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Monthly Newsletter

January 2022 Edition

A Message from Dr. Trish Gadson, CEO

2022 is a Season of Planning. FACE is proud of its capacity to be flexible and respond to changing needs and conditions. These qualities have allowed the organization to say “YES” when called on by the community, and to manage during the unpredictable COVID-19 pandemic. Macedonia FACE serves families and family members across the ages and offers a range of services including early literacy for children, educational supports for adolescents, rent, utility and food supports for adults and families in temporary hardship, and senior center and home delivered meals for seniors. Several of these services are new or have expanded in scope over the past year. While FACE is blessed with flexibility, sometimes it is good to stop and take stock, review existing conditions, needs and opportunities, and to chart the course ahead with intentionality. As a Friend of FACE, if you have thoughts or ideas re: what services you believe are critical for FACE to continue as well as any services or support that you would like to see FACE address moving forward, please send your comments to bhill@macedoniaface.org

Macedonia FACE receives funding from the Department of Health

Innovative Project Expands Behavioral Health Services

Macedonia FACE has provided case management services for people living with HIV/AIDS for eleven years. The staff have noted that many of our participants have periodic episodes of behavioral health concerns- reactions to high emotional stress or relapses into substance abuse – that significantly disrupt their lives and result in additional hardships requiring hospitalization for medical concerns or loss of housing and economic distress.

There is a lack of access to culturally competent behavioral health services and a lack of trust in the system to access those existing services. In a 2020 National Survey, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reported that 4/10 Black adults who experienced major depression did not receive treatment.

The Department of Health through the Jewish Healthcare Foundation is providing funding for Innovative Projects that reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and address unmet needs. Richard Smith, Chief Relationship Officer and HIV/AIDS Project Director for the Jewish Healthcare Foundation said, “The Foundation is excited for this new opportunity to expand mental health services and improve patient care. We’re proud of the dedication and hard work Macedonia FACE has shown over the past several years and look forward to seeing this program evolve. Macedonia Face’s commitment and service to our community is top tier.”

With the funding provided, Macedonia FACE will increase its capacity to respond to the emotional health and substance abuse concerns of our consumers. FACE staff will receive training to increase skills in screening and intervention. FACE will also explore and identify models that have been effective in other parts of the county and work to increase the availability of culturally competent services locally.

It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning

Accelerated Support to Older Persons (ASOP)

FACE celebrates the courage and resilience of our ASOP participants. ASOP stands for Accelerated Support to Older Persons, a program to support Allegheny County residents age 60 or older who are reintegrating into the community following release from a correctional facility. These individuals have been separated from family and loved ones and have not lived in the community during incarceration. Recently released, individuals are faced with beginning again to establish housing, employment, and rebuild or strengthen relationships that may have become strained during the separation. FACE case management staff provides support, linkages to housing, employment, clothing, food, and other critical needs. To combat the stigma that so often accompanies an individual whose story includes arrest and incarceration, FACE provides encouragement and care for individuals building a network of support for the next chapter of their lives. 

Lifeline Services

The Right Opportunity at the Right Moment Makes all the Difference

This year, the phone calls to our Lifeline program are ringing with requests for support from our neighbors experiencing temporary hardship. Callers are being connected with referrals to housing, utility support, food and transportation assistance. Now that we are in the winter months, the treat of homelessness, utility shut off or lack of food are a matter of life and death. FACE has support from the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania, the City of Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), and Community Development Block Grants to provide financial support to eligible City and County residents. Our Family Coordinators have the knowledge and skills to identify what supports are needed and are able to find appropriate referrals or match funding to families based on eligibility requirements. Where families do not qualify for the specific grant funds available, FACE utilizes donated funds. Last year, FACE was able to provide Lifeline support to 442 families. If you would like to donate to the Lifeline services offered by FACE, follow the link below.


Macedonia FACE seeks New Board Members  

We are a mission driven, rapidly growing community based social service organization seeking Board of Director applicants. The Macedonia FACE Board of Directors job description can be found on our website. Interested applicants should contact Board President, Celeste Rhodes, at rhodesjc3@gmail.com

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