"Madiba Planetary Love-Peace Project"
A FREE webinar event presented by Michelle Manders.com
with Palace of Peace
Free Soul~Chat
Saturday 28 January 2017 & New Moon in Aquarius
Hello my Sacred Tribe! 

I have been through the most extraordinary journey as a result of our most recent project "Our Golden Monad Retrurns," which completed today. We were Divinely Blessed by the energy of Madiba connecting with my group through me. This was not a channelling of his voice, I experience it as channelling his love through my heart. 

I invite you to experience a Spiritual communication with Madiba's energy.  Our legendary Nelson Mandela, now a pure Emissary of Light, communicating as Madiba from Divine Source, and shares with us his continued vision of love for the future of our currently troubled nation, and planet.

Join us, as we gather together at the feet of our Cosmic grandfather - our loveable reconciler of past hurts.
Soul friends, we are now forging the steps needed to rebuild the majesty that is South Africa - a land that sings a song of community spirit, and spread that globally.

We've dug for truth, now is the time to lay down the seeds of authentic love and true equality in the rich soil of our beloved Mama Gaia.

There is an African proverb that says; 'To get lost, is to learn the way'  

We have been lost as a nation and a world body and now is the time to cultivate a new era of oneness across our globe.

Our playful Madiba wrote the language of forgiveness for us as South Africans, and the world. Are you ready to hear the vision that Madiba has for our planet, to experience the template of love, which he offers to every soul, in every country?
Let's rebuild our country and our planet anew. The time is now!

Saturday 28th january 2017 at 5:30 am - 7:30 am GMT+2/SAST
Please visit www.timeanddate.com to confirm the time in your zone.

I look forwrad to sharing the magic of my jounrey and what has recently unfolded in my life as a result of all the work we have been doing as Earth and Crystal Guardians.

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In love, peace and gratitude

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