MZ Shabbat "Card"

Services and Weekend Activities

Parashat Shof'tim

This week’s Parashat Shoftim begins: "You shall appoint judges and officers for yourselves in all your gates (Deut. 16:18)." Our sages interpreted the gates symbolically as referring to a person’s eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. This teaches us that during Elul we are to be especially mindful of how we use these gateways to the soul. We are to use our eyes to see the best in others and the faults in ourselves, our ears to listen carefully and deeply to one another, our touch to be gentle and affectionate with one another and our environment, and our mouths to express gratitude for all our blessings.

Friday, August 18, 6:00 pm

Erev Shabbat - 2 Elul

Shabbat evening services start at 6pm all summer!

on the ZaiKaner-Perwien Terrace (weather permitting)

5:30 pm Kabbalat Panim – Greeting Time

6:00 pm Shabbat Services, followed by a half-hour Oneg

Birthday Blessings

Preparing for the High Holy Days:

Learn, Sing, Pray, Grow

The Hebrew month of Elul precedes the High Holy Days. During this month, we change our Shabbat evening prayerbook to Mishkan HaLev, a slim volume with soulful poetry and liturgy. Rabbi Adler and Rabbi Spilker will also address themes of the High Holy Days during the Shabbat services by focusing on a Hebrew concept/word that appears throughout the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayers.

Tonight! MELECH: God is imagined as Sovereign, holding us accountable to our actions.


In person or online via Zoom, Livestream on, or Facebook Live!

(For calling into Zoom, use Meeting ID: 147 120 944).

This Week's Kaddish List.

Saturday, August 19

Shabbat - 2 Elul

9:00 am Torah Study in the Melamed Board Room

Parashat Shof'tim- Deut. 16:18-18:5 (first Shlish of the Torah portion)

In person and online via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 949 308 718)

10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service

In person or online via Livestream on

Ba'alei Korei (chanting Torah): Rabbi Adler, Steve Silverman, Siana Goodwin

This Week's Kaddish List.

This Sunday at Camp Butwin!

Opening the Tent Wide:

Our Annual Kehillah Council/Board of Directors Retreat

All congregants are welcome.

August 20, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at Camp Butwin (945 Butwin Rd)

For everyone (Board, Committee Chairs, Affiliate and MZ Small Group leaders, Mount Zion members), please RSVP.


Community Summer Picnic at Camp Butwin!

August 20, 11:30am - 2:00pm

at Camp Butwin (945 Butwin Rd)

Sponsored by Brotherhood, Begegenen, SPORTY, and the Women of Mount Zion Temple.

Free to attend, but please fill out this form to help us plan for food.

Swimming! Games! Food!

Enjoy a beautiful day connecting with our community at Camp Butwin. We will swim in the outdoor pool, play lawn games, and eat some delicious food!


Upcoming Events

MZ Small Groups

Mixed Roots: Navigating the Interfaith Household

August 26, 2:30 pm at Mount Zion

Contact Jessica Griffith for details.

20s/30s Pre-Shabbat

Snacks and Socializing

August 18, 5pm in Sisterhood Lounge


Minnesota United FC

August 30, 7:30pm

Meet at our section in Allianz Field (400 Snelling Ave N, St Paul) as we cheer on Minnesota United! RSVP on the Temple of Aaron website.

Sponsored by Beth Jacob, Mount Zion, and Temple of Aaron


High Holy Day

Adult Volunteer Choir!

Sing at the Rosh Hashanah Shacharit (Morning) and Yom Kippur Afternoon services!

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, August 30, September 6, 13, and 20, 7:00-8:00 pm

Please join us—we want to hear everyone’s voices! No experience or music reading abilities needed!

Volunteer with our Caring Community Team

We all, at one time or another will need some support, and we all are capable of offering it in one way or another, whether by a phone call, friendly visit, a meal or a ride. This caring and support is a hallmark of Mount Zion and we all benefit, both when we offer support and when we receive it.  Won't you join us and help out individuals and families in our precious Mount Zion community? 

Sign up to volunteer today to put your name on a list to be called when someone in need reaches out. Register for whichever of the specific activities resonates with you!

High Holy Days 5784

Inside this bulletin, you will see the many opportunities we are providing for the High Holy Days. Some are the familiar services and some are newer traditions that have resonated with our community.

Read now.