students from each class across the district were recognized for demonstrating Learner Profile attributes (see photo above).
Student Support Services Update
Andee Abramson, Director of Student Support Services, and school counselors at both the elementary and middle school level provided an overview of the social-emotional learning (SEL) programs that are currently implemented across our schools.

Elementary counselors Jen Ferrer, Meredith Mishel, and Margaret McClung explained that the Mill Valley School District's SEL program follows the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) model, targeting five competencies - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
Jen Ferrer presenting to the board
Staff shared information about Kimochis , Toolbox , and Zones of Regulation, which are the three curriculums used in our elementary classrooms. The elementary counselors are focusing on supporting all students with these skills in the classroom, while also holding targeted intervention groups, individual counseling, and other programs.
Randi Josephson, Erin Sheedy, Mynor Maldonado and Andee Abramson
The middle school counselors, Randi Josephson, Mynor Maldonado, and Erin Sheedy, shared that having one counselor per grade level allows them the ability to better connect with each and every student. The team shared that their work focuses on transition between elementary, middle, and high school, educating the whole child, anxiety, and finding healthy ways to process and self-advocate. They also use programs including Beyond Differences , Challenge Day , and the "Where Everybody Belongs" (WEB) program.

If you have questions regarding the Student Support Services programs, please contact Andee Abramson , Director of Student Support Services.
Old Mill School Presentation
Old Mill School Principal Jason Deppong presented information regarding the school's efforts around global competency, the Learner Profile, and the green team .

One part of being globally-minded is global stewardship, which Old Mill participates in with the 70-member student green team, led by Ms. Kaye and Ms. Demaret. Old Mill School is working with Zero Waste Marin to sort trash and recyclables at lunch and more. Take a look at the video below for an adorable cheer from three green team members!
Budget Presentation
Governor's proposed budget
Raquel Rose, Interim Superintendent, and Michele Rollins, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services, presented highlights from Governor Newsom's January proposed budget. Key takeaways include:
  • This is a proposal and more information is forthcoming.
  • Minor relief is proposed to support unfunded pension liabilities
  • No one-time discretionary funds are proposed
  • There is a focus on one-time early childhood education and special education funds

The district's 2018-19 2nd Interim will be presented at the March board meeting and the Governor's 2019-20 May Revise will provide additional information.
Staff Social Media Policy
Jim Bowlby, Director of Technology, presenting to the board
Jim Bowlby, Technology Director, presented a staff social media policy for a first-reading by the board. It encompasses both a board policy and administrative regulation based on the California School Boards Association (CSBA) template. A set of guidelines were also developed based on those from the San Diego Unified School District and Los Angeles Unified School District, with legal input. The guidelines are a separate document due to the changing nature of social media best practices. The policy and guidelines focus on both district-official social media platforms and staff personal social media, with the intention to protect professional reputations and provide safety tips.
Local Control and Accountability Report (LCAP) Presentation
Wendy Holmes, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Raquel Rose, Interim Superintendent, provided a brief LCAP overview and update regarding the LCAP development process.

Next steps include reflecting on current goals, engaging community, and adjusting for the next school year. Part of this process is striving to always improve and refine practices. A review and analysis is in process, a Study Session with the board is scheduled in May, and a Public Hearing and approval will occur in June.
Other Points of Interest
  • Transportation - The Mill Valley School District continues to evaluate the Yellow School Bus Pilot Program. Staff are scheduled to meet with Marin Transit and community stakeholders to continue conversations and discuss local options. Staff will present a recommendation at the March 14, 2019 board meeting.
  • A Facility Master Planning Sub-Committee has been put in place to work with HY Architects to identify a vision and master plan for anticipated middle school construction.
  • The January Administrative Council retreat focused on evaluating progress of the Strategic Plan and a reflection on our work around equity in our schools.
Upcoming Events :
  • Courageous Conversations - Beyond Diversity I - March 25-26, 8:30am-3:30pm, Marin County Office of Education
  • Skate Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Mill Valley Middle School - Monday, February 25, 2019, 4:30pm
Board meeting dates and agendas can be found on the Mill Valley School District website.
Mill Valley School District | 415-389-7700 | |