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Monthly Newsletter

June 2022 Edition

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Just in time for Older Americans Month, Macedonia FACE’s Active for Life Senior Center was able to resume offering Prepared Congregate Meals at the Center. 

One out of every six seniors in America do not have enough to eat (aginginpalace.org). Seniors who live alone and in economic poverty frequently skip meals, and an estimated 65% of seniors are not getting enough nutrition in the food that they eat. The Hill District, where the senior center operates, is a “food desert” having no neighborhood grocery store with fresh foods to purchase. 

Mr. Mayfield tells a FACE staff member that his wife used to do all the cooking and he never learned to cook. Everything he eats at home comes right out of the package. He enjoys having a “home cooked” meal while visiting with his neighbors at the center.

The hot nutritious meals offered at the senior center provide a midday repast between other activities during the day including Tai Chi, Knitting Circle, Bible Study, Exploring your Family History, and Dancing. Ms. Graceton says the meal is good, but what really feeds her is the friendships and fellowship.

If you know a senior who could benefit from fellowship and a good meal, contact Liz Hyatt or Liz Payne for more information and to get them connected (412-281-2573 or 412-636-4903)

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Trisha Gadson’s focus is on building the community, in part by helping people make it through a crisis.

As the CEO of Macedonia Family and Community Enrichment Center (FACE), she has been helping those in need for many years and understood crisis situations long before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Macedonia FACE is a Pittsburgh social services organization with a focus on the Hill District. It provides housing and utility relief, Meals on Wheels to seniors, health and wellness calls to people in the community, case management for people living with HIV, delivery of food and gift cards to households, social services referrals and other services.

The organization is part of a network of local agencies that are helping those who are experiencing tough times.

Gadson joined Macedonia FACE as CEO in 2010. Prior to her current role, she served as program and development technical assistant for a statewide social service agency, focusing on creating programs and partnerships aimed at closing service gaps.

“The opportunity to lead a community-based organization that focused on strength-based service delivery and transformational community change appealed to my personal and professional mission,” Gadson said of her decision to join Macedonia FACE.

In 2019, the Hill District lost its grocery, and the group that had been operating the local Meals on Wheels program was going to stop the program. So, Macedonia FACE stepped up. Within six weeks, the nonprofit had acquired the in-peril local Meals on Wheels program, which it continues to run today.

“Even before the pandemic, it was customary for us to pivot to meet the emerging needs of the community,” Gadson said.

During the pandemic, Macedonia FACE’s services jumped by 200% due to increased need. From July 2020 to June 2021, the nonprofit helped 4,450 households. The group also helped with local distribution of 1,000 doses of the Covid vaccine to residents 65 and older in the Hill District.

In addition to her work with Macedonia FACE, Gadson also has advocated for equitable and affordable child care, and has served as a consultant to organizations, advising on equitable approaches.

Her life is service-based, she noted.

“Helpfulness is important because we’re all interconnected. And the sooner we learn that, the stronger we’ll be,” Gadson said. “When our neighbors win, we win.”

For some people, success is in obtaining a position of some kind or earning a big paycheck. Others find job satisfaction in less obvious ways. But how does a person achieve success — whether they are starting out or further along? Gadson has some advice.

“They need to identify for themselves what is success? And they need to ask themselves what brings you joy? And they should ask themselves what is it that you want to accomplish?” Gadson said.

When you understand what will fulfill you in work, you can make the best career choices, she advised.

“Pursue careers that bring you fulfillment,” she said. “I am inspired by people I am allowed to advocate for, and I’m also inspired by my colleagues.”

On June 20, 2022 Macedonia FACE staff will continue their tradition of observing JUNETEENTH as a day of service. The staff will participate in a professional development program on the topic of racial equity led by Dr. Sharon L. McDaniel. Following the training, FACE will hold a celebration event for the Hill District Community. Please Join Us!!

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Justin LeWinter is Macedonia FACE’s Adult Service Program Manager. He oversees the Home Delivered Meals on Wheels Program and the Active for Life Senior Center at the Thelma Lovett YMCA. Justin was instrumental in FACE’s addition of senior services at FACE in 2019. 

Justin has a degree in Recreation and Parks Management from Penn State University as well as a master’s degree in Education from St. John’s University and a Leadership Credential for Strength-Based Family Work from Temple University.

When asked about Justin, FACE’s Chief Program officer, Tinisha Hunt, says, “I truly value the relationship that Justin has formed with our consumers. He listens to them to understand and then moves into action to meet their needs. He and his team make sure that everyone feels seen and appreciated.”

Justin’s interest in work with seniors is tied to the close relationship he has with his 95- year- old grandmother. He says, “To be able to lead the team at FACE and make the lives of older adults better is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Macedonia FACE is always responding to the needs of the community and creates opportunities for others to lead healthy and fulfilled lives. I’m honored and humbled to be of service to the elders of the Hill District, to provide a wide range of resources, linkage to referrals, create opportunities for lifelong learning, and to advocate on their behalf."


Justin has worked in the field for 10 years. FACE is blessed to have Justin as part of the team and recognizes him for his energy, team spirit, creativity, and passion. 

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