A Note From Nurse Stuart!
ISO- Girls shorts, leggings or pants to be donated for our closet
As a reminder, per the Carroll ISD Student Code of Conduct, students are not allowed to carry medications (over-the-counter or prescription).
You may keep medications in the nurse's office for daily or as-needed administration. Please be sure medicine is in original container, not expired, has the prescription label as appropriate, and a signed Medication Administration Request (MAR) form on file with the nurse.
Inhalers, epipens, and diabetic supplies are the only exceptions to the self-carry policy, but the student does have to turn in the MAR and documentation from the doctor stating the student is permitted to self-carry.
Please note, the nurse is unable to dispense medicine, even Advil or Tylenol, unless it is the student's own medicine brought specifically for them. Please contact Nurse Stuart at 817-949-5207 or brandy.stuart@southlakecarroll.edu with any quesitons or concerns. Thank you