Movie night is still on tonight but has been moved to 8:00 pm. Also, COVID-19 cases are on the rise so we will set up tables and set only 2 youth per table to practice Social Distancing. We also HIGHLY ENCOURAGE wearing a mask. Parents are welcome to stay and we will need a little extra assistance with serving food to help with social distancing .
MYO Message of the Week
Worship Song of the Week
Weekly Devotion
-Weekly Announcements- 
COVID-19 cases are on the rise, please take precautions to keep yourself and others safe. Wear a mask when out and practice social distancing. Your actions will impact others.

Please see the church website for the weekly mass sign up

A gentle reminder that Saturday worship is reserved for the "at risk" and those 65 years of age and older only.

God bless you!

With love,
Houston MYO Board
We always appreciate your comments and suggestions! Please send any articles or photos you would like to submit for the weekly newsletter to [email protected]. Don't forget to subscribe your loved ones so that we can all share the community news.