Our 2018 Annual Report
Check out our 2018 Annual Report ! We had many successes last year and continue to build onto them. Thank you to our ratepayers for their support, the Commission members for their guidance, and staff for their hard work!  
April Showers at the Treatment Plant
Heavy flows at treatment plant
The recent heavy rains brought unusually high flows to the wastewater treatment plant . On April 7, all plant equipment was running to handle the large volumes of water. The plant treated a total of 141 million gallons of water on April 7. There was a peak flow at one point in the day of 221 million gallons (peak flow is the highest measured hourly flow).

April 8 brought more heavy rains, and 198 million gallons of water were cleaned. Throughout that week, the wastewater plant treated a total of 788 million gallons - that's more than was treated during the entire month of November 2018!
Unusually high Willamette River
The extra flows at the treatment plant in winter are due to "Inflow and Infiltration," or I&I. Inflow  occurs when rainwater is improperly directed into the wastewater system instead of to storm drains.  Infiltration  occurs when groundwater seeps into the wastewater system through cracks or leaks in wastewater pipes. 

The pump stations throughout Eugene and Springfield conveyed all of the wastewater to the treatment plant with no issues. The wastewater treatment plant and staff performed exceedingly well during the rain event, and all discharge permit parameters were met.
Students Brave the Rain
6th grade students from Coburg Community Charter School recently took a wet but fun tour of the wastewater treatment plant, where they learned how we clean water. They sent us some very nice thank you cards after the tour!
Thank you cards
Do you have a class or community group that would like a free tour of the Eugene-Springfield wastewater treatment plant? Learn more about our tours and how to schedule one.
Stay Connected
Want to bring your class or community group on a free tour of the
Eugene-Springfield wastewater treatment plant? Email MWMC