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MAIZE unified school district 266

Volume 14, Issue 2
September 30, 2019
Maize Middle School News
Principal's Message

Good afternoon,

The first nine weeks is going by very fast and after this week we only have 2 weeks left of the first quarter. I guess time flies when you are having fun!

Thank you to all of you that attended conferences and hope that you and your student enjoyed the extra couple of days off. Thank you to our wonderful PTO. The PTO organized the food for Wednesday Conferences. We appreciate all the parents that provided an item for our conferences. It was all delicious and we are so grateful for your support.

MMS is trying to grow our community service opportunity so we can get more students involved each year. Last year we had around 50 students that were part of the Community service day and this year we have grown it to a little over 100 students. It is a great experience for our kids to give back and help others. We have several places that hosted students like Kansas Food Bank, Project teacher, His Helping Hands, Union Rescue Mission, elementary schools and several other organizations. Thank you to Taylor Gould for starting the Community service day for MMS and look forward to it growing.

We have our District Site Council meeting at MCA, Maize Career Academy, on Tuesday, October 8 th at 6:30. Dr. Higgins will be starting the meeting with OneMaize School-Community Forum. He will be sharing updates and a look at what’s ahead. You are welcome to join us if you are interested.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

Have a great day!

Make Today Matter

Brian Thompson
Maize Middle School
4600 N. Maize Rd.
Maize, KS 67101

MMS Choir

Time to get your guac on and come out on Monday, October 21st between 5:00-9:00 and support the MMS vocal music department at Chipolte in New Market Square! A portion of the sales that evening will go right back into our music department! Just make sure to mention MMS vocal music.

The Choir has been busy preparing for our fall showcase! This year we will be celebrating 25 years of Disney on Broadway! Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 24th 7:00PM at MHS! You won't want to miss this!


Attendance Counts: 

Regular attendance is necessary to fully realize the benefits of educational opportunities. Students are expected to be present and punctual for all classes throughout the year. The responsibility of school attendance is with the student and his/her parents. Parents/guardians should notify the school via our attendance line in the event the student will be absent. Excused absences include illness verified by a doctor, appointments with a doctors note, school sponsored activities, funerals or administrative approved absences.  Parents are encouraged to provide a doctors note for appointments and illnesses.  Attendance letters will be mailed to parents of students with 5 or more absences during the semester and disciplinary actions can be taken.

Reference student handbook pages 5-8.

 ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL ABSENCE AND TARDY COUNTS START OVER EACH TERM. Middle School Tardies-Being in class, prepared and ready to learn when the bell rings is a necessity. ● Parents may excuse their student for being late to the start of school three times with no consequence. ● After 3 tardies, per class period, the following applies: ○ Warning by administration ○ Lunch detention ○ 1-hour after-school detention ○ 2-hour after-school detention ○ 2-hour Saturday detention ○ 4-hour Saturday detention ○ In-School Suspension ○ Conference with parents and possible suspension. Unexcused Tardies: Students who are late to school without a parent call will be considered unexcused. At administrative discretion, the student may be assigned consequences if the student is persistent in being late to school, regardless of the reasons for the tardiness.

From the Nurse’s Office

October Newsletter

Happy Fall from the Health Office! We have been busy going over health histories and updating immunizations-along with caring for your students who need our help while at school! Thank you for your help and patience as we worked towards the October 1 deadline for immunization compliance!

We will start our vision and hearing screenings this month-6th grade and 8th grade students will receive vision screenings, 7th graders will receive hearing screenings. Ask your student how they did! We will send notification home through the mail for any failed screenings.

With Flu Season on the horizon, be sure to encourage good hand washing, plenty of rest and plenty of fluids! We will do our best here to promote a healthy environment!

As always, please call if we can assist in any way!

Shelley Funk RN, BSN


Email: sfunk@usd266.com

Kay Club

Kansas Association for Youth (KAY) club had it's first meeting Friday, September 20th. This year we have 102 student members in the club. Last summer the club had 11 students who attended the summer Kansas Leadership Camp (KLC) at Rocksprings 4-H campgrounds. This week long camp helps to teach KAY members about service projects and leadership skills while doing lots of fun activities. This camp is always an amazing way to train students for the upcoming school year. Students who attended KLC include Jaden Murdock, Jordan Leach, Payton Hobkirk, Hadley Topping, Kaylen Blanpied, Cayden Ehrman, Braden Wapp, Paige Putter, Emmalynn Kohl, Emily Sprowls, and Jaden Hutton.

Coming up in October KAY club will participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF along with MHS. The date for this is October 28th. Be prepared to see KAY members at your door in costumes for this event. Following the Trick-or-Treating there will be a pizza party at Maize High School. We hope to see many students participate in this event.

MMS Student Council attended a regional conference at Goddard-Eisenhower High School on September 24th. They gained leadership skills, life lessons, and great ideas! 

Spring Break 2020

I am thrilled to share that world languages classes are taking our next educational tour through Scotland and Ireland in 2020! These lands were once home to ancient Celtic and Gaelic tribes. We will step into the Middle Ages on Edinburgh's Royal Mile and under the towering spire of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. We also will visit Belfast and more historical and beautiful cities. We want to invite our students and families to participate in this incredible opportunity.

