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January 11, 2025

Dear MCC,

Next weekend we will kick of a new Metanoia series. The word “Metanoia” means transformation, it is about the journey of changing one’s heart, mind, self, or way of being. In this program, we will meet as a group 6 times over the next two and a half months. We will build community with one another and explore the patterns in our lives that make us feel stuck. We will explore concrete tools to strengthen your spirituality, emotional balance, and communication.

The program starts with a retreat on January 18, from 10:00 – 2:00. This retreat is happening offsite, at the home of a church member. You must register for the program to receive the details of the retreat.

If you want to participate in Metanoia, but are unable to attend every session, please reach out to me and let me know. We can arrange for a makeup session, where we will go over the info from the class. However, the greatest benefit from Metanoia comes in the relationships formed in the group, so attendance at all sessions is strongly encouraged.

Please consider taking a chance on yourself this year and allowing real transformation to happen in your life!

You are loved,

Rev. Jakob

he/him/his (Why list pronouns? Click here to learn more!)

for more of what's happening check out the
M C C Tampa website click here
Please  join us this Sunday for our Worship Service at 10:30am. 

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Virtual Tithes & Offerings

Please feel free to give during the designated time in the livestream or at any other time of the week. 

Text a dollar amount to MCC Tampa at (813) 957-9484 

Mail a check to:MCC Tampa
408 East Cayuga St.
Tampa, FL 33603
Did you miss last week's service?

Sunday Service, January 5, 2025

Today's sermon from Rev. Jakob Hero-Shaw, "The Road Isn't Straight" We appreciate your support of MCC Tampa! You can give online through Breeze * You can also donate directly from your smartphone! Simply text the amount to 813-957-9484 * Stay informed!

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New Upcoming Activities

Thank you again for making a difference here at MCC Tampa, your contributions make it all possible. 

You are Loved,
Rev Jakob Hero-Shaw
Senior Pastor

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Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa | (813) 239-1951|408 E Cayuga Street, Tampa, FL 33603