F22/23 Pre-season Info
FINALLY! Our 22/23 ordering materials are here (as of 8am this morning), thanks for your patience and for hopefully planning space for Madshus in your store for next year. I apologize for the lengthy silence this year but not being able to give reliable or truthful updates on what has been happening has kept me quiet and I was completely in the dark. A few things to look forward to next year:
- Completely overhauled warehouse processes and managment = guaranteed improvements in getting orders out ASAP.
- Fewer graphic updates for next year and beyond so our products will not phase out.
- Exciting new products in performance, touring, BC and accessories... and apres ski (see below).
We are finally ready for your 22/23 orders and I look forward to working with you to gear up for next season. Please reach out with your thoughts and questions!
Believe it or not we still have product in the warehouse if you are looking to fill some holes. A few of you are still waiting for some things, sorry for the delays and this crazy world we now live in. The forecast for next year is go big on pre-seasons, we did and we hope you will join us.
Thanks, and here's to a great remainder of our Nordic season!
p.s. Rex and KV+ information also available and coming to your inbox soon.