MYC, JAG and UWTC Logo 

December 2013
Jingle Bell Jamboree & Santa Parade
Thank you!

The Milford Youth Center staff and Commission would like to thank everyone who attended and/or volunteered at our 5th annual Jingle Bell Jamboree!  


On Sunday, December 1st, before the Santa Parade, families were able to enjoy Holiday crafts, face painting, snacks, music, and a jumpy at the Youth Center!


We would like to thank the many organizations and individuals that contributed to this event:  Jon Capece, Rob Kidder, Mike Walsh, Dan Seaver, Joe Graziano, Christine Daddario, Earl Wilson, Tim Snow, Felipe Marques, Milford Cub Scouts, Milford Girl Scouts, Milford High School National Art Honor Society, Diane Spittler, and the JAG Youth Council members who ran the craft and cookie decorating tables! We would like to especially thank Art's Towing for donating a trailer bed for the second year in a row, allowing us to be part of the Santa Parade!!!


For more pictures, click here

MYC After School Program
December Updates!
MYC Youth

We would like to welcome you and your family to the fourth month of this school year's Milford Youth Center After School Program! 


Some of these programs this month include the JAG Youth Council, Arts & Crafts, Instructional Boxing Conditioning, Kids Choice, Homework Help, and many other daily physical fitness activities/open gym. Click here for our full December Calendar! For our event calendar for the year, click hereThe Milford Youth Center was also invited, on behalf of the Office of Senator Richard T. Moore, to bring some of its Youth Members to Edaville Railroad at Christmas on December 17th! Edaville USA is a Special Events Park, where this kids will enjoy a train ride, amusement rides, a snack, and their Christmas Festival of Lights! 
The Milford Youth Center after school program is open for youth ages 8-18, free of charge, from 2-6 pm Monday through Friday. We see over 200 youth every day, through this program and the many community and sports organizations that utilize the facility. All participants must fill out a registration form to be a member. Once this form is returned to the Center, the member will be provided with an ID barcode to be placed on the back of their Milford Student ID's (once they are issued). This will be how Youth Center staff will track attendance. Therefore, all members are required to bring in their Milford School ID's in order to enter the facility. For the MYC Code of Conduct, click here. You can find out all up-to-date info at our website.  

If you 
would like to volunteer, donate, or run a program during next school year's after school program please call or email the Center.  Click here for volunteer form! The Milford Youth Center would like to thank the numerous volunteers, individuals and organizations that allow us to continue to grow and provide a safe and fun environment for the Youth of Milford! We would like to specifically thank this month: Linda Hertz, United Way of Tri-County, Teachers Driving Academy, and Christine DaddarioWe would like to thank Paul Bonvino, Mike Bonina, and Milford Softball for donating the bulbs and balises to fix the lights in the gymnasium! We would also like to thank Braza and Mancini Inc. for lending the Center a lift!
Adult Open Gym at the MYC Starts THIS Week!

The Milford Youth Center will be open for adult open gym on Thursday Nights, starting December 12th! All adults can enjoy basketball and volleyball from 7:30-9:00 PM. 


All participants will be charged either a $50 registration fee for the entire season. This one-time fee will be for the entire season, ending on Thursday, April 30th. You must be 18 or older to participate and have an ID when registering. All proceeds go back to youth programming at the Center. 


If you have any questions, please call the Sidney at the Center at 508-473-1756 or email here.


For registration form, click here. Please make check payable to The Milford Youth Center and return payment and this bottom section to the Center at 24 Pearl St. Milford, Ma 01757.

Join and Support the MYC & HOOP CREW, LLC in their efforts to raise money and awareness for Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)


Join and support the Milford Youth Center and Hoop Crew, LLC in their efforts to raise money and awareness for Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) on Saturday, December 21st from 7:00pm - 12:00am. 


In coordination with the 1st Annual FIGHT ALS Youth Holiday Showdown (Dec. 29-30, Milford), a travel basketball tournament for boys and girls, grades 5-8, Hoop Crew, LLC is hosting a formal, adult dinner fundraiser for guests to boost their collective efforts against ALS. Food, music, raffles, silent auctions and a beer/wine will be available to all attending guests. Tickets are $40 each and those interested in attending can RSVP ahead of time. Tickets will also be sold at the door on Saturday, December 21st, starting at 7:00pm. 


The dinner event will be held in memory of former MYC Chairman, Paul "Wally" Seaver. For more information, please contact either Paul Seaver ( or Greg Lewis ( Click here for RSVP and flier. 

Help Support the Milford Youth Cheerleaders Moving on to Nationals!!!


