CBC Sacred Heart
Wednesday, March 30 at 6:30PM:
Make the Elephant in the Room Visible!

Can you see the Elephant in the Room?
    Santa Fe's policy makers are faced with a $15 million budget gap. How will they fill that gap? Who will get cut and why? What values does our city express in our policy making and budget decisions? Will the Southside Library remain open on Sundays? Will the SWAN park ever be completed? Will the buses that so many rely on to get to school and work disappear? The answers to these questions point to the Elephant in the Room.


Inequity affects all Santa Feans. It divides our community. The conversation about equity may be uncomfortable for some, but the failure to have the conversation makes living uncomfortable for us all. Santa Fe is better than that. Small and large decisions about how resources are allocated can help heal these divisions or widen the gap between the haves and the have nots.

At the upcoming City Council meeting THIS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 at 6:30PM at City Hall, Chainbreaker members will ask the hard questions as we launch #OperationElephant, a bold new campaign to make the Elephant in the Room visible. Will you join us?  
Can't Make It On Wednesday?

This Wednesday, March 30th at 6:30PM at city hall, Chainbreaker members will launch #OperationElephant. You can still be part of it even if you can't join us for the launch. Wednesday is just the beginning. Over the next several months, Chainbreaker members will be educating our community about social justice and equity through #OperationElephant. Creativity, passion, bravery and a deep love for our community will be the be our guides as we make the Elephant in the Room visible and begin to heal the divisions that exist in Santa Fe.

If you can't be there on Wednesday, you can still be an important part of #OperationElephant:


1. Understand the issues: 

Read our Health Impact Assessment report. 

Contact us to tell your stories about how inequity has impacted you  

and the people you love and share your vision for economic and environmental justice. 



2. Spread the word on social media: 

 Like us on Facebook 

Follow us on Twitter 

View on Instagram 

 (Use #OperationElephant) 



3. Make the work possible:

This campaign will only be successful with grassroots community support. Donations from individuals like yourself help us be accountable to the community we serve and not institutions with strings attached. Make a one time donation to this campaign or become a monthly sustainer and contribute to the longevity of the work.



