April 2019
April 2019
Continuing the U.S. Bishops' work of promoting and defending marriage.
Made for Love Podcast
Last month's "Made for Love" topics were:

-- "Momento Mori", which features Sister Theresa Aletheia, the Daughter of St. Paul who is also the author of the Momento Mori Journal and Lenten Devotional. Father Paul Dressler, OFM Cap. also shares a story of a death in his family.

-- Addiction and the Family , looking at the opioid addiction crisis in the U.S. with personal stories of two men in recovery and hope from Bishop Burbidge of the Diocese of Arlington.

In April, Made for Love will have an episode on Suicide and how it affects families and an episode on the importance of friendship in the Christian life.
The USCCB Opposes the Equality Act
On March 13 th , Democrats in both houses of Congress reintroduced the “ Equality Act .” This legislation would redefine “sex” in federal law to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” and insert it throughout nondiscrimination and civil rights laws. This is a priority of the Democrats and, for the first time after years of introductions, is likely to pass in the U.S. House of Representatives; but it poses many problems, especially for women and girls, healthcare providers, and religious charities, which were elaborated upon in a letter sent by USCCB chairmen on March 20 th .

The bishops wrote, in part:

“Rather than offering meaningful protections for individuals, however, the Equality Act would impose sweeping regulations to the detriment of society as a whole.” Here is the media release about the USCCB's opposition
USCCB Action Center
All the USCCB's action alerts for legislative priorities are available at one website. There you can contact your representatives and make your voice heard. Check it out!
Legal/ Policy Updates

Hawaii – The Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal of Catholic bed & breakfast owner, Phyllis Young, who declined to rent a room to a same-sex couple in Honolulu, and who only provides rooms to romantic partners if they are a married man and woman. This lets the lower court ruling against her stand.
Free to Bake – After 9 months of continuing attacks by the government following his initial Supreme Court victory, baker Jack Phillips and the State of Colorado agreed on March 5 th to dismiss their additional lawsuits against one another.

Military – After the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the so-called “transgender ban” to go temporarily into effect during three pending lawsuits in January, a fourth lawsuit out of Maryland held the Pentagon at bay until March 7 th . When the district court in that case joined in removing its injunction, the military planned to implement the policy on April 12 th . On March 19 th , however, the federal district court for Washington D.C. ruled that its otherwise-vacated injunction was technically still in place absent a mandate or further procedures in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Made for Love | USCCB | (202) 541-3000 | [email protected]| www.marriageuniqueforareason.org