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Turning Tragedy Into Triumph

If you only do one thing this Earth Day, hear Sir David Attenborough’s compelling words as he addresses world leaders at the COP26. In fact, it was his call to "ReWrite Our Story" that inspired the creation of our climate change program, designed to plant 100+ trees a month on your behalf to remove 10% more CO2 than an average US footprint.

Click for our Earth Day Video: A 95-Year Old's Message to World Leaders!

Alleviate Poverty To Be Climate Positive!

Through Employ-to-Plant practices, our reforestation work creates livelihoods for people in extreme poverty in Africa: It empowers them to plant and protect new forests for a fair wage. For $20 a month, your donation not only enables you to be Climate Positive but also creates 2 weeks of work and income in 1 year for families-in-need.

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Personally Address the UN's 2030 Environmental and Humanitarian Goals

From No Poverty and Zero Hunger to Climate Action and Life on Land, your donation supports 12 of the UN 2030 Global Goals adopted in 2015. These are designed to end poverty, ensure prosperity, and protect the planet for current and future generations.

Make Earth Day Personal This Year...Click to Become Climate Positive!
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Purpose on the Planet is an approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization