Maine Township High School Foundation News
October 2023 Newsletter
In This Issue

Letter from the Chair

National History Day Competition

Lookingglass Alice

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Current District 207 faculty and staff may apply for grants.
National History Day Competition
Two pairs of students from Maine West qualified for the National History Day Competition, which was held at the University of Maryland in June. The Foundation provided funding to help them attend the event.
One pair of students created a historical exhibit on the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). Their project highlighted the work and achievements of the NCADV in a way that further advocates and raises awareness for the abused. The second pair of students created a historical website on blood banking in WWII. Their website focused on the development of blood banking during WWII and the racial challenges that accompanied it.
Bryanne Roemer, the grant’s sponsor, remarked that the Foundation’s support “provided a remarkable opportunity for our students to showcase their skills and talents on a national stage. The Foundation's commitment to education and empowerment has had a profound impact on our students, and we are truly appreciative of their support.”
Lookingglass Alice
Maine East performed its fall play "Lookingglass Alice" earlier this month. The show tells the stories of “Alice In Wonderland” and “Through the Lookingglass” while incorporating a variety of circus elements. To bring this to the stage, Maine East partnered with the Actors Gymnasium to choreograph the show and train the student actors in circus arts, which included Lyra, Spanish web, globe walking, juggling, unicycle, and partner acrobatics. Funding for the partnership was made possible through a grant from the Foundation. This was truly a unique experience for everyone involved, from the performers to the backstage crew and ultimately the audience.