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Transforming Lives by Building
Aging and Disability Friendly Neighborhoods
See our calendar for more details about upcoming events. Find it on our website and blog!

Best Wishes for A Happy, Healthy Holiday Season! 

Help Us Hire More Community Connectors 
The cost of living in San Francisco keeps rising and more and more seniors and adults with disabilities worry that they will be forced from the City they love and help shaped into the tolerant, creative, diverse place we love. 

Over the years, CLC has created part-time work opportunities for 24 Community Connectors and Trainers in jobs that help reweave community, teach skills, promote advocacy and advance a more positive image of seniors and adults with disabilities. Every $25 or more you donate this holiday season will go directly to pay a new Community Connector .  
Making a year-end donation to the Community Living Campaign creates more opportunities for our neighbors to help others while creating a bit of stability in their own lives. See below for other CLC efforts to create employment opportunities for seniors and people with disabilities.

Just Smile - It Will Make You Feel Better
Science now tells us that smiling makes your body better.  So we're sending along a couple video clips from YouTube - we bet you can't watch these without smiling!

movies image of dancers
Image of Ellen Degeneres on the phone
A lot more fun stuff can be found on YouTube - everything from funny cat videos to music to old TV comedies.  Check it out at www.YouTube.com.
To learn more about free movies and music available online, join us at 360 Valencia Street on Monday, December 14 from 1-3pm.
Calendar of Up-Coming December Events
Special Holiday Event for Senior Internet Pilot
holiday image with computer mouse
Comcast is hosting a special holiday enrollment event on Wednesday, December 9 from 1:00 to 4:00. The event is geared to help low-income San Francisco seniors 62 and older sign up for $9.95 per month home internet access. It will include food and fun. Those who sign up for Comcast service at the event will be entered into a raffle - up to 50 free computers and 6 months of free internet will be given away.   

To RSVP or get more information about this fun holiday sign-up event, call CLC at 415-821-1003 or email info@sfcommunityliving.org.  Learn more about the Internet Essentials Senior Pilot at  www.internetessentials.com/seniors.
Anne Hinton Heads Into Retirement (Sort Of) 
Anne Hinton at the meeting
The Long Term Care Coordinating Council said a grateful farewell to long time member and Executive Director of the Dept. of Aging and Adult Services, Anne Hinton. Anne's colleagues have organized a retirement party on Wednesday, December 9 from 5:30 to 8:00 at the Whitcomb Ballroom, 1231 Market Street (at 8th Street). Hosts request a  $ 40.00 contribution that includes hors d'oeuvres, one drink, & help with a gift. Please RSVP by Dec. 1 to  jeannie.chan@sfgov.org or (415) 355-6783. Download flyer here

SDA Vintage Clothes Event - Give and Get 
Senior and Disability Action is hosting their first ever Vintage Clothing Fair on
ladies with vintage clothes
Thursday, December 17, 6-8 pm at Zendesk, 1019 Market Street.
For $5 entry, you get free appetizers and drinks and a chance to shop for men's and women's vintage clothes, hats, scarves, bags, and other accessories.
More donations of items enthusiastically received.  So please take a look in your closet, pull out that old dress, hat, tie, watch, or other item (at least 20 years old and in good condition).  SDA staff are happy to come pick up. For more information, please call  (415) 546-1333 or email  theresa@sdaction.org.
Delivering Glide Turkeys to Good Homes 
people downloading turkets from a truck
Thanks to the generous support of Bruce McKinney and the Glide Food Program (pictured left), CLC Community Connectors and volunteers will be joined by lots of other community groups to deliver 1,000 holiday turkeys and fixings on December 21We could use a few volunteer drivers for the big holiday turkey delivery day and throughout the year.  
CLC regularly delivers fresh fruits, vegetables and  staples to 160 seniors and adults with disabilities who cannot access the regular food pantry program because of age or disability. Current neighborhoods include the OMI, Bayview and Parkmerced/University Park neighborhoods. Special thanks to Deb Glen, Chester Williams and Veronica Shepard for organizing the big turkey fly.  If you can help, call 415-821-1003 or email info@sfcommunityliving.org .  
Capture Your Own Life Stories...
While Learning New Computer Skills 
ad with old pictures
Have you been thinking how to tell your story, but not sure how to do it? A new digital storytelling platform, can help you create meaningful and interactive narratives about you, your family, your neighborhood, or any other important part of your life. You can choose to keep your project private, share with a small group of family and friends, or make it public. 
CLC is partnering with The History Project to help teach the simple but powerful tools to build your own history project.  Hands-on help is available at 360 Valencia every Monday from 11:00 to 3:00 to scan pictures and get assistance working on your project . S ign up for your free site and start telling your story at  www.thehistoryproject.com And check out the article that just appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle.  
Connectors Building Connections & Forging Links 
Seeking Part-time Bilingual Computer Trainers 
CLC has funding to expand the number of computer trainers, focusing on bilingualtrainers in Spanish and Cantonese that can lead trainings and provide tutoring at computer sites throughout San Francisco. Click the links above for the complete job description and how to apply or call (415) 821-1003 for more information. CLC is looking to fill these positions in December. 
Working Disabled Program: A Hidden Gem
For people with a disability and modest income (regardless of age), access to Medi-Cal is essential  Opening door graphic for affordable health and long term care services and supports. However, too many are denied access because they have more than $2,000 in savings ($3,000 for a couple) or have a "Share of Cost" that is beyond what they have left after paying for rent and Medicare co-payments.  But by enrolling in the Medi-Cal Working Disabled Program and working just a few hours a month,  this Share of Cost is waived.  Medi-Cal picks up Medicare co-payments and deductibles and you can save money beyond the $2,000 limit. 

