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We have a very special in-person evening lined up for you this Friday - the Cornwall-based Museum of Witchcraft & Magic will be taking us on a magical mystery tour of its most potent and fascinating artefacts. Book your seat today! Whether magic or mediumship, there are plenty of in-person workshops & talks to enjoy this summer. See you soon...
IN PERSON: Friday night at the College

The Museum of Witchcraft & Magic holds the fascinating history of magical & spiritual practice in Britain and beyond. It's chock-full of potent, highly charged objects. This Friday, this cherished institution comes to the College with the museum's director, Simon Costin, who be revealing its most powerful artefacts. Come along and enjoy an eye-opening journey through a lesser-known history. LEARN MORE.
IN PERSON: Next weekend

Expanding the psychic senses, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, is vital for our psychic and mediumship development. This in-person workshop at the College guides you to activate your psychic senses and sets you on an exciting path of appreciating and accessing your abilities. LEARN MORE.

A colourful in-person workshop to unlock, open up and liberate your creative inner self. You'll discover a vibrant, joyful, playful voice within, just waiting to be expressed. Get ready to throw out the rulebook, connect with your intuition, and play with colour! LEARN MORE.

Tarot cards are psychic triggers. They will open you up to your psychic insights and spirit connection. In this in-person workshop with Tarot Master Avril Price, you will explore how that works and what it can do for your intuition. LEARN MORE.
Psychic mediumship in person

In this in-person introduction to trance mediumship, Sarah will guide you through preparing and blending with Spirit, understanding the altered state, allowing Spirit to speak, as well as the differences between trance mediumship and channelling. LEARN MORE.

This in-person workshop teaches you how to develop your intuition through the practice of remote viewing - using your mind to access information beyond the physical senses and gather information about a distant or unseen target. LEARN MORE.
Enlightening in-person evenings

In this uplifting and heart-warming evening at the College, Anthony will demonstrate his mediumship abilities. He will deliver with integrity messages from Spirit - an experience that affirms that our loved ones are never that far away. LEARN MORE.

Discover why some people that we encounter have such a lasting impact on us, and others come and go without leaving much of a trace. This fascinating in-person talk discusses soul mates, twin flames, karmic connections and more. LEARN MORE.
IN PERSON: All materials provided

In this in-person workshop with artist Jan Arden, we will be exploring the folklore and history of the use of hag stones - stones that have natural holes in them - to inspire and reveal the hidden worlds of the fairy folk. You'll receive your own hag stone, and learn how to use it in magical ways. LEARN MORE. 

Join artist Nicole Frobusch at the College for this therapeutic journey of creativity with clay. In this in-person workshop, we will journey to the upper world to meet our spirit guides, who will guide us to create something profound and special for our altar using the clay provided. LEARN MORE.

Do you ever look at a photo of someone and long to know more about them? Maybe you see ancestors in old photographs and want to feel closer to them? This in-person workshop at the College will show you how... LEARN MORE.
In-person healing days at the College

Become aligned with the energies of the Great Dragon and Phoenix – energies to transform and awaken – in this in-person workshop at the College. This high-energy process is absolutely needed for healing at this time. All that is required is a true willingness to Let Go and Let Be. LEARN MORE.

In this in-person workshop at the College, we will explore the ritual technologies of mantra in Tantric practice and how mantra is used as a tool to access deeper states of consciousness. Together, we will practice ancient techniques of healing through the vehicle of sound. LEARN MORE.

Offer Sekhmet the fear, anger and blocks that are holding you back in this empowering in-person workshop. Sekhmet will devour these unhelpful emotions and patterns, transforming them into energies of rebirth and renewal. LEARN MORE.

Psychogeography - exploring a town or city and picking up the atmosphere or energy of the environment - has been seen as a way of tapping into mystical alignments in the land, including ley lines. In this livestream talk, we'll explore the art and how to go about doing it. LEARN MORE.

Sound is an effective method of balancing the pineal gland, which, in turn, brings balance to our hormones. In this livestream workshop, you will experience Githa's powerful vocal healing method on this highly sensitive part of the brain's anatomy. LEARN MORE.
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The College of Psychic Studies | [email protected]