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MIC Newsletter  December 2023

A community of involved residents coming together to improve the quality of life in Mableton.



As this year comes to a close, we hope this holiday season will be a restful, healthy, and happy one for you and your family.


This has been an incredible and historic year for both MIC and Mableton, with the re-incorporation of the new city of Mableton along with unprecedented growth and development.


We appreciate and thank each of you - MIC board directors, volunteers, sponsors, supporters, and friends - who value the importance of community, civility, respect, and integrity, even when we may disagree occasionally. 

As we look forward to another busy year ahead, please remember to give a warm embrace to your loved ones and your neighbors. It is one of the best treasures of life – and it’s free of charge.   


We hope and pray for a new year of unity, peace, and prosperity for you, your family, and our community. 


“One Mableton, Stronger Together”



Ray Thomas


Mableton Improvement Coalition


MIC Board Member, Dr. Maxine Wilson

Honored by Cobb Travel & Tourism

(From left to right MIC President, Ray Thomas; MIC Chairman, Nate Smith; Dr. Maxine Wilson; Husband, Terry Wilson; MIC Treasurer, Carolyn Turner; MIC Board Members, Michael McNeely and Linda Pharr) 

Congratulations to our very own, Dr. Maxine Wilson, who was awarded the Cobb Unity Change Maker Award at Cobb Travel & Tourism's annual "Meeting and Mixer" at The Brickyard Marietta, on November 14, 2023.

Dr. Wilson was recognized for her work in creating and coordinating MIC's signature events, 'Taste of Mableton' and 'Economic Development Summit.' We are proud of her for receiving this outstanding award which she so richly deserves. For more information on Dr. Wilson, click here.

Just a few more volunteers are needed to make sure all the kids at the Boys & Girls Club have their own Secret Santa.

Please volunteer! Email Julie at [email protected] right now!

Looking for Contact Information for the new City of Mableton?

Go to

There you will find Facebook, mailing address, and other information.

The Mableton Improvement Coalition (MIC) is an all-volunteer, non-partisan, non-profit community organization working to promote activities, enhance communication, and facilitate initiatives that will benefit the welfare of the community and its spirit.

Join Us!


Cobb Schools Foundation Senior Scholarship: The Cobb Schools Foundation Scholarship will be presented to graduating seniors throughout 17 high schools in the Cobb County School District. Up to 34 Scholarships in the amount of $1000 will be awarded. The deadline to apply is 12/31/2023.  For eligibility requirements and application details go to the following website:

2024 Cobb Schools Foundation Senior Scholarship Application

MIC Board Members attended Betty Gray Middle School’s (BGMS) STEM partner breakfast on November 7. Leah Gaubert, STEM Coordinator and Computer Science teacher at BGMS, presented STEM industry statistics and why it is important to integrate these foundational principles in the student curriculum. Currently, the school is looking for assistance with enhanced education opportunities such as job shadowing and exposure to different STEM careers, help with robotics competition preparation, and donations for materials. If you are interested in assisting Betty Grey Middle, please email Leah Gaubert.

According to a recent study from economists at Opportunity Insights, a program based at Harvard University, one-third of the children of the very richest families scored 1300 or higher on the SAT, while less than 5 percent of middle-class students received the similar score, and relatively few children in the poorest families scored that high; just one in five took the test at all, according to the data.

This disparity highlights the inequality at the heart of American education: Starting very early, children from rich and poor families receive vastly different educations, in and out of school, driven by differences in the amount of money and time their parents are able to invest. And in the last five decades, as the country has become more unequal by income, the gap in children’s academic achievement, as measured by test scores throughout schooling, has widened.

“Parents, regardless of race, nationality, income, have big dreams for their kids, they want them to do well in school,” Sean Reardon, the professor of poverty and inequality in education at the Stanford Graduate School of Education said. “But if you’re worried about whether there’s food on the table and the heat’s on in winter, it’s very hard to make sure you set aside an hour before bedtime to read to your kids.”

This in turn has long-term effects on student scholastic performance. In addition, schools in disadvantaged neighborhoods have been shown to have a harder time attracting and retaining the best teachers. Also, these schools’ financial needs are greater — they may need to spend money on getting students to grade level or repairing buildings, while richer schools can spend it on things like art teachers or field trips.

Some solutions lie in providing universal pre-K and increased funding for schools in low-income neighborhood. Additionally, programs like Upward Bound are crucial for our students because they provide an opportunity of higher learning and greater equity.  

Cobb County Upward Bound Program

Morehouse's Cobb County Upward Bound is currently seeking 60 motivated and talented students who are identified as low-income and first-generation to participate in their transformative program. We believe that every student deserves the chance to reach their full potential, and we are dedicated to providing the necessary support to make that a reality. That is why we need your help!

This program is specifically tailored for students from Osborne, South Cobb, and Pebblebrook High Schools and it is FULLY FUNDED at no cost to the student or family. Upward Bound offers a range of services designed to empower and prepare students for a successful future. These services include:

  1. Tutoring: Personalized academic support to help students excel in their coursework.
  2. Fully Funded SAT/ACT Prep: Comprehensive preparation for standardized tests to maximize college admission opportunities.
  3. Financial Literacy: Essential skills and knowledge to navigate the financial aspects of post-secondary life.
  4. Fully Funded College Tours: Eye-opening experiences visiting college campuses to inspire and inform future decisions.
  5. Cultural Enrichment Activities: Opportunities for students to broaden their horizons through exposure to diverse cultural experiences.

In addition to year-round support, Cobb County Upward Bound offers a residential six-week academically enriched summer program to prepare students for the upcoming academic year. This intensive program provides students with a structured and immersive learning experience, focusing on core subjects to strengthen their academic foundations. Students receive targeted instruction through engaging classes, educational activities, and hands-on projects to enhance their knowledge and skills. The summer program also includes college exploration workshops, career development sessions, and opportunities for personal growth. By participating in this summer program, students gain confidence, sharpen their academic abilities, and develop the necessary tools to excel academically in the upcoming school year.

Upward Bound's primary goal is to guide and support students on their journey to college. By participating in Upward Bound, students will gain academic skills and the confidence and knowledge necessary to navigate their post-secondary pathways successfully.

If you have students in mind who would benefit from this opportunity, please don't hesitate to share this information with them and their parents. 

Celebrate Computer Science Education Week!

Computer Science Education Week is from December 5-11! This week-long celebration is the perfect opportunity to dive into the exciting world of technology and entrepreneurship right here in Mableton!

Why Does Computer Science Education Week Matter? In alignment with many of our school's focus on STEAM, we're thrilled to celebrate and encourage activities that promote computer science education. This week is not just about coding; it's about fostering creativity, and problem-solving skills, and preparing our students for a tech-driven future.

How You Can Get Involved?

Hour of Code: Join us in the global movement by participating in the Hour of Code. It's a fun and interactive way for students and community members to explore the basics of coding, demystify technology, and discover the thrill of creating something new. In a world increasingly reliant on technology, understanding how to code is a fundamental component of digital literacy. It allows individuals to navigate, understand, and contribute to the digital landscape effectively. Coding involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. Learning to code enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills as individuals work through logical sequences and algorithms to create solutions.

Here are some fun and interactive activities for community and family members to do with their kids during the Hour of Code at home:

  • Code a Story: Encourage kids to create a story using coding blocks or visual programming languages like Scratch. They can animate characters, set the scenes, and bring their imaginative tales to life through code.
  • Interactive Game Design: Introduce kids to game design by using platforms like Scratch, Pico-8, or's Game Lab. They can design their own games, create characters, and add interactive elements to make their games come alive.
  • Coding with Music: Explore the intersection of coding and music. Kids can use platforms like Sonic Pi or EarSketch to create their own tunes through coding. It's a creative way to blend technology and the arts.
  • Minecraft Coding Adventures: If your child is a Minecraft enthusiast, explore Minecraft: Education Edition or platforms like Code Kingdoms that integrate coding into the Minecraft environment. Kids can learn to code while enhancing their Minecraft creations.
  • Family Coding Challenge: Turn coding into a friendly competition. Pick a coding project or challenge, set a time limit, and see who can create the most interesting project. This fosters teamwork and healthy competition.

For more information, contact us at: [email protected]

Amana Academy’s 3rd and 4th graders held a spelling bee!

We are proud of the winners of their respective classroom spelling bee, as shown on the chart below. The winners of the schoolwide contest were not yet known at press time of this publication.

Amana Academy will host its Virtual Celebration of Learning

Week of 12/11-12/15

This is a twice yearly event where students showcase their achievements and present their work in a formal fashion. Parents and guests ask questions and allow students to build confidence and public speaking skills while sharing their learning journey.

