Bad Vibrations : Mains Water Pressure and Health
To: Affiliated Local Groups of the BSD
Roy Riggs
Members of the Professional Dowsers Register
From: Ced Jackson, (Malvern Dowsers)
Tel: 01684 560265
3 Ebrington Road, West Malvern
Worcs, WR14 4NL
Dear Friends
An Appeal for Assistance
I have been contacted by someone experiencing health problems as a result of physical vibrations caused by high levels of water pressure in the adjacent mains water pipe.
All was well until the water company raised the pressure. When the pressure returns to its former level, symptoms disappear. When the pressure is re-raised, symptoms return. The pipe runs alongside home and then turns through 90 degrees at end of house.
Symptoms include : Person has ringing in the ears, feels pressure, weight problems, grumpy, clumsy, insomnia, and more recently disturbing hallucinations and inability to recall information and some conversations, etc, etc. These conditions are getting worse and more worrying. Other people sometimes also hear the low droning noise and are also getting very forgetful (recent conversations are not remembered) and are also having weight and sleep problems
There is the fear of a very serious health collapse.
Authorities currently not taking the problem on board.
Advice from respected colleagues thus far is to treat the situation as geopathic stress, and attempt remedy by inserting copper pipe/s above/around the mains pipe at dowsed locations.
I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has undertaken this procedure, or indeed any other kind of intervention regarding the vibrating mains pipe.
Best wishes
Ced Jackson