'We Are Magee' Celebrations

This week, we are going to celebrate our PTO Co-President, Mrs. Sarah Davis. She just finished a 106.3 mile hike on the Ice Age Trail. She hiked for 8 days and 7 nights. The hike started at Monticello IAT Segment and 8 days later ended on Balanced Rock at Devil's Lake. What an accomplishment. Congratulations to you, Sarah!

As a school team, we take moments each and every day to celebrate each other and our learners. We want to also take the time to celebrate our Magee families and community members. If you, your family, or learners have something they want to celebrate with the whole Magee school community, please send a picture and a description to niesjustin@kmsd.edu and we will add it to this section of the newsletter. We are excited to see and share other celebrations in our community in the weeks to come!

Weekly Message from Mr. Nies

Happy Friday Magee Families:

We hope that you have had a great week! Before we know it, many of the traditional holidays celebrated will be here. I want to provide some updates for you as we begin planning for those special days.

  • As like last year, teachers will determine the celebration/celebration of learning that will take place on the special days.
  • Teachers will work with our Parent/Teacher Liaison to identify the support they need before or during the celebration/celebration of learning.
  • The Elementary Principals and I, with the help from Health Services, worked together to create a list of safe foods that could be provided during those classroom celebrations, if requested - CLICK HERE.

As a reminder, here is what is mentioned in our Elementary Handbook (on page 14) and the supporting KMORRs about celebrations.


In the elementary school environment, we acknowledge that celebrations support the growth of our building culture. We want to honor celebrations throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring. These celebrations may include food, depending upon the discretion of the classroom teacher and building administrator. We will also honor district policy 2107 below in these celebrations.


KMORR 2107: Student Wellness: Foods Offered/Provided But Not Sold

The District encourages foods offered on the school campus meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards including those provided at celebrations and parties and classroom snacks brought by staff or family members. Schools will encourage rewards or incentives that recognize student achievement or desirable behavior that are non-food in nature. A list of non-food celebrations shall be promoted.


Please see a list of safe and healthy foods that can be included in these celebrations: 

Elementary Safe Snacks.

As we get closer to each special day, updates will be provided to you all.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or schedule a time to meet with me: Click Here to Schedule a Meeting with Me. Have an amazing weekend!

Take Care and Be Well:

Justin S. Nies and the Staff at Magee Elementary School

Staff and Learner Celebrations

If you have a reason to celebrate one or more of our staff members, please CLICK HERE, complete the form, and submit it. The staff member will receive it shortly after you hit submit!

If you have a reason to celebrate a learner, please CLICK HERE, complete the form and during our morning announcements the shout-out will be read to the whole school!

The Magee Mums Fundraiser is almost over!

Thank you to Woodridge Landscapes and Lee Schroedl for delivering 200 beautiful mums for our fundraiser. We have only 17 left!!!

  • This year the funds from the fundraiser will support classroom technology needs and resources for outdoor learning.
  • Mums are $15.00 for 1, $25.00 for 2, and $50.00 for 4.

Thank you for continuing to support Magee Elementary School!

Weekly Message from Nurse Schuetz

Too Sick for School?

Each week Nurse Schuetz provides you a newsletter with important information to keep our learners happy and healthy while learning. Please view her newsletter by clicking the link below.

Magee Health Room Newsletter (9/23)

Girl Scout Drive

September's Habit of the Mind

Managing Impulsivity

As we continue to work on our September Habits of the Mind focus, we have been practicing the following tips:

  • Tip #1: When you STOP in "STOP, THINK, before you ACT" - ask yourself - how is this situation/event making me feel? How might I manage my feelings so that I can respond respectfully and responsibly?
  • Tip #2: When working with a partner or in a group, establish rules first so that everyone has a voice in the discussion and so that everyone knows the rules to follow.
  • Tip #3: Remind yourself that how you are feeling does not always need to be acted on. Stop, name the emotion. (i.e.: ‘I’m Angry’, ‘I’m upset’, or ‘I’m tired’.) Then wait to respond instead of getting carried away or having a big reaction. What will help with this is waiting while counting "1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi" or count to 10.

Here are two resources for you from The Institute for Habits of the Mind.

Parent Resource

Student Resource

Here is the update for our school goal in the cafeteria:

4K/5K: 44 points

1st/2nd: 45 points

3rd/4th/5th: 45 points

Everyone is doing an amazing job and are on track to either earn extra recess time or a movie during lunch!

Magee PTO Updates and Newsletter

Important Dates and Events

We have an amazing PTO at Magee. They work hard to build a strong school community by providing volunteer opportunities, fundraising, and special events for our learners and families. Please keep yourself updated by checking out their newsletter each week.

October PTO Newsletter

Magee PTO and Amazon

Homecoming Activities!

October 3rd - October 8th!

Homecoming Spirit Days at Magee created by Student Council!

Monday, October 3rd: Pajama Day

Tuesday, October 4th: Decades Day (80s, 90s, or you choose your favorite!)