Celebrating Multilingualism and Unleashing Our Nation's Superpower

Multilingualism is not just about language; it's an economic superpower. In a world where global communication is vital, bilingual individuals possess a competitive edge. Studies show that bilingual workers often enjoy greater incomes and competitiveness in the global job market. Beyond economic benefits, multilingualism enhances cognitive abilities. Research indicates that multilingual individuals develop higher creativity, improved problem-solving skills, and greater flexibility in decision-making – assets that extend far beyond the realm of language. Our nation is beautifully diverse, with over 350 languages spoken. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 20 percent of Americans can converse in two or more languages. This calls for a shift in perspective, recognizing diverse languages as assets that contribute to the rich tapestry of our nation.

Community members play a crucial role in promoting and supporting multilingualism. Here are several actions they can take to contribute to the development and celebration of language diversity:

  • Encourage Language Learning: Advocate for language learning programs in local schools and community centers. Support initiatives that introduce language courses for adults, recognizing that language acquisition is a lifelong endeavor.
  • Support Language Resources: Advocate for the availability of resources in multiple languages, including public signs, informational pamphlets, and online content.  
  • Celebrate Cultural Events: Participate in and promote cultural events that highlight the diversity of languages within the community.
  • Advocate for Inclusive Policies: Advocate for inclusive language policies in schools and public institutions that recognize and celebrate linguistic diversity. Support initiatives that provide translation and interpretation services to ensure effective communication for all community members.
  • Promote Bilingualism in the Workplace: Encourage local businesses to recognize and value bilingualism, creating opportunities for employees to use their language skills. Support businesses that offer language training programs for their staff.

By taking these actions, parents and community members contribute to creating an inclusive and supportive environment that recognizes the value of multilingualism and fosters a sense of belonging for individuals of diverse linguistic backgrounds.


Celebrate International Volunteer Day with MIC

Join Us in Making a Difference!

International Volunteer Day is on December 5, the Mableton Improvement Coalition Education Committee (MICEC) invites you to join us in celebrating the power of community service and making a positive impact right here in our neighborhood. This International Volunteer Day, we're calling on community members like you to engage in service with us. Whether you have children attending local schools or not, there are numerous ways to contribute:

Principal Advisory Committees (PACs): Become a vital part of shaping the educational landscape by joining your local school's Principal Advisory Committee. Your insights and perspectives will help guide decisions that impact students, teachers, and the entire school community.

Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs): PTAs are crucial in supporting schools. Consider becoming a member or volunteering your time and skills to enhance the educational experience for all students.

MIC Ambassador Program: You don't have to be a parent to make a difference in our schools. Join our MIC Ambassador Program, a community-driven initiative focused on strengthening the partnership between MIC and our schools. As an Ambassador, you'll act as a liaison, fostering collaboration and community engagement.

Why Volunteer? Because Together, We Make a Difference!

Contact us at: [email protected]


MICEC will be at Sanders Elementary School’s WinterFest

Date: December 8, 2023

Time: 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Location: Sanders Elementary School Cafeteria

This Winter Fest Market promises to be a fantastic event, bringing together the community for a night of celebration.

Volunteer with Community in Schools

Communities in Schools offers Reality U Financial Literacy to students in 8th grade to high school age to bring a bit of “reality” in a 75-minute personal finance simulation. Students imagine their life as a 26-year-old and complete an online lifestyle survey. This information is entered into a software program, along with their current GPA, to create a unique and individualized future scenario. 

Reality U depends upon 16-24 community volunteers per 4-hour shift to facilitate the booths that students must complete. A 10-15 minute training course for Reality U is provided before each session. As a volunteer, you will work directly with the students, educating them on career and life choices as it pertains to the booth you are hosting. Reality U will be in Mableton:

Floyd Middle 12/13 9-4 P.M.

Betty Gray Middle 1/12 9-4 P.M.

South Cobb High 3/7 8-3 P.M.

Lindley Middle 3/11 9-4 P.M.

To volunteer, click here


Link to Pending Zoning Applications in Mableton

Hearings Coming Up in December and February (no hearings in January)

December 5 - Planning Commission

  • LUP-29 - James Frank - for permission to manufacture firearms at 6585 Queen Mill Road - MIC recommends denial.

December 19 - Board of Commissioners

applications from December 5 Planning Commission hearing and:

  • OB-40 - Kerley Family Homes - for a new site plan for a townhome development approved in 2019 at 32 and 34 Cooper Lake Road, Mableton - MIC recommendation pending.
  • OB-60 - Enoch Appiah - for an additional building at 5780 Powell Drive. MIC recommendation pending.
  • OB-61 - Leopard Pinestraw - for permission to sell pinestraw from trailers at 740 Veterans Memorial Highway. MIC recommendation pending.
  • OB-66 - Chick Fil-A - for a new location on Veterans Memorial Highway at Hickory Trail. MIC recommendation pending.

