As an apostolate of the Catholic Church, Courage International ministers to individuals experiencing same-sex attraction and their families. To learn more about their goals, join an existing Courage or EnCourage chapter, or begin a new chapter in your area, you can read their newly published chaplain handbookhere.
Reflections on Gender Ideology
"Compassion and Challenge"is a recent reflection on gender ideology from Archbishop Emeritus Robert J. Carlson of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. In the letter, he helpfully distinguishes between caring for those affected by gender dysphoria and identifying philosophical problems ingrained in gender ideology.
School Restrooms -On August 7th, in a long-ongoing Florida case and adding to a string of losses, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruledin favor of "transgender" students' ability to use the school restrooms of their choice.
Birth Certificates- Also on August 7th, a federal court in Idahostruck downthe state's new law protecting the accuracy of birth certificates from people seeking to have their sex indicator changed on them. It is one of the last states trying to not offer such alterations.
Sports -Ten days later, the same courtstruck downIdaho's new law protecting girls' school sports from "transgender" male competition.
Medical Mandates -On August 17th, in one of at least five lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' June rule aimed at removing a gender transition health care mandate (which itself had been enjoined in 2016), a New York federal judgeruledthat the mandate should stand.
Religious Freedom of Wedding Vendors- In good news, on August 14th a federal judge granteda preliminary injunction for Chelsey Nelson Photography against a local ordinance that would force the Christian business owner to serve same-sex weddings.
Kansas expanding on Bostock- On August 21st, the Kansas Human Rights Commissionannouncedplans that would bypass the state legislature and enact a wide range of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" nondiscrimination regulations based on its interpretation of, and expansion upon, the U.S. Supreme Court's Bostock decision from June.
Foster Care & Adoption- The U.S. Supreme Court recently announced that oral argument in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia will be heard on November 4th. In June, USCCB had filed anamicus curiaebrief in the case, in which the ability of Catholic foster care and adoption services to continue to operate without being mandated to place children with same-sex couples is at stake.