Eubanks Intermediate School ECHO

Monday, October 3

A Day

Eubanks Intermediate Website


ID Badges Safety Policy

Wearing ID badges is a policy all CISD campuses are putting in place to help with the safety of our buildings. All staff, students, and visitors must be wearing an ID at Eubanks. Students are allowed to take them off during recess and PE but must be wearing them for the rest of the day. We remind students to wear their IDs as they enter the building and during their homeroom class. We appreciate your help reminding your child of the importance of wearing their ID everyday.

Dates To Know:

October 4- Parent Technology Night

October 4- Fall Chior Preview- see below for more infomation

October 5- PTO Safety and Budget Meeting- see below for more info

October 7- No School

October 7- Last day to sign up for Clubs

October 10- No School

October 11- No School


No more check outs after 3:30.

Due to the increased car and bus traffic, we are highly discouraging pick up of your student between 3:30 and 3:45 from the front office. If you need to pick up your student early, please make sure to pick them up before 3:30.

Drop-off Table is available for forgotten items or lunches. The staff is not allowed to interrupt class unless it is an emergency, ie glasses, medication, medical reasons. Please tell your children to check the drop-off table when expecting items they may have forgotten at home.

Attendance-Attendance is taken every day at 10:00. Please be sure to call Eubanks front office at 817-949-5200 to report your child absent for the day.

Eubanks Club Opportunities

Students will be able to view the presentation for Clubs on Monday, October 3rd, with their Homeroom teachers. The presentation will be shared in the

EIS Office Canvas Course.

Applications for clubs will be available in Canvas until the end of the day 

Friday, October 7th. 

Please make sure that your child is able to attend club meetings on the days and times listed on the slides in the presentation before your child submits an application.

Recognize an EIS Staff Member who SHINES!

Our staff receives a newsletter every Friday where we celebrate one another by “shouting out” the amazing ways we keep this campus bright.

This year, we’re inviting community members to join in on the fun and bring some encouragement to our staff!

Did a staff member brighten your student’s day or go above and beyond in some way? If so, shout it out!

To complete a shout-out for any EIS staff member, please fill out this form.

Your shout-out will be included in our weekly shout-out newsletter, which will be viewed by all EIS staff and will give us all a reason to celebrate. Never underestimate the power of positive words! 

Updated Tutorial Pass Requirements

Your student can go to tutorials in the morning. The expectation is that you write them a pass that morning or the teacher writes them one the day before. The front office will no longer issue passes moving forward. If they forget, they may get a pass that day from their teacher and come the next morning.

Have You Heard About the Golden Tickets??

Students can earn a golden ticket when they have been caught doing great things around Eubanks. 

For example, holding the door open for students, and picking up trash, are things that would exemplify a

Eubanks student's good character and citizenship. They will take the ticket and return it to the office. Every other week, there will be a drawing for a prize,

with 5 winners for each grade.

The CISD Technology department invites you to Parent Technology Night at the Administration Building. This come and go event on

Tuesday, October 4th from 5:30 – 6:30

will provide information about our district’s main platforms to include: Seesaw, Canvas, Google, ClassLink and Skyward Family Access.

We look forward to seeing you there!

A Note From Nurse Stuart!

As a reminder, per the Carroll ISD Student Code of Conduct, students are not allowed to carry medications (over-the-counter or prescription). 

You may keep medications in the nurse's office for daily or as-needed administration. Please be sure medicine is in original container, not expired, has the prescription label as appropriate, and a signed Medication Administration Request (MAR) form on file with the nurse. 

Inhalers, epipens, and diabetic supplies are the only exceptions to the self-carry policy, but the student does have to turn in the MAR and documentation from the doctor stating the student is permitted to self-carry. 

Please note, the nurse is unable to dispense medicine, even Advil or Tylenol, unless it is the student's own medicine brought specifically for them. Please contact Nurse Stuart at 817-949-5207 or with any quesitons or concerns. Thank you


Extended Day

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 3:45-4:45

Extended Day Information!

Visiting Eubanks Intermediate Campus?

The safety of our Dragons is our top priority!

Please be prepared to ring the bell, state your student's name, your name, and your reason for visiting.

You must have your Driver's License to check your student out for early dismissal, have lunch with your student, and/or enter the building.

Thank you for understanding.

Personal Electronic Device Policy

In order to preserve the learning environment, while also eliminating unnecessary distractions, we are asking students to leave all personal communication and electronic devices at home or in their school bags, as the use of these devices by students during the school day is prohibited. The only exception is if a teacher specifically asks students to bring a device for classroom instruction purposes.

**New for 2022-2023**

If your child's device is confiscated by a teacher, it will be available to pick up at the end of the day at the front office for a $15 fee.

News From the EIS Counselors

We are so excited to welcome our Dragons for a new school year! We want to make sure you are aware of a couple opportunities for building friendships during the beginning of the school year:

Your EIS Counselors are here to help! If you have a 5th grade student, your student’s counselor is Amanda Garcia. If you have a 6th grade student, your student’s counselor is Lauren Canafax. Eubanks counselors follow students during their time at Eubanks, meaning your student will have the same counselor for both 5th and 6th grade. 


It's Junior Belle Clinic and Workshop time!

  • Saturday, October 15th
  • Learn dance and kick: the Clinic is K-4th grade, and the Workshop is 5-8th grade.  
  • Performance on Thursday, October 20th, at a Dragon football game.  


Please use the QR codes or attached link for more information and to register!

Jr. Belle Clinic & Workshop Registration


The objective of the Eubanks Intermediate School PTO shall be to support students and faculty of EIS in pursuit of academic excellence through volunteer hours, raising funds, and providing communication 

between parents and school community.

Click here for the EIS PTO web page

Have you signed up for EIS PTO yet?

Now is your chance to enroll and receive a Tshirt for your student as well as access to the directory.

EIS PTO 2022-2023

The Spirit Shop is Now Open for Business

Check Out the New Arrivals!

Forgot to send cash? No Problem, create an account for them to use!

Want to help? Sign up here!


Lunch at Eubanks

Check out our schoo Menu

For additional information regarding your child's school lunch, visit our website

We hope you have a wonderful school year, Go Dragons!

-Your Children's Nutrition Team

Lunch payment made easy with MySchoolBucks

Online lunch payments

Eubanks Intemediate School


Eubanks Intermediate Website
