Navigating Maine's Infrastructure: A Look at the MaineDOT Website and Its Key Features
Sam Updike, DBE Supportive Services Specialist
In today’s information rich atmosphere, it is important for transportation businesses to stay up to date on the workings of Maine’s Department of Transportation. Their website serves as a critical resource for businesses in the transportation industry, especially those who have earned the DBE certification. MaineDOT provides updates on current projects, contract opportunities, and has detailed resources for DBE certified businesses.
If you want to stay up to date on MDOT projects, there are several tools at your disposal. Under the “Doing Business” tab, you can find the Advertise Schedule, which tracks the status of construction projects and any changes that have been made to them. There is also an interactive map that displays all the DOT projects in Maine. In the top right of the home page, you can also find the news tab, which give updates about everything MDOT is involved with. Here you can sign up for emails, where you can filter through the topics you might like to hear about. This way, you can stay informed about advertised projects, news releases, workshops/events, and much more.
If you are interested in contract opportunities to bid on, return to the “Doing Business” tab and check out either the contractors or consultants option. If you are a contractor, you can find current construction bid projects, with their bid date, municipality, and description. You will also find contractor resources, like the pre-qualification requirements. The consultants option will show current requests for information, qualifications, and proposals. Again, you will also find consultant resources, covering pre-qualification requirements and details on the evaluation process.
For information regarding the DBE certification, the Civil Rights office has its own section. This can be found under “resources”. Here you can find an updated Maine DBE directory, contractor/consultant utilization forms, and everything you need to know about the certification, recertification, and inter-state certification processes. You can find the MaineDOT website here. For any additional questions or information, please contact Sam Updike, DBE Supportive Services Specialist.