
Become a volunteer retail

business champion today

The Minnesota Retailers Association (MnRA) is proud to partner with the Minority Business Growth Alliance (MBGA), an alliance of professionals, corporations and non-profits, working one-on-one with minority business owners, providing pro-bono strategic guidance and execution support to BIPOC business owners.

We are reaching out with an opportunity for members to volunteer as a business champion, supporting a BIPOC retailer through your expertise, your strategic guidance and your retail knowledge.

As a volunteer business champion you are:

  • A primary partner of the minority business owner as you work to help achieve their goals.
  • A strategist, facilitator, supporter, connector, listener and liaison.
  • A consultant to them as they determine what they need to start, grow, and/or change their business.
  • A partner in building trust and bridging any racial challenges.
  • A link to MBGA subject matter experts.

Learn more about being a volunteer retail business champion here! And click here to see a PDF with even more info.

Ready to help or learn more? Sign up here!

For more information contact MBGA's Founder and Chief Inspirer Mary Rapaport at [email protected], or MnRA at [email protected].

Learn more now!