December 2018
December 2018
Continuing the U.S. Bishops' work of promoting and defending marriage.
Made for Love on iTunes

If you listen to "Made for Love" through iTunes, the podcast is now available under its own name (not only through USCCB Clips) and it would help a lot if you would leave a review! This should make it much easier for people to find, subscribe, and tell their friends.

We also continue to be on Soundcloud and podbean.

In November, the podcast looked at Young People in the Church (in conjunction with the October Synod of Bishops in Rome) and Catholics and Pornography , which is an important and serious topic.

We also have a flyer that you could download, print, and put up at your parish or in your office to help spread the word!
Finishing up: The 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae

It's the end of the 50th Anniversary year of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae (On Human Life)! Take this last month as an opportunity to brush up on the document.

The USCCB has published a 50th Anniversary edition of the encyclical by Saint Pope Paul VI. And the Natural Family Planning Office has a website dedicated to the anniversary and the various celebrations and conferences surrounding it. Click here for a two-part podcast on the anniversary as well.

In addition, bishops in the U.S. preached on the anniversary and/or sharing little snippets about them at our #HV50 YouTube page .
USCCB Action Center
All the USCCB's action alerts for legislative priorities are available at one website. There you can contact your representatives and make your voice heard. Check it out!
Legal/ Policy Updates
After taking the U.S. House of Representatives in the mid-term Election in November, Democratic leadership wasted no time in confirming that “The Equality Act,” a vast bill to federally impose “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” interests across the nation would be among their very top priorities.
On November 16th, the Dept. of Education issued proposed regulations to ease the process of schools’ applying for religious exemptions from Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on sex but is at risk of being misused to include preferential treatment based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

On November 23rd, the Dept. of Justice asked the U.S. Supreme Court to preemptively review three of the ongoing lawsuits that are preventing the Dept. of Defense from implementing its prohibition on the serve of personnel with gender dysphoria.

On November 24th, Taiwan held a referendum that rejected same-sex marriage, putting the public on a collision course with the Taiwanese high court that, in 2017, demanded the government enact same-sex marriage within two years.
Made for Love | USCCB | (202) 541-3000 ||