We will have a meeting on Thursday September 12 in our World Languages classroom A 116 at Maize South Middle School at 6:00 pm. If you have any questions please email me aprendes@usd266.com.
Dates for October

Tuesday, 10/1
* Cross Country @ Andover C, 4:00

Thursday, 10/3
*Picture Retakes, 7:00-9:00
*7/8 Football vs. MSMS @ MHS, 5/6:15
*7th Volleyball vs. MSMS & Valley Center
5:00 & 7:00
*8th Volleyball @ Valley Center w/MSMS,
6:00 & 7:00

Friday, 10/4
*Girls Tennis @ Winfield Invitational, 9:00

Monday, 10/7
*7th B Football @ MSMS, 5:00

Tuesday, 10/8
*Tennis vs. Derby, 3:30
*Cross Country @ Mulvane Invitational,

Thursday, 10/10
*7/8 Football @ Valley Center, 5:00/6:15
*7th Volleyball @ Derby N w/Andover,
*8th Volleyball @ Andover w/Derby N,

Monday 10/14
*WSL Cross Country @ High Park, Derby
*WSL Girls Tennis @ Valley Center, 3:30
*7th Volleyball vs. AC w/Eisenhower,
5:00 & 7:00
*8th Volleyball @ Eisenhower w/AC,
6:00 & 7:00
*7th B Football vs. Valley Center, 5:00

Thursday, 10/17
*7/8 Football @ Eisenhower, 5:00/6:15
*7th Volleyball @ Derby w/Goddard, 6:00
& 7:00
*8th Volleyball vs. Derby & Goddard, 5:00
& 7:00

Friday, 10/18

Saturday, 10/19
*WSL 7th Volleyball Tournament @ MMS,
*WSL 8th Volleyball Tournament @
MSMS, 9:00am

Monday, 10/21
*7th B Football vs. Eisenhower, 5:00

Wednesday, 10/23
*7/8 Choir Rehearsal @ MHS, 2:00-5:00

Thursday, 10/24
*7/8 Choir Rehearsal @ MHS, 10:00-
*7/8 Choir Concert @ MHS, 7:00 PM

Friday, 10/25
*Stuco Dance, 7:00-9:30

Monday, 10/28
*PTO Skating Party @ Carousel Skate Center, 6:30-8:30

Tuesday, 10/29
*6th Concert Band & Symphonic Band @
From the MMS Front Office

To help the Front Office of MMS run as smooth, friendly and efficiently as possible and communicate important information, please be aware and reminded of the following processes:

Front Office Hours:
  • 6:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

When your student is absent:
  • Please call 729-2464 and leave a message with the students name (and spelling)
  • Provide a reason for the absence (ill, out of town, appointment, etc.)
  • If you plan to have your student out of school for 3 or more days stop by the MMS office to pick up an administrative approval form

When dropping off something for a student:
  • Please have it labeled with their first/last name
  • Checks/Cash in envelopes with student name
  • Front office is not responsible for any items left for students

When you have to leave a message for your student:
  • Please call 729-2464
  • Provide your student's name/spelling
  • Concisely state your message
  • Your student will be notified through instant messaging with the teacher, or a note will be delivered wither 4th hour or Encor through an office aide
  • Messages must be received 30 minutes prior to dismissal

Students will not be called out of class and to the office until a parent is present to sign them out. Our goal in the Front Office is to not disrupt classrooms except in the case of an emergency.

Transportation-Did you know?

Busing FYI

If your student will be riding home with a friend, a signed note by the parents and building administration of both your child and your child's friend is to be given to the driver when the bus is boarded.

Are You Moving?

If you are moving out of district, please contact Dawn Ingram, MMS Registrar/Data Secretary, at dingram@usd266.com or by phone at 729-2464. Please include the new school, city and state you will be transferring to so we can prepare your students records for transfer.

If you have moved or will be moving, but are still in district, please send a Proof of Residency to the MMS office as soon as possible. You can email it to dingram@usd266.com, or fax it to our office at 316-729-2479.

A utility bill is preferred, but a mortgage/lease agreement can be temporarily accepted. If you have any questions regarding Proof of Residence, please don't hesitate to call the MMS office.

Dillon's Community Rewards

We're giving away $2 MILLION to local organizations!
Where Shopping and Giving Come Together!
Use your Plus Shopper's Card & help us grow!
Supporting our organization has never been easier-just shop at
Dillons and scan your Plus Shopper's Card!

Here's how to enroll:

  1. Visit www.dillons.com/communityrewards
  2. Scroll down to find your location and click "Enroll Now"
  3. Sign in to your online account, or create an account.
  4. Find and select our organization, and click "Save"

You'll start earning rewards for our organization right away on qualifying purchases made using your Plus Shopper's Card!
Everyone must enroll in the Reward Program. This is necessary in order for purchases throughout 2019 to credit Maize Middle School. Sign-in and make your contribution selection using this new 5 digit NPO number, NI311.
Homework Request

When your student is absent from school and you would like to pick up homework, you must request it by 10:00 a.m. The MMS office will only put the request in when a student has been out for two days in a row. All homework will be in the office after 2:00 p.m.

Thank you.
Lunch Menus

The lunch menu can be found on the District Web Site.

Go to Families
Tools for You
Cafeteria Menus
Find your School

Box Tops

MMS rocks the Box Tops! Thank you to everyone who sends in Box Tops............ and Keep clipping! It's an easy way to benefit our school and PTO.


Brian Thompson

Assistant Principal
Christine Kerbs

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Kevin Roulhac

ONEMA1ZE  #OneMa1ze