The Congregational Church of Plainville serves the community in the Spirit of Christ


All Welcomed. All Valued. All Loved.

An Open & Affirming and

“God is Still Speaking” Church

The Weekly Steeple

~January 15, 2025 ~

Please Note: Some Notices and Event Information are Images only. Make sure you have chosen "Display Images" at the top of your email to make sure everything is displayed properly. Thank you!

Call to the Annual All-Church Meeting

Rev. Don's Poetry Share

Martin Luther King, Jr.

by Gwendelyn Brooks

A man went forth with gifts.

He was a prose poem.

He was a tragic grace.

He was a warm music.

He tried to heal the vivid volcanoes.

His ashes are

    reading the world.

His Dream still wishes to anoint

    the barricades of faith and of control.

His word still burns the center of the sun

    above the thousands and the

    hundred thousands.

The word was Justice. It was spoken.

So it shall be spoken.

So it shall be done.

Notices & Information

Christian Education


Sundays after service once a month. If you'd like to have your 8-9th grader attend, please contact Rev Don.

Basic syllabus & dates:

02/02 - Christ's Death & Resurrection

03/02 - Christ's Church

Schedule of Events at C.C.P.

Every Week at C.C.P.


9:15 a.m.  Choir Rehearsal

10:00 a.m.  Worship Service

~ In-person worship will be Live-Streamed via Facebook ~


10:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship at Panera, Bristol

7:00 p.m. Jesus-Talk @ C.C.P.


7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal


We hope you will join us for these great events!

Please make sure you have liked and followed us on our social media accounts to make sure you are getting the most up-to-date information regarding The Congregational Church of Plainville, UCC.


Facebook: @uccplainville

Instagram: @CCP.UCC

YouTube: @thecongregationalchurchofplv

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Church Office via phone at 860-747-1901 or via email at

The Congregational Church of Plainville, UCC

130 West Main Street

Plainville, CT 06062

Phone: 860-747-1901

Email: churchoffice@uccplainville,org


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