February 6 - Planning Commission and February 20 Board of Commissioners

Applications Completed in November

  • Z-39 - Tunnels to Towers Foundations - convert the Wingate hotel to permanent housing for veterans at 65 South Service Road, Austell - MIC recommends approval with conditions - BOC approved with conditions
  • Z-42 - William and Lydia Tiku - for a self-storage facility on Blair Bridge Road, Austell - MIC recommended approval with conditions - BOC approved with conditions
  • Z-43 - Suhel Kazani - for a convenience store at Cooper Lake and Veterans Memorial in Mableton - MIC recommended denial - Application withdrawn
  • Z-46 - Morrison Building and Investment - for a professional office use at 259 Veterans Memorial Highway - MIC recommends approval with conditions - BOC approved with conditions
  • Z-50 - CIVF VII - for warehouses on Cityview Road, Austell - MIC recommended denial - Application withdrawn
  • LUP-23 - Alfredo Diaz - for permission to park 5 cars at this home - MIC recommends denial - BOC denied application
  • OB-45 - Alan Baran - for a new site plan for a trucking terminal at 370 Six Flags Parkway - MIC recommended approval with conditions - BOC approved with conditions
  • OB-57 - Susan Pryor - to split a lot to allow an additional single family home at 275 Lane Drive - MIC recommended approval - BOC approved
  • OB-58 - Bennett Real Estate - to change conditions for the existing zoning for Kids R Kids on Veterans Memorial Highway - MIC recommended approval with conditions - BOC approved with conditions.

If you live in an area near one of these zoning applications, the MIC Zoning Committee wants to hear from you! We welcome new neighbors to Mableton, but we also want to do all we can to protect existing neighborhoods. Email us at [email protected]!

Hearing and Meeting Information - The Planning Commission hearings are the first Tuesday of each month and the Board of Commissioners Zoning Hearings are the third Tuesday of each month, except January. Both are at 9 am at 100 Cherokee Street just off Marietta Square. The Board of Zoning Appeals hearings begin at 1:30pm in the same location.

Comment Online - Use this easy form to let the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners know your thoughts on pending applications.


Each month, District Commissioner Monique Sheffield and Planning Commissioner Michael Hughes hold a virtual "In The Zone" meeting to review pending zoning applications. Meetings are usually the 4th Wednesday of each month, but the holidays will affect that schedule. Sign up for Commissioner Sheffield's newsletter to receive the link and instructions.


There is more information related to zoning cases on MIC's website. Please email the MIC Zoning Committee with any questions.

MIC’s recommendations on zoning applications are made without consideration of the applicant’s status as a sponsor of MIC or MIC’s events/ programs. Any sponsor with a zoning application is placed on hiatus and their funds returned until the zoning process is complete.


Email Link: [email protected]

Adopt A Mile

Make a difference where you live! Join MIC and other community groups on Saturday mornings for an hour or so and help pick up litter. It's not glamorous work, but our community will look so much better! All events begin at 9am.

Visit the MIC website calendar for meeting places and additional dates. Learn more about the Adopt A Mile program here.

Thank You to our sponsors who are committed to helping people, strengthening families, and building a more vital and vibrant Mableton. With the help of our sponsors, MIC continues to fulfill our mission to promote activities, enhance communication, and facilitate initiatives that will benefit the welfare of the Mableton community and its spirit. 




Barnes Law Group, BellhopCobb Travel & Tourism, DaLee and CompanyDogs We TrustFirst Christian Church of MabletonGo Juicy, Harris Advisors Group, H.O.P.E Family Resource CenterJJA Project Management, John Thornton Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC, Keller Williams Cityside – Taiwo Oniru-Akintokun,  MOOYAH Burgers, Fries & Shakes, M3 Innovations dba AquatreeMoore Diagnostic Laboratory, PrintridgePutnam Body ShopQuick Tax ProfessionalsReadyset Atlanta, Refuge Law PLLC, Riverside EpiCenter, SOS Holdings, Sweetwater MissionThe Pillar Church MabletonThe Real Estate MavenTS Tax & Accounting Services, Vitality Village, Inc. White Columns Funeral HomeWilson Agency/Farmers InsuranceYeah Man Jamaican Restaurantand Zaxby's.

The Mableton Improvement Coalition (MIC) is an all-volunteer, non-partisan, non-profit community organization working to promote activities, enhance communication, and facilitate initiatives that will benefit the welfare of the community and its spirit.

Join Us!

We CAN affect our future when we work together.

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