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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 8, Issue 3 (August 27/15)
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What does WPH believe?

Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot, July 2015

headset-computers-woman.jpg To continue our mandate to provide up to date labour market information, Workforce Planning Hamilton will be releasing Labour Force Snapshots on a monthly basis.

Issue I, which was recently released, shares valuable information on:

  • How Hamilton's unemployment rate compares to that of Ontario and of Canada
  • Hamilton's month-to-month characteristics (ie. population, labour force, employment, unemployment, etc.)
  • Hamilton's year-to-year characteristics 
  • Top industries in Hamilton
  • Top occupations in Hamilton
  • Year in review
Celebrate Lifelong Learning Week with WPH! Attend the Competitive Edge: The central importance of essential skills to Canada's economic future, September 23/15

To become globally competitive Canadians need to improve their technical skills, as 40% of our workforce do not have adequate essential skills - including language, literacy and numeracy.

On September 23/15 you'll have the opportunity to learn from Scott Murray, an Essential Skills expert, who runs DataAngel Policy Research Incorporated.

Scott will be speaking about the importance of upgrading the Essential Skill levels of the Canadian workforce to ensure that the entire workforce can apply their technical skills and knowledge to globally competitive levels.

Training and community building workshop by the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change

Are you being approached by, or have clients on work permits? Are you working with migrant caregivers, farm workers or migrants in other sectors? Are you a service provider, faith leader, community development worker?

If so, this training and community building is for you. 

September 29, 2015
10 am - 5 pm
100 Main Street East, Suite 203
Hamilton Community Legal Clinic 
For more info contact Maria: [email protected]
The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, a research, policy and advocacy coalition of migrant worker groups, legal clinics, labour unions, health providers and community organizations is partnering with Hamilton Community Legal Clinic to provide this training for the Hamilton-Niagara region. 

At this free training and community building session, you will learn about:

* Immigration matters 

* Employment matters 

* Access to social services

Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777
or email: [email protected]



Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca