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Monthly Newsletter

July 2023 Edition

Jazz for HOPE – New Venue This Year

We are very excited to be holding our Annual Event this year at the August Wilson African American Cultural Center. Tania Grubbs and Trio will be on hand to jazz up the evening! Tickets for the event will go on sale in August. We hope you will join us!

Community Dinner celebrating the

Virtual Reality Project – June 28, 2023

Neighbors of the Hill District gathered at the Pitt Community Engagement Center to enjoy a meal together and to see the results of the Virtual Reality Project. Jacquea Mae and Byron Nash kicked off the evening with their musical talents, engaging the audience to join and sing along. Chef Ola, one of our ongoing generous partners at the Senior Center, provided a buffet of food for the event (and showed off some of her dance moves!) 

This project was a collaboration between Macedonia FACE Active for Life Senior Center, Dr. Tim Huang for the Department of Information Culture and Data Stewardship from the University of Pittsburgh, and Charlene Foggie-Barnett, Archivist for the Teenie Harris collection at the Carnegie Museum of Art. This unique project translated the Harris photographs and the voices and memories of Hill District residents into a virtual reality platform. The stories captured will preserve the rich history of the Hill District for future generations to learn and enjoy.

Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program – Voucher Distribution July 25th

Macedonia FACE is a distribution site for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. Providing vouchers to seniors to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at local Farmers Markets is an important way that FACE and local senior centers support senior’s nutrition as providers in Allegheny County. The start of this program was delayed this year as a result of printing issues at the Department of Agriculture, but on July 25th, FACE will be distributing vouchers from 9am-noon and 1:00pm-4:00pm. Participants of our Senior Center have the opportunity to ride the shuttle to the Farmers Market each week. 

Wild Family Night

The Hill District Early Literacy Initiative (HDELI) is sponsoring an evening of family fun at the Center for Family Excellence. HDELI promotes reading and literacy skills especially for children ages PreK- Grade 3. FACE recognizes that reading and learning and fun are for all ages and best enjoyed as a family in a community of caring. Bring the whole family and enjoy crafts, games, food and fun!

Parenting While Black

Parenting While Black (PWB) is an interactive program and curriculum that provides primary caregivers with tools to simultaneously support their children’s healthy development and their own wellness. The program includes 8 group-based sessions that use a combination of presentations, activities, and discussions to promote successful parenting in four key areas: 

  1. Promoting positive racial identity
  2. Helping children cope with experiences of discrimination
  3. School and home-based educational involvement as Black parents
  4. Intergenerational mental wellness and racial stress coping 

Macedonia FACE is pleased to be working with Dr. Huguley from the University of Pittsburgh Center on Race and Social Problems to develop Macedonia FACE’s capacity to offer this important curriculum to the families we serve. Isabel Bright, Family Engagement Services Manager, recently co-facilitated two of the 8-week series which produced improvements in participants parenting skills and confidence. FACE hopes to continue our partnership with Dr. Huguley to the benefit of our consumers.  

A Kayak in a Swimming Pool?

– What will they think of next?

If you are new to kayaking, you may not feel comfortable starting out in the open water. Our partners at Venture Outdoors and Kayak Pittsburgh have joined with the Thelma Lovette YMCA and Macedonia FACE’s Senior Center to create a safe adventure to experience and learn about kayaking all in the comfort and boundaries of the swimming pool. 

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