Workplace Giving in Maine
Giving in Maine does not happen without dedicated leadership, campaign coordinators, outreach, human resources and/or payroll teams at each organization, and it does not happen without the thousands of committed donors who choose to give back to the causes in Maine they care about each year.
We are grateful each fall for the opportunity to participate in giving campaigns across the state.
30 years of Giving in Maine
MaineShare is honored to be considered a meaningful part of our federal, state, municipal, corporate, small business and nonprofit partners' volunteer benefits offerings each year. This summer, we were reminded that MaineShare is a founding member of the Maine Association of Nonprofits, established in 1994. We are proud to be an integral part of the ongoing work of so many nonprofits working to expand philanthropy in Maine as we enter our next 30 years.
This fall we are in the midst of our 2019 giving appeal, just as MaineShare enters its 30
year of giving. Since 1989, MaineShare has offered people a way to connect with and support issues they personally care about by choosing to direct their gifts
to specific organizations.
MaineShare Makes Giving Easy
One of the key reasons people give through MaineShare is that they have the opportunity to choose and support up to 43 causes they personally care about with a single gift.
Giving through MaineShare is simple and convenient and provides a sense of satisfaction, year-round.
If you have not yet given as part of a workplace giving campaign, please, spend some time in learning more about our
Member Organizations.
You are helping to guide the future of Maine when you support Maine nonprofits as they work every day for environmental sustainability, economic opportunity, education, diversity, the arts, health, safety, and social justice. Let others know how easy it is to support so many great causes with one gift!
Give Today.
Designate your gift to 1, 5, 20, or 43 Maine causes. Whether you choose to give back at work, by regular mail or online, you are making a positive impact as you help these organizations with their necessary work for the Maine you love.
On behalf of our member organizations, thank you for all you do for Maine!
Tracy Harkins,
MaineShare Board Chair
Ana-Maria Hluska
MaineShare Associate Director
What if we all gave on one day?
We can!
On December 3rd, 2019, MaineShare is supporting it's community
of nonprofits for 24 hours as part of
Save the date and make a donation online on December 3, 2019.
to select specific groups. You can also send direct gifts
MaineShare at P. O. Box 2095, Augusta, ME, 04330
December 3, 2019 is the day !
Support the Maine you love with MaineShare!
Member Group News and Events
Are Trees the New Coal?
Join Sierra Club Friday evening, November 22 for the screening of 'Burned: Are Trees the New Coal?"
This documentary takes a hard look at the latest false solution to climate change: woody biomass. It tells the story of how biomass has become the alternative-energy savior for the power-generation industry resulting in the destruction of forests world-wide for fuel.
The associate producer of the film will conduct the post-film Q&A.
Friday, November 22
Coffee- 6:30 p.m.
Film- 7:00 p.m.
First Parish UU Church
114 Main Street, Kennebunk
Co-sponsors: FPUU Social Justice Committee and Sierra Club Maine
Join Bicycle Coalition of Maine for
December 7, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Wrap up your 2019 cycling season with six premiere two-wheeled adventure films as part of the 10th annual Ciclismo Classico Adventure Cycling Festival! These films aim to increase awareness and appreciation for bicycle travel by showcasing the adventures, humor, and growth inherent in human-powered journeys.
Get your ticket early, they tend to sell out.
Doors at 6 p.m. and films at 7 p.m.
Ciclismo Classico
One Longfellow Square
181 State Street
Portland, Maine United States
December 1st, Sun 5:15 PM
Join Equality Maine in a candlelight vigil on December 1st to recognize those lost to Aids.
December 6th, Thu 6 PM
December 10th, Tue 6:30 PM
December 12th, Fri 5:30 PM
January 11th, Sat 5:30 PM
Portland, ME
Are you having trouble at work? Sometimes the problems are obvious, sometimes they are subtle, but Southern Maine Workers Center can help. They hosting free legal clinics every Thursday from 5-7 p.m. Interpretation is available and they have lawyers and SMWC members on hand to help answer questions and find solutions to to violations of your rights at work.
¿Tienes problemas en el trabajo? Si los problemas son obvios o si son más sutiles, nosotros podemos ayudar! El Centro de Trabajadores del Sur de Maine (SMWC) está organizando clínicas legales gratis cada jueves de 5 a 7 PM. Hay interpretación disponible. Tenemos abogados y miembros de SMWC disponibles para responder tus preguntas y encontrar soluciones a problemas y violaciones de derechos en tu trabajo.