CLC is launching a special pilot to enroll 10 new people in the Working Disabled program and to pay them the needed hours per month so that they can become eligible. If you or someone you know might benefit from this opportunity, please contact us at info@sfcommunityliving.org or 415-821-1003.  Download more information about the Working Disabled Program here.

Cayuga Connectors Host Trip to Google 
When a 91-year old neighbor attended a beginning computer class and asked "What's a Google?" she inspired a field trip to the Google office in San  Francisco. Many thanks to Google who hosted a group of Cayuga Connectors and friends for a tour of the local office to learn more about this popular site.  

senior at the Google office
seniors who visited Google

USF Students Interview CLC Connectors and Leaders 
students videotaping senior in a chair A team of enthusiastic students from the University of San Francisco embarked on a class service project to interview Community Connectors and participants in CLC programs and activities. "Like" our Facebook page to watch these interviews roll out over the coming weeks.  Thanks to a diverse group of students and Professor Paul Axelrod for their help on this project.  

Holiday Gift that Benefits CLC 
picture of cookbook Amy Fazio (daughter of Marie Jobling and Tony Fazio) has donated copies of her autographed cookbook, with all proceeds going to benefit CLC.   A donation of $15 or more will send a copy to your door (or to the address of your choice) in time for holiday giving. 100 recipes and photos of great treats you can prepare in a muffin pan - perfect if you are watching portions, looking for holiday appetizers or want tasty kid-sized portions for meals. To order, send an email to info@sfcommunityliving.org.  
Golden Gate Village Applaudes Volunteers

Supervisor Eric Mar was on hand to congratulate volunteers as the recent Golden Gate Village event, hosted at the Richmond Senior Center.  Live in the Richmond?  Want to get involved in the growing Golden Gate Village community? Contact Linda Murley at lmurley@ggsenior.org or visit www.ggsenior.org
screen shot of new website
Upcoming Computer Classes
360 Valencia Street Computer Lab  Free computer classes and one-on-one assistance continues at 360 Valencia on Mondays starting at 9:00 a.m. This month's classes include Holiday Photo Cards, and Free Movies & Music.  And bring your phones, tablets, laptops and questions to our ever popular "Help Desk"  on Monday, December 21, at 10:00 and join us for our regular lunch on Meet-Up Monday. 

clc logo with bus that says on the road Presentations On The Road  Join us this month for a lively array of free presentations on Facebook, Email, Holiday Photo Cards,  Genealogy, and much more. For information about these and other hands-on presentations, contact Judy Auda at (415) 826-3194 or judyauda@yahoo.com.

Regular CLC-Supported Computer Labs
CLC sends tutors and trainers to senior and community centers around the City as part of the  San Francisco Connected  program.
CLC Computer Class Schedule