The Milford U10 Cheerleading squad will be heading to Nationals in Florida THIS WEEK! The U10 team is composed of 24 amazing little girls ages 8-10.  They started practice in early August, and so far, have won first place at every competition they have been to. In order to get all 24 girls and their coaches to Florida, the team has been holding fundraisers to cover travel expenses. Please consider help supporting all their efforts by clicking this link and purchasing a $10 raffle ticket. Each purchase can either be directed to support an individual athlete or into the "general fund" to support all the athletes! Winners of the raffle prizes will be drawn each calendar day in the month of January 2014. 

Bake Some Holiday Cheer!!!


Some local volunteers are looking for your help to "bake some Holiday cheer!" They will be handing out cookies to those in need, in shelters and/or are homeless, on Christmas Eve. They need help from the community to make this possible! Whoever can make at least one batch of cookies and drop them off at the Center in a zip-lock bag (or Holiday tin) by December 22nd, is appreciated! If you have any questions, please email here

United Way
Aims to Feed 1,000 Families for Holidays!

Are you getting excited thinking about the Holidays? All the food, the turkey, green bean casserole and oh, the stuffing! Now think about all the people that can't afford a holiday meal. You can help make a difference and provide a family with a holiday meal, including all the trimmings, for just $50.


We need your help to feed 1,000 families in the MetroWest/495 Corridor this Holiday Season. Your generous gift of $50.00 will give these families a complete holiday meal including the trimmings. For every $1 donated, we are able to purchase $4 worth of food. So please help us feed as many families as possible. For more information and to donate, click here   

Community Impact and Truth Yoga Studio

Registration is now open for two new classes at Community Impact and Truth Yoga Studio! 


1. Middle School Yoga: Ages 11-13

    When: Mondays 

    Time: 6-7 PM

    Mission: Helps promote confidence, inner       peace, and relaxation!


2. High School Teen Yoga: Ages 13-18

    When: Mondays 

    Time:7:15-8:15 PM

    Purpose: Helps promote calmness,               relaxation, and mindfulness!


These classes are for  weeks for $90 (Checks payable to Community Impact). Dates: December 2, 9, 16 ; January 6, 13, 20. To register, visit


Recovery Group

Are you in recovery from a substance addiction? If you said yes, please join us. This six week group will make you realize you are not alone, comforted that all those thoughts, feelings, shame, and guilt, are similar to the person next to them. Together, with the help of a licensed therapist, group members will be guided in taking responsibility, and to understand and learn about their addiction and themselves, as they begin to experience who they are as an individual, without the life of substance use or abuse. This group is held on Thursdays from 8-9 PM at Community Impact located at 211 Main St. in Milford. To register, contact Amy Leone at 508-422-0242 ex. 1. 

"My Image" Group

Concerned about your body image? Unsure how to prevent and alleviate your body image problems? If so, join us for this 8 week group! We will integrate mindfulness, acceptance, and expressive writing with established effective cognitive and behavioral procedures for those struggling with body image challenges.  


This group will start on January 8th, 2014 at 4 PM at Community Impact, located at 211 Main St. in Milford. 


To register, contact Amy Leone at 508-422-0242 ex. 1 or click here

Next JAG Meeting 

Please join us for our next JAG meeting on Wednesday, January 8th at 8:45 am at the Milford Police Station Training Room.


For the last few month's, JAG has been joined by consultant Lauren Gilman from EDC to help the group gain a better understanding of social marketing campaigns. With her support, guidance, knowledge, and expertise we will begin to brand our message of reducing underage substance use and adolescent risk factors for 2013-2014.

We are also looking for new area organizations to get involved in our efforts and coalition work.  If you are interested please contact Amy Leone at 


Click here for Wayside's December Parent Support Groups in Framingham. 

Next Find Yourself Friday
"We Are Kayley's Hope"

About a month ago, a few MYC & JAG Youth Council members ran into the Youth Center asking if we could hold our next Find Yourself Friday Youth Event for a 10 year old Milford girl that had a rare disease, named Kayley.  Kayley was diagnosed with a condition known as Mid Aortic Syndrome just after her 10th birthday. Only 200 cases of MAS have been reported throughout the world. Out of those 200 cases only 60 have been successful. Kayley is number 201. As stated by her doctors at Children's Hospital in Boston, Kayley is one of the most complicated cases they have ever seen. 


After learning more about what was going on, we invited Kayley to attend our next JAG Youth Council meeting and asked her mom if it would be okay to hold our next Youth Event for her. Both agreed and soon after Kayley became an MYC & JAG Youth Council member. In just over one month, we got to really see how Kayley is such a kind and sweet young girl! We hope to help the family raise money for her surgery expenses during this very tough time. Kayley went into surgery on December 5th and will be in the hospital recovering for the next two weeks. We ask everyone for their support for this local family in need by clicking on this link to learn more and make a donation! 


