Alumni & Friends Mnemonic
We are thrilled to share the first edition of the Madeira Schools Foundation newsletter with you! Our mission is to share district and Alumni news, connect Alumni and share resources to the most up-to-date information about your Madeira Schools Foundation.
What is the Madeira Schools Foundation?
The MSF board members are a group of devoted parents, community members and alumni working to raise funds for the district. These funds have supported technology, specifically the new 1-1 program that began this past year, the state-of-the-art fitness center, and seven scholarships awarded to graduating seniors and one alumni currently in college to assist with the ability to continue their education.

The board is working on a strategic plan to increase awareness of these efforts and add new and exciting ways for you to get involved. Learn more about our board by visiting our web site.

2017-18 Board Members
President: Dave Eberly              Vice President: Shifali Rouse
Secretary: Amy Mauch             Treasurer: Steve Soper

Director of Alumni Relations: Mindi Hilgeman
Superintendent: Kenji Matsudo

Trustees: Paula Andruss, Steve Bernicke, Ralph Blackwelder, Jr, Scott Blackwelder,
Ken Born, Brian Busken, Carly Chu, Patty Cochran, Jeff Cohen, Laura Conner, Sue Cummings, Kermit Davis, Tim Farrell, Susan Kotowski, Betsy LeRoy, Mike Miller, Chris Nachtrab, Matt O'Cull, Kristen Oyler, Mike Prus, Chris Ramos, Laura Rusche,
Sarah Schwallie, Jason Tucker, Jenn Weil
Save-the-Date for these upcoming events!
Our 33rd Annual Auction will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2018 at St. Gertrude Parrish Center. Make plans now to grab your friends and neighbors for a great evening out to support our students and schools!

You're Invited to the 3rd Annual Bourbon and BBQ Party! All proceeds will benefit the Madeira Schools Foundation. The event will take place on Sunday, January 14, 2018 from 6:30-9:30pm. Admission will include tasting of 5 unique Bourbons, food provided by Depot BBQ, a commemorative Bourbon glass and entertainment including NFL Playoffs on the big screen, Bourbon education and a prize raffle.  

Please visit the Madeira Schools Foundation website in early December to access the signup links for both events. Hope to see you there! 

Alumni Reunion News
We welcomed back the classes of 1957, 1967 and 1997 for tours of the new fitness center, media center and to reminisce about their days at MHS.

Alumni Spotlight: Benintendi Comes Home
Hometown Hero Andrew Benintendi (Class of '13) returned to Madeira for a Homecoming pep rally during the Boston Red Sox phenom's series against the Cincinnati Reds in October.

2017 Golf Classic sets Record!
With your support, this year's event raised a new record of more than $20,000 for our schools. These funds help ensure student success by giving them access to the newest technology and experiences in education.

Madeira Bow Ties for the Holidays!
Madeira bow ties make great holiday gifts! Pick one up for your favorite Friend of Madeira. All proceeds go to the Steve Kramer Scholarship Fund. You may also purchase by cash or check by contacting Mindi by email or phone 513-924-3725.

Many Ways to Give
Consider your city schools in your holiday giving! There are many ways to give back to the students, teachers and programs of the Madeira City Schools.

In the last year our donors have supported the new 1:1 student laptop program, the state-of-the-art fitness center, 7 student scholarships and the annual Day of Service.

Your tax-deductible donations directly benefit the students of Madeira City Schools. Please remember us in your end-of-year giving.
Show your Madeira Pride and donate today!
The Madeira Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that was established in 1984 to financially support continued excellence in education for the Madeira City Schools through endowed and immediate gifts.
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