Make Your Vote Count!
Fellow Republicans,

With 7 days left until the election, we are literally down to a numbers game - every single vote counts. There was one local race in the last election in which the winner won by a mere 72 votes out of thousands that were cast.

This is a critical election. For some, it is the difference between socialist policies, more taxes, more state and government control or maintaining our democracy and freedoms.

While President Trump is traveling around the country presenting his message and his persuasive arguments for four more years in office, Joe Biden is hunkered down in his basement. When he does speak off teleprompter, Biden misnamed President Trump, calling him “George” on two separate occasions over the weekend. Fit for office?

Still we have many Republicans who have not yet voted or might not vote at all, possibly believing that their vote will not matter. That is totally wrong!

Remember, every registered voter in the state was sent a ballot. The concern is that if most Republicans wait until election day November 3rd to vote in person, the system will be so overwhelmed and thus be unable to handle the last-minute rush. The earlier the ballot is submitted, the better the chance that the ballot will be properly counted.

  • There are Official Ballot Boxes located throughout our county to drop off your ballot. 
  • Before you turn in your ballot by mail or at one of the Official Ballot Boxes, register your ballot so you can track when it is received and eventually when it is counted. Go to Where's My Ballot? to register for this service.
  • For those who want to vote in person, there are a number of Vote Centers which are now open, with the rest opening on October 30th. A full list of nearby authorized Vote Centers and their locations can be found at

Everyday, we are hearing of problems with ballots sent out. A number of people have received duplicate ballots; others have received ballots with one or more pages missing. It is critical to report these irregularities immediately to the County Registrar of Voters or to the Vote Center near you so you can get a complete and correct ballot.

If you experience any difficulties in voting, it is essential that you report those incidents so corrective actions can be taken. The LAGOP, in conjunction with our state party, is compiling these incidents to determine what further action is required. We urge you to report any possible improprieties or possible fraud to our state party at If it is an emergency, please call (916) 448-9496.

Furthermore, please go to our LAGOP website ( for a complete list of positions on the propositions (an easy way to remember is Vote NO on all propositions except YES on 20 and 22). Additionally, you can see our list of endorsed candidates.

Remember it is not too late to volunteer to help our LAGOP’s GOTV efforts. Contact us at if you would like to help. We have a number of great candidates who could use some additional volunteers to make calls on their behalf. These virtual phone banks will be happening all week up until election day and you can make calls from the convenience of your home or office. And if volunteering is not possible, please consider donating to the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Dr. Richard Sherman,

Dr. Richard Sherman,
LAGOP, Chairman
This is an important election year, not only for our country but for our County! With your continued donations, we will go on to score a number of Republican victories this November. Your contributions provide us with the resources to support our mission to field Republican candidates and TURN LA COUNTY RED AGAIN!