Wednesday, October 5th: Class Colors (4K/K: Red, 1 - Orange, 2 - Yellow, 3 - Green, 4 - Blue, 5 - Purple)

Thursday, October 6th: Jersey Day

Friday, October 7th: KM/Magee Spirit Day

High School Homecoming Events

Powder Puff Football (Juniors v. Seniors): Wednesday, October 5th at 5:30 PM (Vock Field)

KM Pep Rally/Friday Events: 1:10 PM Pep Rally at KM (Fundraiser dinner, marching band performance, and crowning of the homecoming court)

Homecoming Parade

We are still looking for someone to head up a group of Magee students, families, and teachers to march in the parade. Please reach out to Mr. Nies if you are interested. PTO will provide Candy and Mrs. Cyndi Patrick has an idea for a float! Time is running out.

Line-up • Date: October 7th • Line-up time: 4:45 p.m. Parade time: 5:30 p.m.

Place: High School Upper Parking Lot and Wales Elementary Parking Lot. 

Starting at the high school Oak Crest Dr floats will travel south towards Mama D's and then make a circle turning on Genesee street, James Street, and then back on Main street, returning back to the high school.

The location order of floats/marchers in the parade will be dictated by the handout emailed the week of the parade. 

Demeanor – Safety and ambassadorship are key! • No semis may pull trailers. • No student drivers of vehicles; adult drivers must be 18 years of age or older. • Only 5 riders allowed on flatbed trailers. • Student walkers are allowed behind the float, but no one is allowed between the truck pulling the trailer and the trailer itself! • Candy or trinkets may be tossed by walkers beside the float, but may not be thrown from on, behind, or from the front of the float. 

Take down: After the parade, school personnel stationed at the entrance to the school parking lot will direct you to the appropriate location. Plan on pulling your float to the back of the HS/Wales Elementary parking lot to make room for all floats BEFORE dissembling your float.

Important Dates to Add to your Calendar

September 2022

  • Friday, September 30th, 2022: No School - Staff Professional Learning

October 2022

  • Monday, October 3rd, 2022: Custodian Appreciation Day
  • Tuesday, October 4th, 2022: KMSD School Board Meeting at 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday, October 4th: PTO Sponsored Scoopie Night
  • Wednesday, October 19th: Magee PTO Meeting at 7:00 PM
  • Friday, October 21st: PTO Sponsored Popcorn Friday
  • Monday, October 24th through Friday, October 28th: Fall Book Fair
Do you want to be a Guest (Substitute) Teacher?
The Kettle Moraine School District is proud to partner with Teachers On Call to provide exceptional substitute teachers and educational assistants. Teachers On Call invests in their employees, recognizes their achievements, and is committed to the noble purpose of educating our youth.

As a Teachers on Call substitute, you’ll enjoy:
  • Free pre-hire training (for substitute teacher and aide or assistant positions)
  • Ongoing professional development
  • Steady, yet flexible, work you can feel good about
  • Weekly pay
  • Your preference of schools

To learn more and apply, click the Teachers on Call image above

Delafield Public Library

The Delafield Public Library is challenging Delafield and our surrounding community to hike 1,000 miles collectively during the month of October. All abilities are welcome, and every mile you walk or hike gets us closer to our goal. At our October 1st kickoff event, families can meet Monty the Mammoth, do a short hike, and have a root beer float. The event begins at 9:30 am sharp for the hike, or come at 10 am for the other activities including painting a pumpkin. Join us! 


KM Community Education

KM Community Education provides recreational and educational opportunities for families. Please be sure to visit the website often for updates and new programs. For program information and registration forms, visit www.kmsd.edu/communityed.


Need that extra push to get started on an exercise program? We’ve perfected our routines so they work for anyone of any age or fitness level. Work at your own pace with easy to follow steps set to a wide variety of the music you love. You’ll get just the right cardiovascular workout followed by floor work that will both tone and stretch all of your muscles. Class is held Tuesdays and Thursdays at KM Middle School at 6:30. Sign up today at www.kmsd.edu/communityed

LYBA Basketball

Online registration is now open for recreational basketball at KM for boys and girls grades 3-8 at KM Middle School. Season begins in December and concludes in February. Grades 3-8 will practice one night per week with Saturday games and will be followed by a season ending tournament.

Grades 1-2 will meet on Saturday mornings.Our emphasis will be on knowledge and execution of basketball skills, rules, sportsmanship, fair play and attitude. Practices and games will be held Saturday mornings for 90 minutes. Eight foot baskets will be used. 

Sign up today at https://kmsd.revtrak.net/rwcommunityeducation/

DECA Bash on the Grass- DECA's Bash on the Grass is Back! This Friday on Sept. 23rd prior to the home football game, the "BASH" will take place on the practice fields directly west of the tennis courts. We will have Rock Climbing, Stunt Jumping, the Bunjee Trampoline Bounce, Adrenaline Rush Obstacle Course are just a few of the many attractions available. A Street Magician will be on the Grounds working the crowd and 3 food truck options (Flourgirl Pizza Truck, Mr. P's Gourmet Grilled Cheese, Mama D's and Inclusion Coffee) will be available for your enjoyment. For only $15.00 you have unlimited access to all attractions as "The BASH" will run from 3:30 until 7:00 pm. Tickets will be available onsite at this year's event. A portion of the ticket sales will benefit the "Make A Wish" Foundation. As always.... Parents Get in for FREE.


Events/opportunities listed on our Community Flyers page are not endorsed by the Kettle Moraine School District. They have been approved for electronic sharing. Visit www.kmsd.edu/communityflyers to see the full list of current flyers.

W313 S4134 Hwy 83, P.O. Box 37 Genesee Depot, WI 53127