
April 2024

As mentioned last month, April 1 is the DIY Solar Eclipse Shirt event. While supplies last you can make your own shirt by joining us at Grace Episcopal Church in Defiance anytime from 4 - 6:30pm. Remember to bring your own black shirt of any variety.

Our craft exchange went really well at Defiance we are excited to have the exchanges travel out to the branch locations for the first time ever. Visit Sherwood March 19th and Hicksville March 22nd from 2 - 6:30 pm to trade your craft supplies.

Upcoming Maker & Tech Events

April 1st

Grace Episcopal Church

DIY Eclipse Shirts

4 - 6:30pm

April 9th


Fiber Arts Club

4 - 7 pm

April 11th

Defiance - MakerSpace

Tea Towels with a Silhouette Design

5 pm

Registration Required

April 9th, 16th, 23rd

Hicksville - 6-12th grade

SNAP-ED & Charlie Cart:

Kids Cook!

5 - 6pm

Registration Required

April 15th

Defiance - Teens

Crafterteens: crochet a potato

4 - 6 pm

April 19th

Hicksville - School Age

Swifitie Friendship Bracelets & Trivia Par-Tay

3:30 - 4:45 pm

April 22nd


Spring Cleaning Craft Supply Exchange

2 - 6:30pm

April 22nd


Tea Towels with a Silhouette Design

5 pm

Registration Required

April 22nd

Defiance - Teens

Crochet for a Cause

4 - 6 pm

April 23rd


Tea Towels with a Silhouette Design

5 pm

Registration Required

April 29th

Hicksville - Adults 21+

Charlie Cart: Make a Pina Colada

5 pm

Registration Required

See Our Calendar & Register
Questions? Want to make a MakerSpace appointment?
or 419.782.1456 EXT:1108
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The quilt from the squares we collected in 2023 during Defiance's Bicentennial year is currently hanging up for viewing at the Defiance Public Library. It is located over by Non-Fiction where the other historic quilts were hanging during 2023. Though the picture is nice the details show up when viewing in person. Thank you to those who sent in squares.

Copyright Free Art

Museums all over are providing pieces from their collections in free and open databases for everyone to view and use. From paintings to sculptures and even archeological items, high-quality scans have been taken and uploaded to the databases.

These artworks are in the public domain due to their age or the artist's wishes. These public domain images are labeled with a Creative Commons 0 license. This license means that anyone can take these images, remix them, and create anything they want with them even for commercial purposes. Those using these resources have to make sure that as they use the file and cite it they don't make it look like the creator or facility related to the item is endorsing what you are doing with the item. Of course, be sure to check any terms of use to make sure you are using these resources appropriately.

Here are a few museums you can find these open-access databases online.


Collections from the 21 Smithsonian museums, archives, national zoo, and research centers. This means not only art but also scientific data is available through this database. At the time of launch in 2020 there were 2.8 million assets and as items are documented and released into the public domain this number will only grow.

The Cleveland Museum of Art

Closer to home this art museum has had an open-access collection since 2019. A free museum to visit and also no matter where you are in the world you can digitally visit as well. Metadata is provided to show the artwork's copyright status.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Over 406000 of the MET's artwork is available to use under a public domain license. Since 2017 these high-res images have been made available for anyone to use.

Getty Museum

Started in 2013 the open content program at the Getty Museum has over 160,000

images available to use for free.

Remember to check what you end up picking out because other items of the collection are up on the databases too, but you can filter down to just the public domain licenses.

00087501 image

Philips Koninck (Dutch, 1619 - 1688), A Panoramic Landscape, Dutch, 1665, Oil on canvas, 138.4 × 166.4 cm (54 1/2 × 65 1/2 in.), 85.PA.32.


Creative commons. CC0 1.0 Deed | CC0 1.0 Universal | Creative Commons. (n.d.).

Half a decade of open access. Cleveland Museum of Art. (2024, February 23).

Image and Data Resources. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. (n.d.).

Open content program. Getty Projects. (2023, August 29).

Smithsonian Institution. (n.d.). Open access FAQ. 

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