Our next Find Yourself Friday event will be held on Friday, January 24th and a portion of the proceeds will be going towards her collection. The event will be held from 6:30- 9 PM at the Milford Youth Center and will include music, dancing, snacks, a jumpy, a movie, raffle prizes, games and bracelets to sell/make for Kayley! If you would like to volunteer at this event, please email Jen Ward

Sponsor an MYC March Madness Team!

Every March, the Milford Youth Center hosts our annual March Madness Tourney and 3 Point & Dunk Contest! We have over 60 kids participate each year and award the winning participants trophies and medals! This year we are looking for local business and organizations to sponsor the teams so we can provide t-shirts! It will cost $50.00 to sponsor a team of five!


Each participating donor will have their business/organization name on the back of the t-shirts and will be thanked through all out publications!



For sponsor form, click here.  


Please make check payable to The Milford Youth Center and return payment and this bottom section to the Center at 24 Pearl St. Milford, Ma 01757.

Save the Date:  
2nd Annual Networking Breakfast  
"Taking the Next Steps"

The Juvenile Advocacy Group (JAG) has continued to work, for the past seven years, to bring together mental health providers, police, juvenile courts, schools, churches, medical providers and hospitals to address youth mental health and substance abuse in Greater Milford. Last year, the Juvenile Advocacy Group (JAG) networked with over 100 providers at our 1st Networking Breakfast to address the challenges of youth mental health. Again, we are joining our effort again with Milford Regional Medical Center's Patient Family Advocacy Committee's (PFAC) Mental Health Subcommittee, The Adolescent and Youth Adult Health Center and to collectively explore existing and new resources for clients and families we all serve.


Please save the date and attend a FREE 2nd annual networking breakfast scheduled on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 from 8:30-11:30am at the Doubletree Hotel in Milford! The goal of this breakfast is to take the next step in identifying and utilizing existing in new resources in our community. More information on the breakfast, including the agenda, will be forthcoming.  


If you plan to attend, please RSVP at and feel free to pass this onto others you feel would benefit from our event. We look forward to meeting all of you and working together to make Greater Milford a place where young people and their families can find needed mental health services and treatment.

Teachers Driving Academy
 2013-2014 Classes!

The 2013-2014 classroom schedule for the Milford TDA is available! Click here for more information and the registration form! 


The Milford Youth Center is pleased to partner with the Teachers Driving Academy to offer students a great program, at a reasonable price, with the added convenience of taking classes right at school! Every registration fee is made out the Milford Youth Center as a donation from TDA. We are very grateful for this collaboration and support!     

Free Community Meals in Milford! 

There are free meal options in Milford and all are welcome! Meals are available almost everyday of the week! 


For different locations for different days, please click here

Community Calendar 


    Visit our community calendar for more local community events.


    The MYC and JAG Monthly Newsletter will be e-mailed at the beginning of every month. If you would like to have something placed in the newsletter please e-mail Jen Ward, at
December 9, 2013
In This Issue
Jingle Bell & Santa Parade Thank you!
MYC After School program
MYC Open Gym
Fight ALS Youth Holiday Showdown
Milford U10 Cheerleaders!
Bake Some Holiday Cheer
United Way "Feed a Family for 50"
Community Impact and Truth Yoga Studio
Recovery Group
"My Image" Group
Find Yourself Friday
Sponsor an MYC March Madness Team
Networking Breakfast
Free Meals!

Join JAG on Facebook and Twitter

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Milford Youth Center on Facebook and Twitter

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JAG Youth Council
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Milford Play Initiative on Facebook  


Check out one of our major sponsors 

United Way Logo 

Check out our newsletter



Juvenile Advocacy Group (JAG) mission is to work with its community partners to bring resources together to prevent substance abuse and address other emerging needs in the community. The Massachusetts communities included in JAG's service area are the towns of Milford, Bellingham and Hopedale. Through JAG's programs and services youth and their families are able to gain the information and resources to help live and lead healthier lives.  For more information, click here.

Milford Youth Center (MYC) mission is to provide a safe environment that promotes self esteem, builds character, and fosters the notion of community and the importance of respecting and serving others. For more information, click here.

The MYC & JAG work together to provide resources and opportunities for youth to make healthy decisions. The MYC & JAG have worked to provide local youth with the necessary activities and events that help them develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally through their childhood years. By providing Milford youth with these types of programs and a safe environment during the after school hours and during our monthly events, we hope to address adolescent risk factors as well as promoting the partnership among community members to ensure a comprehensive vision and plan for the health of the youth in the town of Milford.