4K students made and hid colored ice gems in the snow!
An awesome outdoor treasure hunt! (above)
During Black History Month staff and students have taken the opportunity to research and share about black history. Learning about the world from different perspectives is bringing great conversations to our classrooms and hopefully to your homes too!
(The video below on the left is by Bobby and Fred about Jackie Robinson.)
Ms. Cressy - Apartheid
Payton-Louis Armstrong
Distance Learning - When does it happen?

This year has brought distance learning into our vocabulary and daily life. It is, however, not something that is offered every day as a choice. Distance learning is available to learners in two ways - the first is that a family chooses for their child to be a distance learner and thus has a teacher dedicated to distance learning; the second is that a face to face child is home for Covid related reasons (illness, quarantine).

Our learners do still get sick with things that are not Covid. In those instances, we handle things the same way we have in the past. Learners stay home, rest, recover and return to school when they are well. Learners and teachers in face to face environments utilize face to face instruction and learning unless a learner is home for Covid reasons and then the learner can log in to the classroom and continue instruction with his/her classmates. This is an added layer in the classroom that is not available on a daily basis unless a child is quarantined. Distance learning is not an option/choice on a daily basis and it also not an option when a child is on vacation.

Thank you for your understanding and support of these differences. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Sterner with any questions.

Please remind students that toys and Pokemon cards should stay
at home. We would hate for things to get lost or broken at school and there is really not time to play with toys from home or to trade cards. Thank you for your support!
COVID-19 Testing Clarification - from Nursing Staff

There has been some confusion about PCR vs. antigen testing for COVID-19. 
If a child stays home OR has been sent home with symptoms of COVID-19 and you wish to have them tested, KMSD requires a negative PCR test, which follows the CDC and Waukesha County guidelines for schools. This is for children with symptoms. 
Not every doctor’s office automatically does PCR testing. Please verify the type of testing before having it done. 
Documented proof of a negative PCR test is required before a child is allowed back in the classroom along with the child being symptom free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication.

Feel free to email your health staff or call the COVID-19 RN or Health Hotline if you have any questions.
* District COVID-19 RN-Direct line: 262-968-6300, ext 5334
KMSD Health Hotline 262-968-6369
(District Nurse, Patricia Schuetz RN & Jenny Pick, RN)
please click on the image below
Important Upcoming Dates
February 25: Online Bookfair Begins
February 26: No School for Students/Teacher PD
March 1: No School for Students/Teacher PD
March 5-12: Collectivo Coffee Fundraiser
Communicating About Transportation Changes

Just a few reminders about communication and transportation.
Please help us by:
  • Communicating any permanent changes in transportation in writing to Mrs. Doome at [email protected].
  • Communicate any daily changes to BOTH Mrs. Doome [email protected] AND the classroom teacher.
  • ANY changes after 2PM need to be called in to the Magee Office at 262-968-6450

Thank you for your help!
Family Resources
Community Education
KM Community Education provides recreational and educational opportunities for families. Please be sure to visit the website often for updates and new programs. For program information and registration forms, visit www.kmsd.edu/communityed.

Co-Ed Recreational Volleyball - Grades 4-8
Friday night youth volleyball league registration is now open. League play begins March 5 and runs through May 7 at KM High School. Registration deadline is Feb. 26. Register online at www.kmsd.edu/communityed

Try KM Lacrosse Clinic
This try it clinic is available to your student and it’s at no cost to you.
To Register use this web address: 
 Date: February 27, 2021
Time: 10:30-11:30am – please arrive 15 minutes early
Location: Brookfield Indoor Complex lower level for players.
Players will need to have their own mouth guard, they should wear shirt, shorts/athletic pants and athletic shoes. Please bring a water bottle and wear a mask.
 KM Lacrosse Spring Registration Now OPEN!
Registration for Spring is open until February 28!

Events/opportunities listed on our Community Flyers page are not endorsed by the Kettle Moraine School District. They have been approved for electronic sharing. Visit www.kmsd.edu/communityflyers to see the full list of current flyers
W313 S4134 Hwy 83, P.O. Box 37 Genesee Depot, WI 53127