Avez-vous des problèmes au travail ? Parfois, ces problèmes sont évidents, parfois subtils, mais nous pouvons vous assister ! Le Southern Maine Workers Center organise des consultations juridiques gratuites tous les jeudis de 17h à 19h. L'interprétation dans les différentes langues est disponible. Les avocats et les membres du Comité sont présents pour répondre aux questions et trouver des solutions aux violations de vos droits au travail.
56 North St. Suite 100, Portland, Maine 04101
Fall/Winter Workshops
New Ventures Maine offers program s
in 4 areas to help Mainers in career development or transition reach their goals:
You may call the
office near you
to learn more about their programs. You can also find all upcoming tuition-free workshops and training
Is there a fee for
New Ventures Maine services?
New Ventures Maine (NVME)’s programs are offered free of charge. Their services are supported by a mix of public and private funders including donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations.
How does a person become eligible?
All Maine adults are welcome to participate in their programs. They do not have income guidelines though may give priority to individuals with limited resources. NVM administers
matched savings programs
that have income guidelines and other eligibility requirements.
How many people are in classes?
Class size varies from 5 – 25 depending on the topic, location, or time of day or year. Some classes have limited enrollment (Venturing Forth is limited to 15) and others are limited by space. Classes are open to all adults.
Many MaineShare organizations rely on volunteers to help them do what they do! Some offer college credit for internships! Our January newsletter will share some of the many ways that you can help directly!
Last call to apply!
Do you know a movement-building, feminist leader ?
Maine Women's Lobby is seeking an ideal candidate with 5-10 years of leadership and management experience, preferably working with grassroots organizing models who has developed and managed boards of directors and staff to support organizing for policy change.
Do you know a strong communicator and connector able to challenge people’s thinking while bringing them along in a shared vision.
Maine Women's Lobby is seeking someone with the desire to have thoughtful engagement with diverse stakeholders, with great listening skills, and genuine curiosity.
A leader that is passionate about their role as "Chief Fundraising Officer."
The application deadline is Friday 11/29! For a complete job description
#Giving Tuesday
takes place annually on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, this year on December 3, and is all about recognizing and supporting nonprofit organizations that do valuable work in our communities.
WERU will celebrate nonprofits on December 3, 10-11 a.m. by broadcasting a live call-in program, WERU’s Giving Tuesday Special.
During the hour local nonprofit organizations will be invited to call the on-air studio line of 469-0500, and share information about the service that they provide. Each group’s representative will have three minutes of airtime on a first come first serve basis, and there will be no advance reservations. Tune in for voices of community service!
This is a great opportunity to learn more about the impact that so many of our nonprofits have in Maine!
Listen Online!
MaineShare will be there!
Patrisha, a photojournalist based in Camden, started this project after her ex-husband Don McLean of “American Pie” was arrested for domestic violence against Patrisha in 2016. He was convicted on three charges of domestic abuse.
” by Maegan Graslie, is pictured at left. Maegan, and this painting, are part of the Finding Our Voices: Breaking the Silence of Domestic Abuse exhibit at the Holocaust and Human Rights Center through December 13. Maegan, studying to be an art therapist at the University of Maine, Augusta, says, “I can finally be myself. I haven’t been myself for 11 years of my life.”
“The breaking of the silence was like the breaking of the spell,” photojournalist Patrisha McLean said, “Women started whispering to me about the domestic abuse in their own lives, happening decades ago or still going on, and I realized I was far from alone. I realized that the shame which
is at the root of the silence is both misplaced and dangerous. I had previously used my camera and pen to de-stigmatize people struggling with addiction and homelessness in our community. Now it was my turn: I added audio and turned to something very personal.”
Finding Our Voices: Breaking the Silence of Domestic Abuse
features photo portraits and audio recordings of 20 women speaking out about the domestic abuse in their lives, ranging in age from 19-year old Sydney from Camden to 79-year-old Mary Lou from Scarborough, and including an architect, nurse, TV news anchor and corrections officer.
“What’s so important about this exhibit is that it breaks down not only the silence around domestic violence but also some of the stereotypes and misconceptions that contribute to that silence,” said
Shenna Bellows, HHRC Executive Director
. “Domestic violence is a human rights issue that we as a society have a collective responsibility to address. This exhibit is a brave catalyst for an important conversation, and it’s fitting that it take place in the state’s capitol.”
“Patrisha turned her personal tragedy into activism,” said Bellows. “Through art, she’s creating the space for a statewide human rights conversation.”
For more information about the Finding Our Voices project or
If you or anyone you know has experienced or is experiencing domestic abuse,
call the statewide domestic abuse helpline at 1 866 834 HELP.
© 2019 The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine.
We would not be able to do this work without your continued commitment
to supporting the causes you care about with MaineShare!